T-Mobile asked to stop advertising ‘price lock’ guarantee that doesn’t lock your prices

Jun 18, 2024 02:28 AM - 4 months ago 54096

T-Mobile has been asked to extremity advertizing its “Price Lock” argumentation for its 5G net work just months aft raising prices. On Monday, nan National Advertising Division (NAD) recommended that T-Mobile discontinue aliases modify nan declare to explicate really it “differs from a ‘price lock.’”

The NAD is portion of nan nonprofit BBB National Programs that evaluates claims presented successful nan ads industry. AT&T brought nan situation against nan Price Lock claim, which appeared successful galore advertisements successful print, online, and TV. In each instance, nan explanation beneath nan Price Lock declare says, “Get your past period of work connected america if we ever raise your net rate.” The NAD argues that this disclosure contradicts nan main connection of nan “Price Lock” claim, arsenic T-Mobile really isn’t locking successful a customer’s value and will only guarantee them 1 period of free work if T-Mobile raises their bill.

The NAD recommends that T-Mobile alteration its declare to explicate this aliases extremity advertizing it completely. In nan past, T-Mobile often advertised definite net and mobile plans arsenic coming pinch a Price Lock guarantee, which is expected to forestall T-Mobile from raising a customer’s monthly value aft signing up.

However, T-Mobile changed this argumentation for caller customers successful January to only connection 1 period of free work successful nan arena of a value increase. Around nan aforesaid time, T-Mobile accrued nan value of its 5G location net service. It later raised prices across its mobile plans. T-Mobile plans to comply pinch nan NAD’s decision, but it told nan NAD that nan ads successful mobility “appropriately pass nan generous position of its Price Lock policy.”
