Keyword investigation is the process of identifying keywords (the words and phrases your target assemblage uses to find what they’re looking for) truthful you tin create contented that meets their needs. Keyword investigation is important because it helps you find position you tin usage successful your contented to amended your chances of appearing successful applicable hunt results.
By doing keyword research, you fig retired which words aliases phrases your imaginable customers usage to find the products, services, aliases accusation you offer. You tin past see those position successful your contented truthful Google tin analyse those words (along pinch different signals) to determine whether to show your contented and link searchers pinch your site.
Here’s really you tin do keyword research:
- Brainstorm topics. Think of the main subjects your website covers. For a cooking blog, these mightiness see breakfasts, desserts, and speedy dinners.
- Use investigation tools. Check devices for illustration Google Search Console, Google’s Keyword Planner, Semrush's Keyword Magic Tool, aliases the People Also Ask conception successful Google to spot which position group usage astir often.
- Compare and prioritize. Study each term’s hunt measurement and title level, truthful you tin target words that person capable searches but aren’t excessively difficult to rank for successful hunt engines.
- Consider hunt intent. Think astir what group want erstwhile they hunt for a definite keyword, truthful you tin tailor your contented accordingly. Are they searching for an article aliases a video? Are they looking for accusation aliases trying to find a peculiar website?
- Implement and track. Place your chosen keywords successful your content, titles, headings, and meta tags. Review your results pinch a instrumentality for illustration Google Search Console to spot if your pages look for those keywords.
Use keywords people and debar repeating the aforesaid building excessively galore times. Write for readers first, past optimize for hunt engines.
Further reading: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO