User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich personification floor plan pinch extra inputs to cod much specifications astir customers. Personalize your classifieds pinch different types of other fields for illustration checkbox, radio, dropdown, record (picture, document,), vat number, short aliases agelong text, url, telephone number, email etc. pinch cool features.
Extend personification floor plan fields
Plugin provides galore different type of inputs you tin adhd to personification profile. Let’s first return a look connected each disposable types of fields:
Field types
- Checkbox – for action of 1 aliases much options
- Radio button
- Drop down (select box)
- Text
- Long matter (textarea)
- Number
- Phone
- Password
- Date, Time, Datetime, Month, Week, Range
- File input – admin tin specify what extensions are disposable and max record size
- Section header – that enables to create aggregate sections/blocks from fields
- Delimiter – horizontal line
For record inputs it’s bully to mention that successful lawsuit record is type of image, erstwhile showing successful front, plugin will show image thumbnail arsenic good (besides download fastener and record size).
Means, this plugin tin beryllium utilized arsenic User Attachments Plugin arsenic well!
Field restrictions
For each of inputs it is imaginable to specify what type of users tin capable this section and is visible connected their profile. This gives elasticity successful creating fields for users, and different personification types whitethorn person different fields available. Let’s opportunity business users whitethorn person fields Company name, Business reside and VAT number, but individual users whitethorn only person Identification number and Paypal address.
- All users – section tin beryllium utilized by anyone, nary restriction
- Non-registered users
- Registered users
- Personal users
- Company users
- Users pinch valid Business profile (Business Profile Plugin)
- Users pinch progressive Membership group (Osclass Pay Plugin)
- Administrator only – successful this lawsuit only admin tin capable this section but is visible to everyone
Administrator only type of section tin beryllium utilized for illustration arsenic personification verification characteristic – erstwhile admin squad verify seller/buyer, this personification gets greenish cheque people arsenic verified.
Means, this plugin tin beryllium utilized arsenic User Verification Plugin arsenic well!
Other section properties
Multilingual – Each section texts and worth texts tin beryllium translated to immoderate language.
Positioning – Fields and values tin beryllium repositioned into desired order.
Visibility – Each section tin beryllium configured to beryllium visible aliases hidden successful personification registration form, personification profile, personification nationalist floor plan aliases point personification profile.
Required Fields – Custom input tin beryllium group arsenic required successful registration shape aliases successful personification floor plan form. Validation of require fields tin beryllium done by HTML5 aliases jQuery validation (note that for immoderate fields this is not imaginable – illustration checkboxes).
Customization – Fields tin beryllium customizaed by mounting it’s width, tallness and font size. Besides that location is support for civilization CSS style property connected each of the inputs.
Admin User Table – For information those needs to beryllium visible to admins straight successful personification array successful backfoffice, each section (even record input type) tin beryllium added to personification array arsenic a caller column.
Icons – Custom icons tin beryllium group for each section and each worth (checkboxes). Supported icons format are image, svg and font awesome (version depends connected theme).
Supporting texts – Plugin has capable options do explicate and picture civilization fields successful personification profile. For that location is disposable label, description, thief matter and input placeholder. Desciption is shown beneath label, thief matter beneath input and placeholder is wrong input.
Hooks – Integration of plugin features is done seamlessly utilizing Osclass hooks. Minimum aliases nary taxable modifications are required.
RTL Support – Right-to-left languages are natively supported by plugin.
Mobile & Responsive – Custom fields will set to immoderate instrumentality aliases surface site.
Optimized and fast
Plugin has been developed utilizing latest trends successful Osclass, reducing number of queries and representation usage to absoltue minimum. All queries are cached and results are persisted successful PHP convention to debar repetitive database calls.
All these helps your Osclass classified loads very accelerated that improves Seo ranking.