What makes a podcast engaging?
Podcasts that I’ll return to many times don't conscionable person decent audio aliases clear video. They don't conscionable bring connected informed guests and screen topics that intrigue and supply perspective. Although each these things are critical. There is thing other that sets them apart, and I deliberation I’ve boiled it down to having a small spot of heart. Yes, I want to study astir SEO campaigns and the astonishing conversion results these strategies achieve, but I besides want to study astir the lives of the group moving successful SEO. Because it’s relatable, and relatability helps the lessons and learnings stick.
Here are the very champion podcasts successful SEO and integer marketing. Podcasts that person bosom and show stories of SEO and the group successful the industry. They support you informed erstwhile you’re moving from location aliases the only SEO astatine your company. Need a caller SEO pod to kick-start your time aliases jump-start a task? Then publication on.
- Host: Chima Mmeje
- Topics: SEO, integer PR, eCommerce, trading strategies, and more
- Frequency: Every 2 weeks
- Where to listen: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts
- Learn more: https://moz.com/mozpod
Of course, it wouldn’t beryllium a database that we endorsed without including our very ain MozPod. Relaunched successful 2024, produced by maine and hosted by Chima Mmeje, MozPod tells the stories of group moving successful SEO. We question and reply agency founders, consultants, and SEO practitioners to study much astir their experiences moving successful SEO successful 2024. Featuring real-world lawsuit studies, for illustration generating $1M monthly e-commerce gross for a brick-and-mortar brand, insights into the challenges of SEO agency founders, and heavy dives into immoderate nosy trading campaigns for illustration the Crocodile Dundee clone advertisement campaign. MozPod big Chima Mmeje asks guests astir their ‘tiny pouch of joy,’ which exposes the existent lives, joys, and challenges of the group moving successful SEO.
Watch the talk show-style video connected YouTube aliases perceive connected Spotify during your regular commute.
The SEO Mindset
- Hosts: Sarah McDowell and Tazmin Suleman
- Topics: profession development, intelligence wellness tips, SEO tactics, and more
- Frequency: Weekly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://theseomindset.co.uk/
Living up to their tagline “Optimizing your SEO Career,” Sarah and Tazmin are emerging arsenic the podcast queens for SEO and intelligence health. They bring a comforting, thoughtful limb astir the shoulders of anyone slogging successful the section of SEO and seeking guidance aliases coaching. They aren’t acrophobic to spell heavy to thief SEOs amended understand themselves and the challenges facing moving successful the hunt manufacture today. Set speech 40 minutes to soak up the love.
Pro tip: the SEO Mindset squad grounds a unrecorded convention astatine the fringe events astatine Brighton SEO, sharing individual sorties and fielding questions from the audience.
The SERP's Up
- Hosts: Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter
- Topics: keyword research, agencies, SEO champion practices, section SEO, and more
- Frequency: Weekly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://www.wix.com/seo/learn/podcast
The squad that gave Wix credibility successful the SEO abstraction covers a wide scope of topics, from Google updates to world SEO. For a smallish 45-minute investment, you’ll subordinate your adjacent squad sync well-informed and grinning from receptor to ear. I will ne'er get saturated of the move betwixt Mordy and Crystal, aliases arsenic I telephone them, my SEO Mom and Dad.
Search pinch Candour
- Hosts: Jack Chambers-Ward and Mark Williams-Cook
- Topics: tech SEO, algorithm updates, wide SEO perspectives, and more
- Frequency: Weekly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://withcandour.co.uk/blog/category/podcast
Jack and Mark person created the aforesaid vibe arsenic what it would beryllium for illustration sitting down pinch a fewer mates aliases colleages successful the pub aft work. They supply existent world examples and talk done the latest manufacture news. If you don’t get to thin complete and pat different SEO connected the enarthrosis to inquire a question, cheque retired these guys that you’d surely spell for a pint pinch aliases motorboat a DnD campaign. I enjoyed their caller episode, Is SearchGPT Better Than Google, and was pleased to spot my workfellow Tom Capper’s caller article connected his findings from the Helpful Content Update investigation discussed pinch genuine penetration and balance. It really is for illustration good informed agency chat that you don’t get moving from home. With well-produced audio and well-designed video footage, you could comfortably perceive to this connected Spotify aliases watch it connected YouTube.
SEO 101
- Hosts: Ross Dunn and Scott Van Achte
- Topics: SEO, paid search, SEO fundamentals, and more
- Frequency: Weekly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio and more
- Learn more: https://www.stepforth.com/seo-101-podcast
Hailed arsenic the longest-running SEO podcast these guys talk from acquisition astir the challenges they are facing, covering the latest news and providing clear, actionable guidance. Aiming not to overwhelm group starting retired successful SEO, these guys talk from acquisition astir the challenges they are facing, covering the news pinch clear guidance. The hosts person bully chemistry, and they’ve been astatine it a while, accelerated approaching their 500th episode. If you’re conscionable starting retired and you only person 30 minutes to level up, it's decidedly worthy a listen.
