You Have to Be at Least 30 Years Old to Dine at This New Missouri Restaurant — Here's Why

Jun 08, 2024 02:54 AM - 8 months ago 166696

Rowdy bars person been known to enforce property restrictions during highest times and engaged hours, but 1 restaurant successful Missouri is going viral for only allowing patrons aged 30 and older successful nan evenings.

Bliss restaurant successful Florissant, Missouri, astir 20 miles from St. Louis, requires women diners to beryllium 30 aliases older and antheral diners to beryllium 35 aliases older to participate aft 7:00 p.m. section clip Wednesdays done Sundays. The owners opportunity nan inaugural is to curb nan "drama" of nan younger crowd and create a abstraction for big patrons to bask happy hr successful a much refined setting.

The restaurant, which features upscale West African and Caribbean fare, conscionable opened past period and intends to make guests consciousness for illustration they are connected vacation.

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"I deliberation Bliss is simply a location distant from home," proprietor Marvin Pate told section outlet KSDK. "Of course, we person been getting a small backlash because of our policy, but that's okay, we're sticking to our code."

On Yelp, nan edifice has a 2.5-star rating, though it's only been unfastened for a mates of weeks. Patrons person written mixed reviews astir nan property request and really it affected their eating experience.

"Obnoxious property requirement," 1 personification wrote.

"Love nan property restrictions," different countered. "I tin really perceive myself deliberation successful present and nan vibes are immaculate."

Bliss is unfastened from 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. connected Wednesdays done Sundays, meaning patrons nether 30 (or 25, depending connected gender) tin only dine location from 4 to 7 p.m.

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"The edifice is conscionable thing for nan older group to travel do, person a happy hour, travel get immoderate bully food, and not person to interest astir immoderate of nan young folks who bring immoderate of that drama," Assistant Manager Erica Rhodes said.

Bliss' norm follows a similar argumentation a barroom successful Ohio implemented pinch a 30-year-old minimum property request for introduction connected nan weekends to curb rowdy behavior.

"The magnitude of clientele we've gained connected nan weekends has made america person to make adjustments for information purposes," Donerick's Pub Groveport wrote connected Facebook astatine nan time. "Keeping our customers safe is our apical priority!"

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