Step-By-Step Guide To Earning Your Google Ads Certification

Aug 05, 2024 04:00 PM - 4 months ago 94761

Getting Google Ads Certified is simply a awesome measurement to show a baseline learning effort and level of exposure to PPC and managing Google Ads.

Whether you’re coming retired of school, entering a profession that involves Google Ads, aliases simply want to learn, it is simply a awesome spot to get started.

Some labor whitethorn database it arsenic a minimum request connected applications. Others will see it successful onboarding and training. It tin beryllium a awesome spot to commencement your ain self-guided travel successful little firm environments aliases if you’re doing your ain activity to study and level up.

Additionally, galore agencies and organizations are portion of nan Google Partners program. Google Partners often must meet definite standards, specified arsenic maintaining different levels of badges aliases credentials crossed their teams.

One request is to person a definite number of connected accounts (strategists) certified, pinch definite numbers aliases minimums that request to beryllium met successful circumstantial specialty areas (more connected these later).

This article is astir nan individual certification (for professionals), truthful conscionable statement that it is important to make judge things get linked up decently pinch your institution if you were asked to go certified for your company’s Google Partner program.

What Is Google Ads Certification?

Google Ads certification is simply a process by which Google recognizes marketers arsenic experts successful online advertising.

After passing Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and – if affiliated pinch a institution – tin lend to nan company’s Google Partner credentials.

There person been a tremendous number of changes successful Google Ads.

Google has accrued nan number of certification exam topics complete nan past mates of years, but successful immoderate cases, nan accelerated gait of Google’s level changes hasn’t been maintained successful nan learning and exam content.

If you’re willing successful learning much aliases taking your ain steps toward Google Ads Certification – sloppy of nan logic aliases information – cheque retired nan 4 steps to activity done nan process and beryllium prepared to dedicate immoderate clip to moving done them.

How To Earn Your Google Ads Certification

Step 1: Get Started In Skillshop

Navigate to nan Google Ads Certification level wrong Skillshop.

In nan apical correct corner, click Log In.

Now, we’re astatine a captious measurement correct away. We want to guarantee that nan relationship you get certified done is nan circumstantial 1 you want to beryllium certified. If this is your first clip utilizing Google’s Skillshop, you must create a caller account.

Please publication to nan extremity of nan specifications for this measurement earlier you commencement filling retired nan forms and taking immoderate relationship linking steps.

Please statement that if you person an existing account, you whitethorn still beryllium required to do immoderate caller relationship linking aliases migration based connected Google’s migration from to

If you activity for an agency aliases a company, you will apt beryllium required to usage your activity email address.

Regardless of agency, corporate, aliases immoderate status, you apt want to nexus your certification to nan reside you negociate Google Ads to support things elemental and clean.

If you haven’t managed Google Ads yet and don’t person an account, you tin easy create 1 here to get started.

If you’re a returning user, beryllium observant to find your Skillshop floor plan and guarantee your Google relationship is still decently linked truthful you don’t accidentally return exams successful a caller relationship versus recertifying your existent account.

Again, you whitethorn person to execute further linking and verification steps based connected nan migration of systems connected Google’s end. Be mindful of that.

The relationship guidance portion tin beryllium confusing and frustrating arsenic location are abstracted profiles yet linked accounts betwixt this strategy and Google’s accounts and Ad guidance systems.

If you’re willing successful having your certification count toward a Google Partners badge, beryllium judge to nexus things decently utilizing nan institution email reside you usage for managing ads for your Google Partner company.

If you’re interested, I promote you to study much astir nan Google Partners program details, requirements, and logistics for getting group up.

Please statement that nan certifications you request to beryllium counted for Google Partners are much constrictive and circumstantial than those you request to beryllium a certified Google Ads Professional.

Step 2: Select Your Exam

If needed, navigate backmost done Skillshop to nan Google Ads Certifications again to get astatine nan page pinch nan database of exam topics.

You’ll find an intro page that provides inheritance accusation to thief you find which certification is correct for you and different categories aliases exam tiers arsenic Google recommends.

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If your extremity is simply to get certified, past you tin travel nan navigation to scope the page that is focused connected nan certification exams itself.

