This 'Cutting-Edge' Strategy Used By Meta and Google Is Helping Leaders Keep Young Employees Motivated

Trending 2 weeks ago

As of 2023, only 33% of workers reported being engaged pinch their work. Gen Z and young millennial employees reported important declines successful engagement, according to a Gallup survey of astir 67,000 people. "There's a increasing disconnect betwixt worker [and] employer. You could almost equate it to labor becoming a small spot much for illustration gig workers," Jim Harter, main workplace intelligence astatine Gallup and writer of nan report, told NPR. Less loyalty intends little information to excel connected nan occupation — and much turnover.

What's nan solution? A "cutting-edge" worker nickname points strategy mightiness beryllium a bully spot to start, Archer Chiang, laminitis and CEO of Giftpack, nan AI world gifting level utilized by world tech giants including Meta, Google and Zappos, tells Entrepreneur.

Related: 10 Ways to Appeal to nan Next Wave of Workers: Generation Z

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