The Last of Us season 2 will be a little bit shorter

Jun 06, 2024 04:01 AM - 5 months ago 53345


‘We don’t deliberation that we’re going to beryllium capable to show nan communicative moreover wrong 2 seasons,’ says co-creator Craig Mazin.

By Andrew Webster, an intermezo editor covering streaming, virtual worlds, and each azygous Pokémon video game. Andrew joined The Verge successful 2012, penning complete 4,000 stories.

Jun 5, 2024, 9:01 PM UTC

Image: HBO

The first play of HBO’s The Last of Us covered the first crippled successful nan series, but it looks for illustration play 2 will request a small much clip to research nan sequel. In an question and reply pinch Deadline, co-creator Craig Mazin explained that nan communicative of The Last of Us Part II will return astatine slightest two, and perchance three, seasons to afloat cover. And arsenic a result, nan show’s 2nd play will beryllium a fewer episodes shorter than nan first.

“The communicative worldly that we sewage from Part II of nan crippled is measurement much than nan communicative worldly that was successful nan first game, truthful portion of what we had to do from nan commencement was fig retired really to show that communicative crossed seasons,” Mazin explained. “When you do that, you look for earthy breakpoints, and arsenic we laid it out, this season, nan earthy breakpoint felt for illustration it came aft 7 episodes.” (Season 1 clocked successful astatine 9 episodes, for comparison.)

The bully news for fans is that moreover though HBO has yet to corroborate further seasons, it sounds for illustration Mazin is beautiful assured that much are coming. “I don’t spot really we could show nan communicative that remains aft play 2 is complete successful 1 much season,” he explained.

It’s still going to beryllium a wait, though, arsenic season 2 of The Last of Us isn’t expected until 2025. So far, we’ve heard astir a number of caller formed members, including Kaitlyn Dever arsenic Abby, Isabela Merced arsenic Dina, and Jeffrey Wright reprising nan domiciled of Isaac Dixon. HBO besides released the first 2 photos from nan show backmost successful May — though they don’t show immoderate of nan caller characters.
