Why devs needn't fear CSS with the King of CSS himself Kevin Powell [Podcast #154]
On this week's section of the podcast, freeCodeCamp laminitis Quincy Larson interviews Kevin Powell. He's a designer, a package engineer, and an master successful CSS. He's runs a CSS-focused YouTube transmission pinch astir a cardinal subscribers. There's thing sensational location – he virtually conscionable teaches group CSS. Support for this podcast comes from a assistance from Wix Studio. Wix Studio provides developers devices to quickly build websites pinch everything out-of-the-box, past extend, replace, and break boundaries pinch code. Learn much astatine https://wixstudio.com. Support besides comes from the 11,043 benignant folks who support freeCodeCamp done a monthly donation. Join these benignant folks and thief our ngo by going to https://www.freecodecamp.org/donate CORRECTION: I (Quincy) opportunity during the question and reply that the Uber recovered a measurement to entree microphones connected iOS without users' knowledge. There person been documented cases of malware doing this (like Pegasus) but Uber didn't do this. They did do a batch of different shady things, for illustration proceed collecting information moreover aft you deleted their app – but mic spying was not 1 of them. Yes, early Uber was an ethical tyre fire. But it's important to get facts incorrect here. We talk about: - Why you should still study CSS successful 2025 - How school concepts improves your ain knowing of them - How learning to skateboard helped Kevin flight Tutorial Hell - Massive improvements coming to CSS Can you conjecture what opus I'm playing successful the intro? Links we talk astir during our conversation: - Kevin's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/kevinpowell - Original Spacejam website Kevin mentions: https://www.spacejam.com/1996/ - The article that coined the word Responsive Design: https://alistapart.com/article/responsive-web-design/ - Kevin's freeCodeCamp article connected really learning skateboarding helped him retired of tutorial hell: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-learning-to-skateboard-helped-me-find-a-way-out-of-tutorial-hell/ - Kevin's freeCodeCamp people connected building and deploying a portfolio page: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-portfolio-website-and-deploy-to-digital-ocean/ - Playable Minesweeper successful CSS that Quincy mentions: https://codepen.io/bali_balo/pen/BLJONZ - Acknowledged mistakes that are permanently coded into CSS: https://wiki.csswg.org/ideas/mistakes - Talk connected why is CSS truthful weird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHUtMbJw8iA Chapters 0:00:00 Teaser 0:01:03 Musical Intro – Bubble Bobble 0:02:04 Interview Starts 0:04:57 Accessibility successful Web Design 0:08:14 Understanding Technical Debt 0:11:01 The Designer-Developer Dynamic 0:14:01 Evolution of CSS: From Tables to Flexbox and Grid 0:20:03 Responsive Design: Adapting to Multiple Devices 0:24:10 The Impact of Mobile Apps connected Web Development 0:27:53 Kevin Powell's Journey successful CSS 0:32:26 From Hobby to Career: The Journey Begins 0:34:50 Teaching and Transitioning to YouTube 0:41:59 The Growth of a YouTube Channel 0:54:34 Taking the Leap: Leaving Teaching for Content Creation 1:00:11 Learning Through Skateboarding: Overcoming Tutorial Hell 1:03:42 Building Balance successful Learning 1:08:47 The Journey of Learning New Skills 1:14:40 Navigating Cognitive Overload 1:20:29 The Complexity of CSS 1:29:59 Teaching Insights from Classroom Experience 1:33:26 The Importance of Design Systems successful UI Development 1:36:09 Why Learn CSS and Front-End Design Concepts? 1:40:55 The Evolution and Governance of CSS 1:47:53 Translating Graphic Design Skills to Web Development 1:52:19 The Relevance of CSS successful Mobile App Development 1:55:41 The Value of Learning successful Public 1:59:06 Navigating Influence and Responsibility successful Teaching