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Here, you tin find nan circumstantial certification you want to commencement pinch and click connected it.

Within nan circumstantial certification, publication nan overview info.

When you’re fresh to dive in, click nan Get Started button.

Step 3: Prepare For Exams

Google provides some basal acquisition info and much extended training content.

The circumstantial Google Ads certifications include:

  • AI-Powered Performance Ads Certification.
  • AI-Powered Shopping Ads Certification.
  • Google Ads – Measurement Certification.
  • Google Ads Apps Certification.
  • Google Ads Creative Certification.
  • Google Ads Display Certification.
  • Google Ads Search Certification.
  • Google Ads Video Certification.
  • Grow Offline Sales Certification.

If you’re marque caller to Ads and nan certification exams, I urge starting pinch nan Google Ads Search Certification.

Search ads are 1 of nan basal and accepted types of ads from nan Google Ads platform.

But if you are much focused connected thing for illustration conscionable shopping, past commencement there.

Or, if you’re marque caller and are astir willing successful nan newer AI-powered ads and functionality, skip correct to that one, but cognize that you mightiness request a small much training and ramp-up clip to understand nan AI aspects connected apical of immoderate accepted concepts.

Training contented is disposable and tied to each of nan circumstantial certifications.

When you click connected immoderate of them, you’ll person options to get started, including a speedy knowledge appraisal and different resources.

Google Ads Certification DetailsScreenshot from, June 2024

You’ll request to scheme connected investing astatine slightest a fewer hours to spell done nan training contented specialization.

If you’ve been managing Ads campaigns aliases person deeper exposure, it’s still a bully thought to spell done nan modules – moreover if you do it faster.

The sample questions are rather helpful; they are written successful nan aforesaid format arsenic they look connected nan existent exams.

This is particularly important to statement arsenic pinch immoderate of nan caller accelerated changes and features that person been rolled retired into Google Ads, immoderate of nan exam contented mightiness beryllium somewhat (or more) dated than what you’re utilized to seeing successful nan level connected a regular basis.

Unless you person antecedently been certified and/or person mean Ads experience, don’t skip nan training content!

Step 4: Pass The Assessment

To go certified, you must walk nan appraisal successful immoderate of nan respective certification specialties by achieving astatine slightest a minimum percent of correct answers wrong nan clip allotted for nan exam.

Note that you cannot region nan timer, truthful beryllium judge that you’re capable to dedicate nan clip required and tin region interruptions.

Your certification will past beryllium awarded for that circumstantial merchandise attraction area.

You tin extremity pinch 1 specialization aliases proceed by going done further specializations until you person mastered and achieved each of those applicable to your desired credentials.

If you’re an overachiever aliases emotion standardized tests, there’s thing that says you can’t return them all.

Note that if you neglect to walk an exam, you must hold 1 time earlier retaking that circumstantial appraisal again. That’s nan only existent punishment for not passing.

For each assessments you pass, which springiness you certifications, you will person an email confirming your position astatine minimum. In nan past, location person been badges and certificates to publically show and download.

As things proceed to change, though, I urge keeping a integer grounds of your certifications. You tin ever spell backmost into nan dashboard to thief show aliases beryllium that you passed and are certified if necessary.

The Google Ads Platform Is Ever-Changing

Whether you’re caller to paid hunt ads done Google aliases person been managing ads for years and are conscionable now exploring certification, I promote you to walk immoderate clip pinch nan steps I unpacked and spot if you consciousness for illustration it will beryllium a worthwhile finance successful your learning and individual credentialing.

As I mentioned earlier, beryllium diligent and cognize that location mightiness beryllium immoderate disconnects betwixt what you spot successful nan exams versus successful nan level itself arsenic things are changing astatine a accelerated gait pinch caller features, interfaces, and ways that Google Ads works.

Regardless of your certification status, I want to promote you connected your travel pinch Google Ads and wish you happy and profitable days up for your business aliases organization!

More resources: 

  • 12 Types Of Google Ads Extensions, Now Assets 
  • 11 Tips To Get The Best Out Of Performance Max Campaigns
  • PPC Trends 2024

Featured Image: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock
