The 7 Best Landing Page Builders for 2024

Trending 3 weeks ago

Landing page builders let you to trade pages that tin seizure your visitors’ attraction and thrust conversions—all pinch a fewer clicks.

Using nan correct package for your site’s needs helps you raise your conversion complaint imaginable and boost your trading campaigns effectively.

In this guide, you’ll study astir nan apical landing page builders connected nan marketplace and cardinal factors you must see erstwhile choosing one. So you tin maximize your return connected finance (ROI).

What Are Landing Page Builders?

Landing page builders are integer devices you usage to create azygous pages that promote visitors to execute a circumstantial action. Like registering for your webinar, signing up for your merchandise demo, aliases purchasing your product.

In different words, they’re devices that make it easier to creation and group up your website’s landing pages. Which usually incorporate these elements:

Landing page builders often connection a user-friendly interface pinch drag-and-drop features. Which makes for a straightforward process sloppy of your method knowledge.

For example, you build a landing page arsenic portion of your lead procreation strategy to person visitors into leads. The page creation will purpose to cod email addresses from prospects willing successful your latest merchandise launch. 

Page features tin include:

  • A broad merchandise description
  • A high-quality image of your product
  • A elemental signup shape to get much info aliases declare an exclusive pre-launch offer

Focusing connected this past azygous action tin optimize your conversion rate. Because nan landing page promotes a clear way pinch adjacent steps for your visitors.

You tin easy customize your creation and contented pinch an SEO-friendly landing page builder. Which specifically helps your page execute good successful hunt motor results. 


By letting you target peculiar keywords that imaginable customers usage erstwhile searching online for services aliases products for illustration yours. You tin tailor your contented to meet these needs much intimately by addressing search intent (why users make definite hunt queries).

Further reading: SEO for Landing Pages: Best Practices to Rank connected SERPs

What to Look for successful a Landing Page Builder

The champion landing page builders are highly functional and straightforward. So you tin attraction connected your trading goals without getting overwhelmed by analyzable processes.

Consider nan pursuing factors erstwhile choosing your landing page builder tool.

Ease of use

Look for drag-and-drop interfaces that let you to create and customize pages quickly. The little clip you walk figuring retired really to usage nan tool, nan much attraction you tin dedicate to optimizing your campaigns.

Customization and templates

A bully landing page builder offers a postulation of high-quality templates that are visually appealing and fresh your requirements. Templates should beryllium easy to customize—so you tin marque your pages and tailor contented without starting from scratch each time.


Effective landing page builders should activity seamlessly pinch different devices successful your trading stack. Whether it’s customer narration guidance systems (CRMs) aliases analytics tools, easy integration increases your landing page’s functionality.

Analytics and testing

Understanding really visitors interact pinch your landing pages tin thief you amended them. Look for builder devices that supply built-in analytics aliases alteration easy relationship to platforms for illustration Google Analytics 4. 

A/B testing functionality lets you comparison different versions of your page to spot what converts best.

Custom domains and automation

Using a civilization domain for illustration "" alternatively of a generic subdomain for your landing page enhances your brand's master image and credibility. Landing page builders fto you link your civilization domains easily. 

On top, page builders alteration conversion funnels—sequences of interconnected pages that guideline visitors from first interaction to last conversion. Providing a seamless customer journey.

Plus, built-in automation devices tin merge pinch your domains to automate follow-ups and personalize interactions based connected visitant actions. Helping you nurture your leads efficaciously and boost conversion rates.

SEO and mobile optimization

Choose a landing page builder that enhances your page’s visibility and accessibility.

Built-in SEO devices tin thief your pages get amended hunt motor rankings. They often see automatic mobile optimization that delivers a seamless acquisition crossed each devices—which tin besides lend to higher SEO ranking. 

This dual functionality not only simplifies nan page creation process. It besides maximizes nan effectiveness of your campaigns by reaching a broader audience.

Top 7 Landing Page Builders

1. Semrush Landing Page Builder

The Semrush Landing Page Builder app—developed by Landingi—lets you create tailored landing pages easily. Without immoderate request for method know-how.

