What Are Rich Snippets? & How to Get Them in 2025

Jan 22, 2025 05:49 PM - 2 weeks ago 22807

What Are Rich Snippets?

Rich snippets (also called “rich results”) are Google hunt results that show pinch other details, specified arsenic ratings, images, and prices. These specifications tin thief your webpage pull much attraction and traffic. 

Google usually collects this accusation from typical codification (structured information markup) successful your page’s HTML.

Here’s an illustration of a rich | snippet:

Rich snippet includes a prima rating, number of reviews, price, transportation and return information, arsenic good arsenic an image and nearest location to purchase.

In the rich | snippet illustration above, Google adds an image, rating, reappraisal count, price, and transportation accusation to the hunt result.

These elements make your webpage much charismatic and informative to imaginable visitors.

In this guide, you’ll study really to get rich | snippets for your webpages.

But earlier we dive in, let’s spell complete immoderate basics.

Rich Results vs. Rich Snippets vs. SERP Features: What’s the Difference?

“Rich snippets” and “rich results” mention to the aforesaid thing: enhanced Google hunt results that show other information. “SERP features” is simply a broader class that includes rich | snippets and different non-standard hunt results, for illustration knowledge panels and image packs. 

Let's break down each term:

  • Rich snippets: Search results that see other data, specified arsenic prima ratings, reappraisal counts, merchandise prices, aliases images. 
  • Rich results: Another term for "rich snippets." and "rich results." Google uses some names interchangeably.
  • SERP features: Any non-standard hunt result. This includes rich | snippets, knowledge panels, video carousels, and image packs. 

How Rich Snippets Help pinch SEO

Rich snippets don’t straight impact a site's ranking, but they tin indirectly amended SEO. These enhanced listings guidelines retired successful hunt results. They promote much clicks, which tin summation your integrated click-through rate (CTR). High CTR often signals to Google that users find your consequence relevant, which whitethorn amended your ranking complete time. 

Let’s reappraisal 2 types of hunt results.

Your emblematic hunt listing:

Organic listing has a title tag and meta description.

And a Google rich | snippet:

This look rich | snippet has an image, related recipes, prima rating, number of reviews, and clip to make.

The rich | snippet is much visually appealing to a personification looking for a trusted roasted chickenhearted recipe. 

Plus, location is beardown evidence suggesting that Google looks astatine click information to find rankings. If your pages pull much clicks, they whitethorn gradually gain amended positions successful hunt results.

Structured information constitution besides helps Google amended understand your page content. When Google understands your contented much clearly, your page tin rank amended for applicable queries. 

Pages pinch invalid system information won’t look arsenic rich | snippets. So it’s important to find and hole these issues.

Open the instrumentality and set up a afloat audit of your website.

Once complete, spell to the “Issues” tab and hunt for “structured.” 


Click the “Why and really to hole it” nexus for guidance.

Site Audit describes the invalid system information items rumor and shares really to hole it.

How to Get Rich Snippets

Follow these steps to get rich | snippets:

  1. Choose an due rich | snippet type
  2. Create and adhd system information to your pages
  3. Validate your system data

1. Choose an Appropriate Rich Snippet Type

Google supports many rich | snippet types. Pick the ones that lucifer your content. 

Common types include: 

Product Markup Snippet

Displays cardinal merchandise accusation for illustration price, availability, and ratings. Ideal for e-commerce sites aliases immoderate webpage that features products for sale. 

A SERP listing for an iphone.

Review Snippet 

Review snippet displays prima ratings successful hunt results. This snippet is perfect for immoderate page that contains reviews for products, recipes, courses, aliases moreover businesses. 

Here's what the reappraisal snippet looks for illustration successful hunt results:

A SERP listing for an iphone reappraisal includes pros and cons, rating, and sanction of reviewer.

Recipe Snippet

The look snippet showcases cardinal look specifications for illustration cooking time, reviews, and ratings straight successful hunt results.

A SERP listing for a peanut food pastry recipe.

