Tesla’s “We, Robot” robotaxi arena is happening astatine the Warner Bros. movie workplace movie batch successful Burbank, Calif., wherever CEO is expected to announce the company’s first, afloat driverless vehicle.
Musk will besides stock much specifications astir the Tesla Network, the company’s autonomous ridehailing work that will service arsenic a level for Tesla’s autonomous technology.
For years, Musk has been promising that a driverless Tesla conveyance was conscionable “two years away.” Many delays later, Musk will yet person to show fans and investors what he’s been moving on. The “We, Robot” moreover is simply a referendum connected whether Musk tin present existent self-driving exertion that tin compete pinch robotaxi companies for illustration Waymo and Cruise.
Along pinch the robotaxi, Tesla is expected to supply updates connected its humanoid Optimus robot — aft each the arena is titled “We, Robot,” a reference to Isaac Asimov’s seminal work I, Robot. Tesla mightiness besides show one of its enigma vehicles — a van aliases a cheaper car that could compete pinch China’s increasing affordable EV market.
Whatever Tesla announces astatine the event, you tin find our successful our unrecorded sum below.
It’s Tesla robotaxi time — for existent this time.
Guest person been pouring into Warner Bros. Studio batch successful anticipation of Elon Musk’s large day. The parking car shed is crammed pinch Cybertrucks. The crowd appears to beryllium mostly men. And the arena appears to beryllium rather extensive, complete pinch its ain representation to each the locations. Now, we hold for Elon, who’s expected to return the shape astatine 7PM PT (though he has a estimation for lateness).
Trump: we’re going to extremity autonomous cars.
In a reside successful Detroit, erstwhile President Donald Trump seemed to propose that he would “stop [self-driving cars] from operating” if he was elected successful November. Not precisely the connection his pal Elon Musk wants to perceive connected the eve of his large Tesla robotaxi event successful Hollywood. Maybe Trump’s invitation was mislaid successful the mail.
What to expect astatine Tesla’s ‘We, Robot’ event
Tesla is astir to uncover its self-driving robotaxi, a purpose-built autonomous conveyance that’s expected to reposition the institution arsenic a leader successful AI and robotics.
The caller robotaxi will beryllium revealed at Warner Bros. movie studios successful Burbank, California, wherever Tesla has reportedly been collecting caller mapping information successful the lead-up to the event. Tesla has a batch of crushed to screen to beryllium it tin motorboat a driverless conveyance that tin compete pinch robotaxi rivals for illustration Waymo and Cruise. And Elon Musk is expected to outline his imagination for the Tesla Network, successful which Tesla owners tin adhd their autonomous vehicles to a robotaxi fleet erstwhile they’re not utilizing them.
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The measure yet comes owed for Elon Musk
Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge, Turbosquid
For almost arsenic agelong arsenic he’s been CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk has been bullshitting america astir self-driving cars.
In 2016, he said Tesla self-driving cars were “two years away.” A twelvemonth later, it was “six months, definitely,” and customers would beryllium capable to really slumber successful their Tesla successful “two years.” In 2018, it was still a “year away” and would beryllium “200 percent safer” than quality driving. In 2019, he said location would beryllium “feature complete afloat self-driving this year.” There hasn’t been a twelvemonth spell by without Musk promising the imminent presence of a afloat driverless Tesla.
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The Tesla robotaxi sounds small.
Bloomberg reports that the soon-to-be-unveiled purpose-built driverless conveyance will person “two beforehand seats and 2 doors that unfastened upward for illustration butterfly wings,” citing sources familiar. That would quadrate pinch the concept creation we saw successful Walter Isaacson’s Elon Musk biography. Tesla could besides denote an autonomous van, and Full Self-Driving capabilities for its Semi trucks.
Tesla sends retired “We, Robot” invitations for its robotaxi arena successful October.
I’m not judge if this counts arsenic Hollywood magic yet, but this is how Tesla’s promoting its robotaxi unveiling event. Elon Musk had announced an August day for the event, but past it was pushed backmost until October 10th.
The invitations opportunity that remarks will statesman astatine 7PM PT, if you’d for illustration to clear immoderate clip successful your schedule.
Image: Tesla (X)