/ The awesome has been a h2o weapon connected astir devices for years.
By Wes Davis, a play editor who covers nan latest successful tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and much arsenic a tech journalist since 2020.
Jul 24, 2024, 12:05 AM UTC
Years aft Twitter replaced nan pistol emoji pinch a green-and-orange h2o gun, X has decided to alteration it backmost to a regular handgun. An X worker announced nan alteration in a post past week.
The institution hasn’t explained nan change, but it feels on-brand for Elon Musk’s societal network. Twitter originally switched its emoji to show a h2o weapon successful 2018, pursuing others for illustration Google and Facebook. (Apple made nan move successful 2016; Microsoft was a little hold-out.)
Eventually, nan Unicode Consortium, which decides which emoji get made successful nan first place, followed nan platforms’ lead and officially renamed nan pistol emoji arsenic “water pistol”:
Emoji are cosmopolitan insofar arsenic they stock communal designations crossed platforms (U+1F52B is nan h2o pistol), which are decided by nan Unicode Consortium. But it’s up to each level proprietor to determine really they’re visually represented. That’s really we sewage nan Great Cheeseburger Emoji Debacle that was resolved successful November 2017.
You’ll only spot nan weapon if you’re looking astatine X connected nan web — arsenic of this writing, it doesn’t look to person updated successful mobile versions of nan app, though that’s apparently connected its measurement astatine immoderate point.