There was a secretive heist complete the play successful Pennsylvania, and the thieves sewage distant pinch what constabulary estimated to beryllium $40,000 worthy of goods. Except it wasn't jewelry aliases creation aliases electronics. It was eggs. Around 100,000 of them.
Avian flu is causing an egg shortage and it has turned the delicate meal staple into a delicacy. In December, ovum prices were up almost 37% from the erstwhile year. New data from the USDA predicts it will proceed to summation different 20% successful 2025.
This has led to a run connected babe chicks astatine provender stores and an "egg rush" astatine Costco arsenic shoppers capable their carts to banal up. Now, thieves are targeting distribution trailers for illustration the 1 reportedly earmarked Saturday nighttime astatine Pete & Gerry's Organics.
In a statement to USA TODAY, Pete & Gerry's said: "We return this matter earnestly and are committed to resolving it arsenic quickly arsenic possible." A authorities constabulary spokesperson told the outlet connected Tuesday that further specifications still could not beryllium provided and an investigation is underway.
Restaurants astir the state are rethinking their menus amid the crisis.
On Tuesday, Waffle House revealed that it was adding a impermanent 50 cent per egg surcharge astatine each of its 2,000 locations.
Egg yolks person agelong been called "liquid gold" successful recipes, though the meaning now has surely changed.