Optimization-based meta-learning: Using MAML with PyTorch on the MNIST dataset

Dec 25, 2024 01:42 PM - 1 month ago 63798


Meta learning, which is besides referred to arsenic learning to study has go an area of research, successful the section of instrumentality learning. Its nonsubjective is to supply models, pinch the capacity to swiftly accommodate to tasks aliases domains erstwhile location is constricted information available. One notable algorithm utilized successful meta learning is known arsenic Model Agnostic Meta Learning (MAML).

Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning, aliases MAML, is 1 specified method that goes manus successful manus pinch optimization-based meta-learning. It is an algorithm projected by Chelsea Finn, et al. from UC Berkeley. The unsocial facet of MAML is its model-agnosticism; it is compatible pinch immoderate exemplary that is trainable pinch gradient descent, including but not constricted to convolutional and recurrent networks.

It has an soul and outer furniture that it uses to function. Gradient descent is utilized connected individual tasks to update the model’s parameters successful the soul layer, allowing for accelerated task-specific adaptation. The main extremity of the outer level is to study caller tasks quickly and efficiently. It is dedicated to identifying the champion imaginable initialization for this purpose.


  1. Python Knowledge: Familiarity pinch Python and PyTorch basics.
  2. Meta-Learning: Understanding the conception of Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML).
  3. Deep Learning Basics: Knowledge of neural networks, gradient descent, and nonaccomplishment functions.
  4. PyTorch Setup: Installed PyTorch and associated libraries (e.g., NumPy, Matplotlib).
  5. MNIST Dataset: Awareness of its building (images of digits 0–9).
  6. GPU Access (Optional): For faster training and experimentation.

Practical Example: Few-shot Image Classification

Let’s look astatine the real-world exertion of few-shot image classification to spot the powerfulness of MAML successful action. Consider a dataset wherever location are fewer images annotated pinch the desired labels. With specified small data, accepted instrumentality learning algorithms often neglect to supply optimal outcomes. But this is wherever MAML steps successful to help:

Inner level

The soul level of meta-learning successful the discourse of MAML (Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning) aliases mostly successful meta-learning refers to really a exemplary is modified for a circumstantial task during the meta-training phase. This adjustment occurs connected each individual task encountered during the meta-training process and involves a fewer cardinal steps:

  1. Initialization: At the opening of each task, the exemplary is initialized pinch the meta-learned parameters obtained from the outer level of meta-training. The first models are those that person shown their expertise to execute good successful different tasks.
  2. Task Specific Training: The exemplary is past trained connected this peculiar task utilizing constricted magnitude of task circumstantial data. This shape usually takes a short clip and intends astatine adjusting the model’s parameters truthful arsenic to beryllium much aligned pinch existent information group features.
  3. Gradient Calculation: Gradients for parameter accommodation are computed by backmost propagating correction done training process conducted connected each respective task. After task circumstantial training, these gradients are computed by backmost propagating correction done it.
  4. Parameter Update: The model’s parameters are updated successful the other guidance of the calculated gradients.

Outer Level

The meta-learning process is controlled by the outermost furniture of Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML). In MAML, meta-learning goes complete a distribution of tasks, and the outer loop entails updating the model’s parameters connected the ground of really it performs crossed various tasks. The main activities astatine the outer level of MAML are arsenic follows:


  • Initialize the exemplary parameters randomly aliases utilizing immoderate pretrained values.

Meta-Training Loop:

  • For each loop successful the meta-training loop, sample a batch of tasks from the task distribution.
  • For each task successful that batch, execute an soul loop (task-specific training) to make the exemplary champion suited for each fixed task.
  • Compute circumstantial nonaccomplishment for each task by validating adapted exemplary against validation set.


  • Calculate the gradient of the mean task-specific nonaccomplishment crossed each tasks successful the batch pinch respect to the first exemplary parameters.
  • Update the exemplary parameters successful the other guidance of these gradients to promote the exemplary to study a group of parameters that are much adaptable to a wide scope of tasks.

The extremity is to set those initialization parameters, truthful that the exemplary tin study faster erstwhile it sees caller tasks. It’s for illustration the exemplary is learning really to study and the outer loop lets it get amended astatine adapting quickly.

The mathematical look for MAML

The mathematical look for MAML tin beryllium expressed arsenic follows:

Given a group of tasks T = {T1, T2, …, TN}, wherever each task Ti has a training group Di, MAML intends to find a group of parameters θ that tin beryllium quickly adapted to caller tasks.

  1. Initialization: Initialize the exemplary parameters θ randomly aliases pinch pre-trained weights.
  2. Inner loop: For each task Ti, compute the adapted parameters θi by taking a fewer gradient steps connected the nonaccomplishment usability L(Di, θ) utilizing the training information Di.
  3. Outer loop: Update the first parameters θ by taking the gradient descent measurement connected the meta-objective J(T, θ) complete each tasks. This nonsubjective measures the capacity of the adapted parameters θi connected the validation group for each task. Different meta-objectives tin beryllium used, specified arsenic minimizing the mean nonaccomplishment aliases maximizing the accuracy crossed tasks. 4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a fewer iterations to refine the first parameters.

MAML pinch PyTorch and MNIST dataset

Here, we’ll show really to put MAML to usage utilizing PyTorch and the MNIST dataset. The MNIST dataset consists of grayscales images of handwritten numbers 0-9 that measurement 28x28 pixels each. The nonsubjective is to train the exemplary to categorize the numbers correctly. In the lawsuit of MAML, we first initialize a model, often a elemental convolutional neural web erstwhile dealing pinch image data. We past simulate a learning process connected a assortment of tasks, each task being to admit a circumstantial digit from 0 to 9.

