YouTuber arrested on federal charges for his Lamborghini helicopter firework stunt

Jun 08, 2024 04:01 AM - 8 months ago 167446

A YouTuber was arrested aft posting a video showing 2 group successful a chopper shooting fireworks astatine a Lamborghini. On Thursday, the US Department of Justice charged Suk Min Choi — known arsenic Alex Choi connected YouTube — for allegedly breaking nan law against having an explosive aliases incendiary instrumentality connected an aircraft.

The now-deleted video, titled “Destroying a Lamborghini With Fireworks,” was posted connected July 4th, 2023. Choi, who has much than 924,000 YouTube subscribers, is shown driving nan Lamborghini arsenic 2 women statesman shooting fireworks successful nan guidance of nan car. Law enforcement officials judge Choi filmed nan video astatine El Mirage, a barren reservoir furniture successful San Bernardino County, California.

The Federal Aviation Administration began investigating nan video successful December, according to an affidavit filed pinch nan Central District of California. The affidavit cites an email from what appears to beryllium Choi’s account, saying he wants to grounds a video of an “attack chopper shooting missiles (mortar style fireworks) astatine nan car, while nan car is trying to tally distant and dodge nan missiles utilizing flares (roman candle fireworks attached to nan backmost of nan car).”

As noted successful nan affidavit, nan national authorities alleges that Choi didn’t get permits from nan Bureau of Land Management aliases nan Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives required to movie nan video. Choi was released connected a $50,000 enslaved connected Thursday, pinch his arraignment group for July 2nd. He faces up to 10 years successful national prison.

In 2022, Choi filmed and posted a video of a rented Tesla performing a “jump” successful San Francisco and smashing into 2 parked cars.
