/ The 2D-animated Paramount Plus show will tally for 12 episodes.
By Wes Davis, a play editor who covers nan latest successful tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and much arsenic a tech journalist since 2020.
Jun 9, 2024, 12:06 AM UTC
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Screenshot: YouTube
Tales of nan Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sewage its first charismatic trailer yesterday, revealing that nan Mutant Mayhem spinoff will debut August 9th, pinch a 12-episode tally connected Paramount Plus. And from nan looks of things, it’s conscionable arsenic gorgeous arsenic nan 3D-animated movie it sprang from.
The caller trailer sees the 4 brothers divided up by a mysterious villain named Bishop and forced to conflict murderous robots without nan thief of their siblings. Bishop herself appears successful nan belly of an particularly ample robot that very vaguely resembles a mouser pinch arms and feels a lot for illustration a hint astatine Krang, nan evil encephalon from Dimension X that terrorized nan Turtles successful nan 1987 animation series.
Screenshot: YouTube
That aside, nan Nickelodeon bid will characteristic returning Mutant Mayhem sound actors Micah Abbey (Donatello), Shamon Brown Jr. (Michelangelo), Nicolas Cantu (Leonardo), and Brady Noon (Raphael), arsenic good arsenic Ayo Edebiri arsenic April O’Neil. Look for it connected August 9th for Paramount Plus subscribers.
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