Envato’s Public Impact Statement 2023

Trending 2 months ago

Culture, Insights

In 2023, Envato group retired to time off a lasting effect connected our imaginative community. Learn really we're embracing caller technology, empowering creatives to thrive, and striving to go nan eventual imaginative companion.

If 2023 swept you up successful a whirlwind of change, you’re not alone. The past twelvemonth served up plentifulness to substance our determination and push our boundaries but besides delivered sparkling moments of productivity and intermezo that brought joyousness and inspiration.

As Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models evolved astatine breakneck speeds, nine was forced to ponder really we would proceed to reward and observe quality creativity. We considered really we would harness these technologies to summation nan accessibility of imaginative devices and contented creation and – against this turbulent inheritance – remained committed to helping our organization soar.

This Impact Statement reflects these efforts. We’ve reached caller milestones successful subscriber numbers and writer earnings. We’ve leveraged AI to elevate nan onsite acquisition for subscribers crossed nan globe, accrued soul productivity crossed each our teams, and done truthful while supporting creatives arsenic nan improvement of exertion unfolds – showing that productivity and exertion tin co-exist.

As we strive towards our imagination of becoming nan eventual imaginative companion, we stay patient successful our efforts to empower all creatives to thrive. Without further ado, here’s nan effect Envato has made complete nan past year.

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