Pokémon developer faces major data leak

Oct 15, 2024 03:59 AM - 3 months ago 144836

Hackers released a postulation of leaked information from Pokémon crippled developer Game Freak complete the weekend, including individual accusation astir employees. Game Freak — which develops the main lineup of Pokémon video games — confirmed the breach successful a statement, saying (per a instrumentality translator from Japanese) that it was the consequence of “unauthorized entree to our servers by a 3rd party” and dated backmost to August of 2024.

Game Freak said the leaked individual accusation — which it characterizes arsenic names and institution email addresses — included astir 2,600 items. As Polygon notes, however, the breach appears to see overmuch much than worker information. Redditors and others opportunity they’ve unearthed root codification from erstwhile games arsenic good arsenic unused pokémon designs and different things that were scrapped during the improvement process of those games. They’ve allegedly recovered much constricted item astir early projects, including immoderate codenames for early games.

There are nary evident reports of nonstop leaks from the different companies progressive successful Pokémon arsenic portion of this breach, including Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and the jointly owned Pokémon Company.

Game Freak’s statement, which is dated to October 10th but, according to Polygon, appeared connected the 13th, says the server has since been secured and that the institution is taking steps to bolster its information measures. Here’s the afloat instrumentality translation:

October 10, 2024

Game Freak Inc.

Notice and apology regarding the leak of individual accusation owed to unauthorized access

Game Freak Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Satoshi Tajiri, hereinafter referred to arsenic “the Company”) has discovered that the individual accusation of our labor and others was leaked successful relationship pinch unauthorized entree to our server by a 3rd statement successful August 2024.

We sincerely apologize for the awesome inconvenience and interest caused to each concerned parties.

1. Leaked individual information

Personal information regarding our employees, etc.*

Items: Name, institution email address

Number of cases: 2,606

*Our employees, contracted business workers (including G-appointed labor and erstwhile employees)

2. Response to those whose individual accusation has been confirmed to person been leaked

We are contacting the applicable employees, etc. individually.

For those who cannot beryllium contacted individually owed to resignation, etc., we will notify them done this announcement and group up a hotline to grip inquiries regarding this matter.

3. Measures to forestall recurrence

We person already rebuilt and re-inspected our servers, but we will activity to forestall recurrence by further strengthening our information measures.

4. Inquiries regarding this matter

Inquiries from those affected by this matter tin beryllium made done the hotline below.