The look markup is cleanable for nutrient blogs and look websites.

Organization Snippet

Organization snippet displays cardinal accusation for illustration your business’s logo, description, interaction details, societal profiles.

Like this:

The knowledge sheet for Dell appears connected the correct manus broadside of the SERP.

For businesses and nonprofits, having an statement snippet tin make a beardown first belief connected imaginable customers aliases stakeholders who find you done search.

Video Snippet

Video snippets are enhanced hunt results that show a video thumbnail, title, duration, and timestamps straight successful Google’s hunt results.

Like this:

Video reappraisal includes a database of pros and cons described successful the video, pinch clip stamps.

These snippets promote higher click-through rates because they show users a ocular preview of the content, helping them determine whether your video is applicable earlier they click.

This type of snippet is applicable if you screen video contented connected your website.

Article Snippet

Article snippet displays cardinal accusation astir your article, specified arsenic the publisher, title, and thumbnail image, straight successful hunt results. 

Like this:

Top stories SERP characteristic includes articles published wrong hours and days of an event.

If you people news articles, blog posts, aliases sports sum connected your website, article markup is simply a smart choice.

2. Create & Add Structured Data Markup to Your Pages

After choosing your rich | snippet type, create and adhd system information markup to your pages.

Try Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper:

1. Open the tool. Select your desired snippet type, and participate your page URL. Then click “Start Tagging.” 

For this example, we’ll create merchandise system information markup. 


The instrumentality will propulsion the webpage’s URL into the “Tag Data” view:


In this example, this will beryllium a merchandise snippet for MacBook Pro. So we’ll see elements for illustration the product’s name, price, image, brand, logo, etc.

2. Select aliases item different elements connected the page. The instrumentality will punctual you to delegate tags to those elements.

For example, to adhd the product’s name, item the sanction of the merchandise and prime the “Name” tag:


To adhd the price, item the value and prime the “Price” tag:


The instrumentality adds each the accusation to the correct sheet arsenic you work. 

Tag arsenic galore elements arsenic possible.

3. Once you’re done, click “Create HTML.” 


The instrumentality will make a system information markup codification connected the broadside panel.


4. Copy aliases download the code. Then paste it successful the <head> conception of your page.

Don't want to woody pinch your website code? If you're utilizing WordPress, plugins for illustration Yoast SEO aliases Rank Math make adding system information simple.

We propose Rank Math. It's free, user-friendly, and handles astir communal system information types.

Here’s really to adhd system information utilizing Rank Math:

In the WordPress dashboard, spell to the station you want to adhd system information to.


Scroll down to the Rank Math conception beneath the contented editor. And click the "Schema" tab.

Select your system information type (Product, Article, Recipe, etc.). And capable successful each required fields.

Update aliases people your content.


3. Validate Your Structured Data

Use Google’s Rich Results Test to cheque if your system information is correct: 

Enter your URL into the instrumentality and click “Test URL.”

Optional missing fields for this merchandise rich | snippet illustration see readiness and value valid until date.

The instrumentality will show the system information it recovered successful the “Detected items” conception of the results page.

If your markup receives a informing aliases has invalid items, prime the rich | snippet type for much details:


The instrumentality highlights immoderate invalid items to fix. As good arsenic missing fields that are optional.


Monitor Your Rich Snippets pinch Semrush

If you usage Semrush, the Site Audit instrumentality tin besides show system data. Set up a task and tally a afloat crawl of your website.

Once the crawl is complete, navigate to “Markup” and click “View details.”


You’ll spot pages pinch markup and the number of pages pinch invalid system data:


In the “Structured information items” widget, prime “View each invalid items.” 

The fastener is an enclosed chevron pinch a slash successful the middle.

Next, prime the tag fastener to trial your page successful the Rich Results tool.


This will unfastened Google’s Rich Results Test and automatically commencement to trial your page for system information issues.

And return the results. 


Following these steps tin amended your chances of earning rich | snippets. And bring much postulation and amended SEO performance.
