Semantic Keywords: What They Are & How to Find Them

Jul 23, 2024 05:39 PM - 4 months ago 99457

What Are Semantic Keywords?

Semantic keywords are words aliases phrases that are conceptually related to a fixed keyword aliases topic. 

For example, “italy” and “dough” are semantically related to “pizza.”

It’s important not to confuse semantic keywords pinch target keywords (keywords you want to rank for). 

For example, you mightiness want a page to rank for “pizza mixed recipe” and related keywords for illustration “how to make continent pizza dough.” But you wouldn’t really want it to rank for “italy.”

Why Use Semantic Keywords successful SEO?

Semantic keywords thief hunt engines understand your content’s taxable matter, scope, and depth. And that tin thief you rank much prominently for applicable queries.

This is because Google uses semantic search (not keyword search) to find hunt results.

In different words, Google doesn’t conscionable look for nan user’s hunt position connected your page. It tries to lucifer nan meaning of nan query pinch nan meaning of your page.

For example, Google infers that group searching for “authentic pizza dough” want Italian-style recipes. And infers that pizza recipes containing position for illustration “rustic Italian” and “Neapolitan style” are relevant.

SERP reveals semantic keyword ideas

Google performs semantic analyses pinch nan thief of various systems, specified as:

  • Google Knowledge Graph: A database that maps relationships betwixt people, places, and things
  • Natural connection processing: A shape of artificial intelligence that helps computers construe quality language

When you optimize your contented for these systems, you’re doing semantic SEO.

How to Find Semantic Keywords

Once you’ve chosen a keyword aliases taxable to guidelines your contented around, look for semantically related keywords. Because they’ll thief you create relevant, information-rich contented that’s easy for users and hunt engines to understand.

Here’s really to find semantic keywords pinch 7 different tools:

SEO Content Template

Enter nan target keyword(s) for a page into Semrush’s SEO Content Template. 

The instrumentality will analyse nan apical 10 Google results to supply a database of semantically related keywords (along pinch different recommendations).

For example, present are nan results for “how to make pizza dough”: 

Semantic keywords see "room temperature," "homemade pizza dough," "bread flour," and more

Adding these semantic keywords to your contented tin thief you replicate your rivals’ success.

When you’re fresh to commencement writing, click “Real-time Content Check” past “Open successful SEO Writing Assistant.”

navigate to SEO Writing Assistant

SEO Writing Assistant

The SEO Writing Assistant reviews your contented successful existent time. And provides recommendations connected really to amended it.

If you didn’t spell to nan instrumentality straight from SEO Content Template, create a caller archive pinch your target keyword(s) added.

Then, spell to nan “Add recommended keywords:” conception to spot immoderate semantic keywords you’ve missed.

Semantic keywords highlighted successful tool

Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool allows you to hunt our keyword database. And you tin usage it to do a semantic keyword search.

Enter your target keyword and country. And nan instrumentality will coming “Broad Match” keywords that incorporate nan starting word(s) aliases a adjacent variation.

For example, present are nan U.S. results for “how to make pizza dough”: 

keywords see "how to make pizza dough" and "how to make pizza mixed without yeast" (and more)

On nan left, you’ll find a database of commonly occurring terms. Which tin make bully semantic keywords.

In our example, “yeast” is nan astir communal modifier. So, it’s a bully thought to usage this word (and different celebrated terms) successful your pizza mixed recipe.

keyword modifier highlighted. different semantic keywords see words for illustration "flour" and "homemade"

Take a look astatine circumstantial keyword results, too. Because you mightiness find secondary keywords (other applicable keywords you want your page to rank for)—e.g., “how to make pizza mixed from scratch.” 

Or you mightiness find keywords you tin target connected different pages—e.g., “how to make pizza mixed without yeast.”

Organic Research

With nan Organic Research tool, you tin spot what hunt position a URL appears for successful Google.

Analyzing your competitors’ keyword rankings tin beryllium a awesome measurement to root semantic keyword ideas.

For example, present are nan results for a pizza crust look connected nan Sally’s Baking Addiction site:

keywords see "pizza mixed recipe" "homemade pizza dough," "how to make pizza dough," and more

If location are tons of results to scroll through, you mightiness want to export your results to a spreadsheet. And past import nan keywords to a connection unreality generator for illustration this one. So you tin visualize nan astir commonly occurring terms.

Like this:

word unreality shows nan astir celebrated keywords see "recipes," "crust," "homemade," "organic," and more

You tin often find semantically akin keywords connected Google’s hunt motor results pages (SERPs).

Pay peculiar attraction to nan pursuing elements (when they appear):

  • Autocomplete suggestions: Look astatine nan autocomplete suggestions that travel up arsenic you type your query into Google
autocomplete suggestions for "how to make pizza dough" see "from scratch," "without yeast," "easy," and more
  • Related searches: Google whitethorn show related hunt queries that let users to refine their search. These tin supply awesome inspiration for semantic keywords.
related searches see "italian pizza mixed recipe," "best pizza mixed mix," "ready made pizza dough," and "pizza mixed walmart"
  • Bolded terms: In summation to bolding nan hunt word used, Google whitethorn besides bold related position that look successful snippets
bolded position successful a SERP listing see "easy pizza dough" and "homemade pizza crust"
  • People Also Ask: The People Also Ask (PAA) container is simply a SERP feature (an further constituent successful hunt results) that contains celebrated questions and answers from crossed nan web. This tin beryllium a awesome root of semantic keywords and question keywords.
searches see "how to make pizza mixed astatine home," "what is basal pizza mixed made of," and more

When you research a taxable successful Google Trends, you tin find related topics and hunt terms. Which you tin usage arsenic semantic keywords.

Head to Google Trends, participate a hunt term, and take a consequence from nan list:

"pizza dough" entered into Google Trends hunt bar

Then, prime nan region and clip scope you want to explore. 

(You tin besides alteration nan class and hunt type, if you wish.)

filters highlighted

Scroll down to nan “Related topics” and “Related queries” sections.

“Rising” topics and queries are those that person had nan biggest comparative summation successful hunt fame complete nan selected clip range. (“Breakout” refers to an summation complete 5,000%.)

Rising related topics and queries show "garlic knots recipe" is simply a Breakout query and "mozzarella sticks" are a Breakout topic

Switch to nan “Top” results to spot nan astir celebrated related topics aliases queries.

The astir searched consequence gets a people of 100. And nan others are scored comparatively (e.g., thing pinch a people of 50 was half arsenic popular).

The apical related taxable is "Pizza - Dish" and nan apical related query is "pizza recipe"

Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is simply a free instrumentality that lets you find keywords for paid hunt ads. But you tin besides usage it to find semantically related keywords.

Visit Keyword Planner and click “Discover caller keywords” to get started.


Then, participate your target keyword(s) and click “Get results.”

"how to make pizza dough" entered into search

The instrumentality will coming a database of keyword ideas.

And successful nan “Refine keywords,” section, you’ll find communal word categories.

keyword ideas and refine keywords conception highighted

Expand these categories to observe nan circumstantial position to get inspiration for your content.

expanded position show related keywords for illustration "thin pizza crust," "pan pizza," "stuffed pizza," and more

Start Creating Semantically Rich Content

Incorporating semantic keywords (in due contexts) helps you create contented that’s amended for users and hunt engines. And much apt to make rankings, traffic, and conversions.

To streamline nan contented creation process, usage nan SEO Writing Assistant:

  • Track your usage of target keywords and semantic keywords
  • Generate aliases amended written contented pinch nan thief of AI
  • Monitor your content’s readability, originality, and reside of voice
Semantic keywords highlighted successful SEO Writing Assistant