Reddit’s upgraded AMA posts are rolling out this week

Aug 07, 2024 04:02 AM - 4 months ago 90849

Reddit’s “ask maine anything” posts, aliases AMAs, could consciousness much for illustration typical events than modular posts pinch a twist, acknowledgment to changes that spell sitewide connected Thursday. While nary of nan updates bespeak a full overhaul, they do put a caller benignant of accent connected nan celebrated Q&A sessions.

Starting connected Thursday, a caller AMA tab will connection typical options for illustration nan expertise to schedule and beforehand an AMA successful a azygous post. Creators of nan posts tin besides adhd up to 5 cohosts, whose answers are tagged arsenic specified successful nan comments section. When nan AMA is over, hosts tin besides adhd an ending statement pinch closing thoughts, links, aliases last promotional info.

For mean tract users, a caller RSVP action will fto them get notifications truthful they don’t miss one. Once nan AMA is live, caller tabs fto readers select comments by questions nan hosts person answered aliases those they haven’t. Also, scheduled AMAs will get labels noting if they’re coming soon, already live, aliases person passed.

Here’s an image assemblage pinch immoderate of nan changes:

A image from an AMA pinch 3 tabs astatine nan top, branded “All,” “Answered,” and “Unanswered.”Screenshot showing nan caller station creation screen, pinch expertise to group a commencement and extremity day and more.Two screenshots, 1 pinch replies branded “co-host” and nan different branded “OP.”An image showing nan “End AMA?” screen, pinch a section for adding accusation to station erstwhile nan AMA is over.


Filtering by questions that person aliases haven’t been answered.

Image: Reddit

Reddit has been testing its caller format for a while, truthful you tin spot really it useful successful a fewer AMAs. There’s 1 hosted by Slipknot percussionist Shawn “Clown” Crahan, different cohosted by a brace of journalists and a man who was falsely imprisoned for almost 4 decades for murder, and a convention from, er, Homelander of Amazon Prime’s The Boys.

Like a batch of people, I ever consciousness nan request to brace myself whenever Reddit announces it’s doing thing new. But these tweaks to nan site’s Q&A sessions consciousness for illustration genuine improvements. Having missed my stock of AMAs that I really wanted to beryllium a portion of because I simply forgot, I’m looking guardant to getting reminders for them.