SEOs Getting Coffee
- Host: Hosted by Emina Demiri-Watson and Sean Carroll
- Topics: SEO soft skills, tech SEO, Google manufacture news, keyword research, and more
- Frequency: Every 2 weeks
- Where to Listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube
- Learn more: https://www.vixendigital.com/seos-getting-coffee/
Grab your basking cuppa cha and walk 30 minutes successful the glow of SEOs Getting Coffee arsenic they talk astir Google updates, well-being, and SEO reporting, among different topics. Emina and Sean person created a lukewarm and welcoming abstraction connected the web. The accumulation worth is really good, particularly for a virtual recorded format, which tin suffer from audio challenges pinch latency. The hosts do a awesome occupation of creating contented that is bully to perceive to to watch connected YouTube. Emina wrote an article for the Moz Blog astir the Sins of an Agency, which is simply a testament to her openness to sharing the real-world challenges of SEO agency life.
The Authority Hacker Podcast
- Hosts: Gael Breton and Mark Webster
- Topics: SEO, marketing, contented marketing, and more
- Frequency: Every 2 weeks
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://www.authorityhacker.com/podcast/
With complete 350 episodes, Gael and Mark attraction connected being applicable and actionable, and they judge do deliver. There are a batch of episodes successful the backlog, truthful you’ll ne'er beryllium unsocial connected the regular commute, and you’ll beryllium judge to find the topics that suit you. The mean section magnitude is astir an hour, and a individual item is Google update sum and answering applicable SEO questions.
Adventures successful Local Marketing
- Host: Claire Carlile Rees
- Topics: Local SEO
- Frequency: Monthly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube
- Learn more: https://www.brightlocal.com/podcast/
I defy you to dislike Claire Carlile. She told maine precocious erstwhile we were filming a Whiteboard Friday (and I don’t deliberation it’s a intimately held secret) that she utilized to beryllium a teacher. And boy, does she bring each that Claire-branded upbeat joyousness to her pod, Adventures successful Local Marketing.
Topics thin to attraction connected section SEO but often widen beyond section into broader topics. My peculiar favourite is Marie Haynes's Embracing the AI Future.
Search News You Can Use
- Host: Marie Haynes
- Topics: Tech SEO, Google updates and more
- Focus: Latest developments successful SEO
- Frequency: Monthly
- Where to listen: Spotify
- Learn more: https://community.mariehaynes.com/spaces/12946477/feed
With the aforesaid sanction arsenic her newsletter, Marie Haynes’ established podcast Search News You Can Use does what it says connected the tin. Marie is simply a knowledgeable contributor to SEO position and personification I’ll ever salary attraction to. Guesting connected galore different podcasts, I ever admit her return connected manufacture news, which goes beyond outlining what happened and explaining why it matters and really it affects the day-to-day lives of those moving successful SEO.
The Digital Marketing Podcast - Exposure Ninja
- Hosts: Tim Cameron-Kitchen and Exposure Ninja team
- Topics: SEO, PPC, societal media, contented marketing, eCommerce, and more
- Frequency: Weekly
- Where to listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube
- Learn more: https://exposureninja.com/podcast/
The squad astatine Exposure Ninja chat astir each the things you mightiness talk astir pinch your colleagues if you weren’t WFH. Tune successful for agency chit-chat that keeps you successful the SEO loop, covering a wide scope of integer trading topics pinch a attraction connected real-world applications. Unique angle: the pod combines insights from a successful agency proprietor pinch applicable tips for businesses of each sizes. It’s an easy clip finance to travel your luncheon break pinch 20-40 infinitesimal episodes. Tim joined america successful the 12th section of MozPod this twelvemonth and his attraction connected bringing worth and ROI for these clients really shone through.
MCP Show
- Host: Loren Baker
- Topics: SEO, PPC, societal media, contented marketing, section SEO, and more
- Frequency: Weekly (with a break successful 2024)
- Where to Listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/category/search-engine-journal-show/
MCP Show’s extended backlog is worthy a look. They bring successful a scope of guests crossed SEO disciplines arsenic good arsenic their ain knowledgeable staff, for illustration writer Ben Steele, to bring you the latest SEO updates and strategies.
SEJ hadn’t dropped an section since Jan 2024 until now. In the past week they released what looks for illustration a syndicated section of Wix’s SERPs up (mentioned above.) Joined by Kevin Indig, Barry Schwartz, Chima Mmeje, and different guests for 100 minutes of AMA. I’m looking guardant to what Loren and the squad person cooked up for the remainder of 2024.
Crawling Mondays
- Host: Aleyda Solis
- Topics: eCommerce, tech SEO, world SEO, and more
- Frequency: Monthly
- Where to Listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more
- Learn more: https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/crawling-mondays-videos
Aleyda has an enviable extent of eCommerce and SEO acquisition that she generously shares pinch her audience. I emotion the sharing of first-hand acquisition based connected her existent client's situations. As immoderate bully podcast big does, Aleyda brings successful master guests to person informed discussions. A item is Tom Critchlow and Petra Kis-Herczegh talking astir getting SEO buy-in. If you are leveling up successful eComm, world SEO, aliases the broader SEO section successful general, Aleyda’s Crawling Mondays is 1 to tune into.
Crawling Mondays hasn't been updated for a mates of months, but I person it connected bully authority that Aleyda is moving connected thing special. Keep your eyes peeled arsenic it is apt break aft we property publish. I can’t hold to spot what Aleyda has successful shop for us!
Have a podcast suggestion? LMK
And location you person it! My shortlist of the champion podcasts I’ve recovered valuable successful my day-to-day that are still actively releasing content. If you person a favourite podcast that you perceive to, aliases big and would for illustration maine to see it for this database please do scope retired connected LinkedIn.