YouTube insider access tied to massive leaks

Jun 04, 2024 04:57 AM - 8 months ago 166894

The leaked lineup for past week’s PlayStation State of Play surfaced soon aft nan arena was scheduled connected YouTube. This has added to concerns complete nan benignant of entree Google labor person to videos earlier they spell live, an rumor highlighted successful caller reports from Insider Gaming’s Tom Henderson and 404 Media.

One incident, arsenic noted by Henderson, occurred successful 2022 erstwhile KSI attempted to springiness distant complete $10,000 successful Amazon gift cards. However, KSI later realized that each of nan gift paper codes had been redeemed earlier nan video was posted, sparking an soul investigation astatine YouTube. The institution reportedly started a akin investigation aft nan trailer for GTA VI leaked, but it’s not clear whether it’s related.

All of this ties into what seems for illustration an ongoing problem astatine Google. On Monday, 404 Media published reports based connected Google’s soul database records, and it recovered that a Google contractor was behind nan 2017 Nintendo leak that offered an early look astatine Yoshi’s Crafted World.

At nan time, a personification connected Reddit shared an image of nan trailer conscionable earlier its uncover astatine E3. The image contained an “” URL successful nan reside bar, suggesting that an worker accessed nan backstage type of nan video.

Google confirmed that an worker accessed nan accusation successful a database introduction viewed by 404 Media. “Google worker deliberately leaked backstage Nintendo information,” nan introduction said. “Former TVC [temporary vendor contractor] download video pinch admin account, and shared unreleased Nintendo characteristic pinch friend.” The introduction besides reportedly said nan incident was “non-intentional.”

In a connection to The Verge, Google spokesperson Matt Bryant says each emblem reported by 404 Media “was reviewed and resolved astatine that time.” However, nan institution didn’t elaborate connected what it does to forestall labor from accessing and leaking contented early.
