Safari’s new ‘Distraction Control’ feature lets you hide annoying cookie pop-ups

Aug 06, 2024 02:38 AM - 4 months ago 90214

Apple is adding a caller characteristic to Safari called “Distraction Control” that lets you region distracting things for illustration cooky penchant pop-ups while you’re browsing, MacRumors reports. The caller characteristic is disposable pinch nan 5th iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia developer betas that launched connected Monday.

You tin get an thought of really Distraction Control useful acknowledgment to a video from MacRumors. From a menu, you tin take an action to “Hide Distracting Items” and past prime items you want to hide from nan page you’re looking at. When items are hidden, they dissipate distant pinch a very slick animation.

In a pop-up shown successful nan video, Apple notes that “hiding distracting items will not permanently region ads and different contented that updates frequently,” truthful you won’t beryllium capable to usage this characteristic to hide each advertisement you spot for good. Parts of a website that you hide besides don’t sync crossed your devices, MacRumors says.

The caller iOS 18 beta besides brings changes to nan redesigned Photos app, including removing nan caller carousel position feature.
