Zack Snyder’s animated series Twilight of the Gods hits Netflix in September

Jun 13, 2024 12:30 AM - 7 months ago 167640

It’s going to beryllium a engaged fewer weeks for Zack Snyder connected Netflix. Just a time aft Netflix announced the director’s trim of Rebel Moon would commencement streaming connected August 2nd comes nan news that different Snyder task will deed nan work soon after. Twilight of nan Gods, an animated bid based connected Norse mythology, will commencement streaming connected September 19th. You tin get a first glimpse astatine nan show successful action successful nan little caller teaser trailer above.

The animation is being handled by Snyder’s ain Stone Quarry studio, and nan show itself was created by Snyder, on pinch Jay Oliva (executive shaper connected Netflix’s Trese) and Eric Carrasco (a writer connected Apple TV Plus’ Foundation). Here’s nan basal premise:

In a mythical world of awesome battles, awesome deeds and awesome despair, Leif, a mortal king, is saved connected nan battlefield by Sigrid, an iron-willed warrior pinch whom he falls successful love. On their wedding night, Sigrid and Leif past a wrath of panic from Thor, which sets them — and a unit of crusaders — connected an against each likelihood and merciless ngo for vengeance. This heroic communicative of love, nonaccomplishment and revenge, is simply a travel to Hell and beyond… crossed fantastical lands, battlefields fierce and bloody, and wars waged against Gods and demons.  

The formed includes: Sylvia Hoeks (Sigrid), Stuart Martin (Leif), Rahul Kohli (Egill), Paterson Joseph (Loki), Pilou Asbæk (Thor), and John Noble (Odin).
