Sonos’ chief product officer is leaving the company

Jan 15, 2025 04:33 AM - 1 month ago 38001

A time aft Sonos announced a CEO transition, the institution is making much moves. Chief merchandise serviceman Maxime Bouvat-Merlin will besides beryllium leaving his position. Some labor person told maine that Bouvat-Merlin shares a important magnitude of blasted for the marque harm that Sonos has endured complete the past twelvemonth aft deciding to merchandise an overhauled mobile app good earlier it was fresh for customers. There person been reports that apical executives astatine the institution ignored warnings from engineers and app testers that the caller package wasn’t up to par up of its May rollout. Those alarms didn’t extremity it from shipping.

In an email to staff, interim CEO Tom Conrad — who himself has plentifulness of merchandise acquisition — said the CPO position is now “redundant” and that Bouvat-Merlin’s occupation is being eliminated. “I cognize this is simply a batch of alteration to sorb successful 2 days and I want to convey you for being resilient,” Conrad wrote.

“Max’s tenure represents an iconic era for Sonos products, including the award-winning Sonos One, Beam, Move, Ace, Arc, and Arc Ultra, establishing Sonos arsenic the world leader successful location theatre audio and mounting the instauration for our adjacent chapter,” Conrad’s email reads.

Bouvat-Merlin will service arsenic an advisor to Conrad earlier afloat exiting the company. These awesome changes wrong Sonos’ ranks propose that the institution is taking its effort to triumph backmost spot and correct the wrongs of its erstwhile activity rather seriously.

Conrad’s afloat email follows below:


Earlier this morning, I committed to you to stock the truth. In that spirit, I want to stock immoderate changes I americium making to simplify our activity building and flatten our Product organization.

With my stepping successful arsenic CEO, the Board, Max, and I person agreed that my inheritance makes the Chief Product Officer domiciled redundant. Therefore, Max’s domiciled is being eliminated and the Product statement will study straight to me. I’ve asked Max to counsel maine complete the adjacent play to guarantee a soft modulation and I americium grateful that he’s agreed to do that.

Max’s tenure represents an iconic era for Sonos products, including the award-winning Sonos One, Beam, Move, Ace, Arc and Arc Ultra, establishing Sonos arsenic the world leader successful location theatre audio and mounting the instauration for our adjacent chapter. These achievements are a testament to the talent, passion, and productivity that specify our Product team, and Max has been a starring portion of each of that.

I shared this news openly pinch the Sonos leaders yesterday pinch the volition that these leaders would stock the update arsenic needed pinch their teams. Unfortunately this news quickly made its measurement extracurricular the organization. While this is frustrating for each of us, I will not fto the anticipation of a leak alteration our expertise to pass openly pinch 1 another. So I’m going to support telling you the truth.

I cognize this is simply a batch of alteration to sorb successful 2 days and I want to convey you for your resilience, continued committedness to Sonos and support of each different during this time.