Here are immoderate of our favourite features connected this app:

  • A drag-and-drop interface for easy customization, including shape builders
  • Over 400 customizable page templates to take from
  • Plugins to support your landing pages connected your servers
  • Global unreality hosting to heighten that all-important page speed
  • A/B testing to optimize your page and run performance
  • Smart Sections characteristic that updates up to hundreds of pages pinch 1 click
  • Monitoring of postulation travel from your landing pages positive precocious testing techniques

Here’s really easy it is to usage nan Landing Page Builder to group up and people a high-converting landing page pinch zero coding skills.

Go to nan Semrush App Center and commencement typing “Landing Page Builder” successful nan hunt box. Click “Landing Page Builder” erstwhile it appears.

Then, deed nan “Go to app” button.

Next, click “Create your first landing page.” Or "+ Create caller landing page" if you’ve utilized nan instrumentality previously.

Choose your landing page extremity from nan left-side column.

Then, prime a template based connected your landing page objective. For example, let’s take a landing page template to get visitors to motion up for a webinar.

You tin hover your rodent complete a template and click “Preview” to person a look earlier choosing it.

Click “Use template” successful nan apical correct of nan surface to commencement building your page.

In nan template illustration below, you tin move betwixt 2 tabs to preview some nan main and nan “Thank you”page first. 

Now, type successful your landing page sanction and click “Start editing.”

You tin statesman customizing arsenic soon arsenic nan builder editor loads. By adding and changing elements for illustration transcript and images to lucifer your preferences. 

Drag and driblet elements from nan near sidebar paper to see them connected your landing page. 

Then, click connected a circumstantial constituent to edit it. You tin besides specify nan element’s settings from nan correct sidebar menu. 

When you’re done editing, you tin preview, save, aliases people your landing page. These buttons are successful nan apical correct of nan app screen.

Click connected “Preview” to reappraisal your landing page 1 past clip earlier publishing. This action automatically saves your landing page. 

You tin besides move betwixt desktop and mobile views.

Click “Back” to return to nan editing page, past deed nan “Publish” button.

You’ll spot nan unrecorded page’s shareable link. At this point, you tin either stock nan link, people nan page to your domain, aliases embed it connected your server.

What We Like

Landing Page Builder has a Smart Sections characteristic truthful you tin update aggregate landing pages effortlessly. 

If you person a Semrush account, you tin easy find nan package successful nan Semrush App Center. Plus, Semrush gives you entree to a big of different devices you tin usage to refine your trading strategy.


Landing Page Builder comes pinch a free seven-day trial. Pricing starts astatine $49 per period for 75,000 monthly unsocial visits, 10 civilization domains, unlimited landing pages, and more.

2. Unbounce

Unbounce is simply a robust landing page builder that comes pinch nan pursuing cardinal features:

  • Built-in A/B testing
  • Integrations to link different trading devices for added functionality
  • A room of 100+ landing page templates
  • Customization pinch pop-ups and sticky bars
  • AI optimization features 

What We Like

Unbounce’s AI copywriting helps you make and refine trading contented quickly. The instrumentality besides uses AI to nonstop visitors to your landing page—where they person nan highest chance of converting.


Unbounce offers a 14-day free trial. Paid plans commencement from $99 per period for unlimited landing pages, unlimited conversions, 1,000+ integrations, and up to 20,000 unsocial visitors per month. 

3. Instapage

Instapage has precocious devices to thief integer advertisers create and optimize advertisement landing pages—with a attraction connected personalization and A/B testing. 

Instapage features include:

  • Built-in collaboration pinch multi-user permissions
  • Over 500 layouts tested and optimized for conversion
  • Near-instant page loads pinch aliases without Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • AI-generated headlines, paragraphs, and calls to action (CTAs) based connected advertisement group & audience. Meaning AI tailors contented to lucifer circumstantial characteristics and preferences of different advertizing groups and target assemblage segments.

What We Like

Instapage’s AdMap features link ads straight to matching landing pages—improving your campaigns’ relevance.


Try Instapage for free for 14 days. Pricing starts astatine $299 per period for AI contented procreation capabilities, unlimited conversions, move matter replacement to lucifer your transcript to a visitor’s search, and more. You tin get a civilization scheme to see audit logs and civilization integrations.

4. Swipe Pages

With Swipe Pages you tin create AMP landing pages that load quickly and purpose to trim bounce rates.

The builder lets you:

  • Add a Countdown Timer connected your landing page
  • Integrate pinch third-party applications for illustration Zapier
  • Edit respective elements of a landing page pinch 1 click
  • Personalize 50+ templates done move matter replacement and drag-and-drop functions
  • Copy and paste sections crossed landing pages arsenic you build them

What We Like

You tin link Swipe Pages to your Stripe costs relationship to facilitate income straight from your ecommerce landing pages.


Swipe Pages comes pinch a 14-day free trial. Pricing starts astatine $39 per period for 1 civilization domain, unlimited conversions, 20,000 monthly visitors, responsive templates, and more. 

5. Leadpages

Leadpages is simply a broad landing page level containing devices you tin usage crossed web and mobile platforms. 

Its features include:

  • 250+ mobile-friendly templates
  • Drag-and-drop widgets and templates to creation pages faster
  • An AI adjunct to make transcript and images for your landing page
  • The action to people your landing page to a free Leadpages web reside aliases a civilization one

What We Like

Leadpages comes pinch a built-in Leadmeter that analyzes your contented arsenic you build your landing page. And gives you real-time tips to amended your conversion rate.


You tin effort Leadpages for free for 14 days. Pricing starts astatine $49 per period for unlimited postulation and leads, 1 civilization domain, and complete 90 integrations. A civilization scheme gives you precocious integrations, 50 civilization domains, a dedicated occurrence coach, and more.

6. Carrd

Carrd specializes successful producing clear, responsive, single-page websites quickly. Which makes it well-suited for creating landing pages to thrust sales, cod leads, aliases coming a clear telephone to action.

Its main features include:

  • Responsiveness crossed each devices
  • Free halfway functionalities provided for free
  • Dozens of templates pinch customization options
  • Up to 3 sites per relationship astatine nary cost

What We Like

Carrd's interface is user-friendly, simple, and straightforward to usage moreover for beginners.


The free scheme gives you entree to halfway features for illustration page templates. The paid Pro plans commencement from $9 per twelvemonth for creating unbranded sites pinch precocious personalization. You tin effort nan Pro action for free for 7 days.

7. Shogun

With Shogun's ocular editor and A/B testing features you tin create, manage, and optimize ecommerce landing pages for personalized shopping experiences.

Its cardinal features include:

  • SEO optimization tools that amended your website's visibility and ranking successful hunt results done keyword, meta tag, and contented value suggestions
  • Targeted customer experiences enabling tailored page layouts, content, and personification interactions to meet circumstantial needs and preferences
  • Insights for improving page velocity and accessibility which place and resoluteness issues that slow down your website and make it little accessible to users pinch disabilities

What We Like

Shogun connects seamlessly to ecommerce platforms for illustration Shopify. Integrated analytics supply valuable page insights to thief you place and optimize elements that thrust conversions.


Shogun has a 10-day free trial. $39 per period gives you 25 published pages, personalized landing pages for different segments, and SEO-optimized blog posts pinch AI. Higher plans commencement from $249 per month. 

Build nan Perfect Landing Page pinch nan Right Tool

Creating high-performing landing pages doesn't person to beryllium complicated. With nan correct landing page builder, you tin streamline nan setup process to optimize nan page acquisition pinch minimal effort.

A affirmative personification acquisition increases a page’s conversion imaginable by making visitant interactions much seamless and intuitive.

Semrush’s Landing Page Builder tin thief you create, test, and refine your business's landing page content. Try nan Semrush toolkit for free to move your visions into effective conversions.
