Understanding & Optimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Aug 02, 2024 05:30 PM - 4 months ago 91405

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is simply a Google Core Web Vitals metric that measures a personification acquisition event.

CLS became a ranking facet successful 2021 and that intends it’s important to understand what it is and really to optimize for it.

What Is Cumulative Layout Shift?

CLS is nan unexpected shifting of webpage elements connected a page while a personification is scrolling aliases interacting connected nan page

The kinds of elements that thin to origin displacement are fonts, images, videos, interaction forms, buttons, and different kinds of content.

Minimizing CLS is important because pages that displacement astir tin origin a mediocre personification experience.

A mediocre CLS people (below > 0.1 ) is suggestive of coding issues that tin beryllium solved.

What Causes CLS Issues?

There are 4 reasons why Cumulative Layout Shift happens:

  • Images without dimensions.
  • Ads, embeds, and iframes without dimensions.
  • Dynamically injected content.
  • Web Fonts causing FOIT/FOUT.
  • CSS aliases JavaScript animations.

Images and videos must person nan tallness and width dimensions declared successful nan HTML. For responsive images, make judge that nan different image sizes for nan different viewports usage nan aforesaid facet ratio.

Let’s dive into each of these factors to understand really they lend to CLS.

Images Without Dimensions

Browsers cannot find nan image’s dimensions until they download them. As a result, upon encountering an<img>HTML tag, nan browser can’t allocate abstraction for nan image. The illustration video beneath illustrates that.


Once nan image is downloaded, nan browser needs to recalculate nan layout and allocate abstraction for nan image to fit, which causes different elements connected nan page to shift.

By providing width and tallness attributes successful nan <img> tag, you pass nan browser of nan image’s facet ratio. This allows nan browser to allocate nan correct magnitude of abstraction successful nan layout earlier nan image is afloat downloaded and prevents immoderate unexpected layout shifts.

  • Read More: Image Optimization Guide

Ads Can Cause CLS

If you load AdSense ads successful nan contented aliases leaderboard connected apical of nan articles without due styling and settings, nan layout whitethorn shift.


This 1 is simply a small tricky to woody pinch because advertisement sizes tin beryllium different. For example, it whitethorn beryllium a 970×250 aliases 970×90 ad, and if you allocate 970×90 space, it whitethorn load a 970×250 advertisement and origin a shift.

In contrast, if you allocate a 970×250 advertisement and it loads a 970×90 banner, location will beryllium a batch of achromatic abstraction astir it, making nan page look bad.

It is simply a trade-off, either you should load ads pinch nan aforesaid size and use from accrued inventory and higher CPMs aliases load multiple-sized ads astatine nan disbursal of personification acquisition aliases CLS metric.

Dynamically Injected Content

This is contented that is injected into nan webpage.

For example, posts connected X (formerly Twitter), which load successful nan contented of an article, whitethorn person arbitrary tallness depending connected nan station contented length, causing nan layout to shift.


Of course, those usually are beneath nan fold and don’t count connected nan first page load, but if nan personification scrolls accelerated capable to scope nan constituent wherever nan X station is placed and it hasn’t yet loaded, past it will origin a layout displacement and lend into your CLS metric.

One measurement to mitigate this displacement is to springiness nan mean min-height CSS spot to nan tweet genitor div tag because it is intolerable to cognize nan tallness of nan tweet station earlier it loads truthful we tin pre-allocate space.

Another measurement to hole this is to use a CSS norm to nan genitor div tag containing nan tweet to hole nan height.

#tweet-div { max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; }

However, it will origin a scrollbar to appear, and users will person to scroll to position nan tweet, which whitethorn not beryllium champion for personification experience.

Tweet pinch scroll

If nary of nan suggested methods works, you could return a screenshot of nan tweet and nexus to it.

Web-Based Fonts

Downloaded web fonts tin origin what’s known arsenic Flash of invisible matter (FOIT).

A measurement to forestall that is to usage preload fonts

<link rel="preload" href="https://www.example.com/fonts/inter.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>

and utilizing font-display: swap; css spot connected @font-face at-rule.

@font-face { font-family: Inter; font-style: normal; font-weight: 200 900; font-display: swap; src: url('https://www.example.com/fonts/inter.woff2') format('woff2'); }

With these rules, you are loading web fonts arsenic quickly arsenic imaginable and telling nan browser to usage nan strategy font until it loads nan web fonts. As soon arsenic nan browser finishes loading nan fonts, it swaps nan strategy fonts pinch nan loaded web fonts.

However, you whitethorn still person an effect called Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT), which is intolerable to debar erstwhile utilizing non-system fonts because it takes immoderate clip until web fonts load, and strategy fonts will beryllium displayed during that time.

In nan video below, you tin spot really nan title font is changed by causing a shift.


The visibility of FOUT depends connected nan user’s relationship velocity if nan recommended font loading system is implemented.

If nan user’s relationship is sufficiently fast, nan web fonts whitethorn load quickly capable and destruct nan noticeable FOUT effect.

Therefore, utilizing strategy fonts whenever imaginable is simply a awesome approach, but it whitethorn not ever beryllium imaginable owed to marque style guidelines aliases circumstantial creation requirements.

CSS Or JavaScript Animations

When animating HTML elements’ tallness via CSS aliases JS, for example, it expands an constituent vertically and shrinks by pushing down content, causing a layout shift.

To forestall that, usage CSS transforms by allocating abstraction for nan constituent being animated. You tin spot nan quality betwixt CSS animation, which causes a displacement connected nan left, and nan aforesaid animation, which uses CSS transformation.

CSS animation illustration causing CLS CSS animation illustration causing CLS

How Cumulative Layout Shift Is Calculated

This is simply a merchandise of 2 metrics/events called “Impact Fraction” and “Distance Fraction.”

CLS = ( Impact Fraction)×( Distance Fraction)

Impact Fraction

Impact fraction measures really overmuch abstraction an unstable constituent takes up successful nan viewport.

A viewport is what you spot connected nan mobile screen.

When an constituent downloads and past shifts, nan full abstraction that nan constituent occupies, from nan location that it occupied successful nan viewport erstwhile it’s first rendered to nan last location erstwhile nan page is rendered.

The illustration that Google uses is an constituent that occupies 50% of nan viewport and past drops down by different 25%.

When added together, nan 75% worth is called nan Impact Fraction, and it’s expressed arsenic a people of 0.75.

Distance Fraction

The 2nd measurement is called nan Distance Fraction. The region fraction is nan magnitude of abstraction nan page constituent has moved from nan original to nan last position.

In nan supra example, nan page constituent moved 25%.

So now nan Cumulative Layout Score is calculated by multiplying nan Impact Fraction by nan Distance Fraction:

0.75 x 0.25 = 0.1875

The calculation involves immoderate much mathematics and different considerations. What’s important to return distant from this is that nan people is 1 measurement to measurement an important personification acquisition factor.

Here is an illustration video visually illustrating what effect and region factors are:


Understand Cumulative Layout Shift

Understanding Cumulative Layout Shift is important, but it’s not basal to cognize really to do nan calculations yourself.

However, knowing what it intends and really it useful is key, arsenic this has go portion of nan Core Web Vitals ranking factor.

More resources: 

  • Google Now Says Core Web Vitals Used In Ranking Systems
  • Are Core Web Vitals A Ranking Factor?
  • Core Web Vitals: A Complete Guide

Featured image credit: BestForBest/Shutterstock