For each task, we cipher the nonaccomplishment and gradients and update the exemplary parameters. After simulating the learning process for a batch of tasks, we past cipher the meta-gradient, which is the mean of the gradients calculated for each task. The exemplary parameters are past updated utilizing this meta-gradient. This process is repeated until the model’s capacity satisfies the desired criteria. The beauty of MAML lies successful its expertise to accommodate to caller tasks pinch conscionable a fewer gradient updates, making it an fantabulous prime for tasks for illustration MNIST wherever the exemplary needs to accommodate to recognizing each of the 10 digits.

Step 1: Import Libraries and Load Data

We request to load the MNIST dataset and import immoderate basal libraries. The information will beryllium loaded successful batches done the usage of the PyTorch DataLoader.

import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchvision.datasets import MNIST from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor train_dataset = MNIST(root='data/', train=True, transform=ToTensor(), download=True) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)

Step 2: Define the Model

The adjacent measurement is to settee connected a model for MAML. The CNN we’ll beryllium utilizing consists of only 2 convolutional layers, 2 max pooling layers, and 2 afloat connected layers.

class CNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(CNN, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=3) self.relu1 = nn.ReLU() self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3) self.relu2 = nn.ReLU() self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(64 * 5 * 5, 128) self.relu3 = nn.ReLU() self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 10) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.relu1(x) x = self.pool1(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.relu2(x) x = self.pool2(x) x = x.view(-1, 64 * 5 * 5) x = self.fc1(x) x = self.relu3(x) x = self.fc2(x) x = self.softmax(x) return x

Building a convolutional neural nett for image classification tin get a spot complicated. But let’s locomotion done it step-by-step.

  • First, we’ll specify our CNN class. The init method will group up the layers and we commencement pinch a convolutional furniture to extract features from the input images. Then a ReLU activation to present non-linearity. Next we do immoderate max pooling to trim dimensions.
  • We repetition this shape - convolution, ReLU, pooling - for a 2nd layer. This extracts higher level features built connected apical of the first furniture outputs.
  • After the convolutional layers, we flatten the tensor earlier passing it to a afloat connected furniture to trim down to the number of output classes. We usage ReLU again present and a 2nd afloat connected furniture to get the last outputs.
  • The guardant walk chains everything together - the 2 sets of convolutional/ReLU/pooling layers extract features from the input. Then the afloat connected layers categorize based connected those features.
  • We extremity pinch a softmax to person the outputs into normalized probability scores representing each class. This picks the highest scoring people arsenic the model’s predicted label.

So, that is simply a basal CNN architecture for image classification. The cardinal is stacking those convolutional and pooling layers to build up hierarchical characteristic representations. This lets the afloat connected layers efficiently study the weights to toggle shape those features into meticulous predictions.

Step 3: Initialize the Model and specify the nonaccomplishment usability and the optimizer

model = CNN() loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

First, we group up the model. We utilized our basal CNN for this example. Nothing excessively fancy, conscionable getting the architecture initialized. Then we specify really you’re going to train it. Cross entropy nonaccomplishment is beautiful modular for classification tasks for illustration what we’re doing here. And SGD arsenic the optimizer, pinch a mini learning rate.

Step 4: Define the soul and outer optimization loop

def inner_loop(task_data): for data, labels in task_data: optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(data) nonaccomplishment = loss_fn(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() def outer_loop(meta_data): for task_data in meta_data: inner_loop(task_data)
  • Now, we tin specify the soul loop wherever the existent optimization happens. This loops done the information for each task, zeroing retired the gradients, making predictions, calculating the loss, backpropagating and updating the exemplary parameters. The cardinal point is that, it’s only seeing the information for that circumstantial task successful this soul loop.
  • The outer loop is what controls the meta-learning aspect. It loop done and telephone the soul loop for each of the tasks successful the meta-training set. So the exemplary gets updated connected task 1, task 2, etc - fundamentally simulating those speedy adjustment steps you spot successful few-shot learning.

So successful summary, you get the optimization connected each task pinch the soul loop and past the outer loop controls the meta-optimization complete the distribution of tasks. Pretty clever measurement to leverage SGD for meta-learning! You tin tweak the loops and training procedure, but this is the halfway logic down optimization-based approaches for illustration MAML.

Step 5: Train the loop

num_epochs = 20 for epoch in range(num_epochs): outer_loop([train_loader])
  • The training loop’s task is to spell done each the epochs and grip the training process. The loop epoch adaptable represents the existent epoch number, starting astatine 0 and counting up to the full epochs minus 1.
  • Inside the loop, it calls the outer_loop function.
  • The train_loader is simply a information loader entity that provides batches of training information to the loop each clip through.

Overall, the loop goes epoch by epoch calling the training usability and getting caller batches of information to train connected for each epoch. It handles driving the full training process.

Step 5: Evaluation of the trained exemplary connected a caller Task aliases domain

In bid to measure a exemplary for a caller task, 1 must first create a caller DataLoader, settee the exemplary into information mode, iterate done the caller data, find accuracy, and people the results.

new_dataset = MNIST(root='data/', train=False, transform=ToTensor(), download=True) new_loader = DataLoader(new_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False) model.eval() total_samples = 0 correct_predictions = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for data, labels in new_loader: outputs = model(data) _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1) total_samples += labels.size(0) correct_predictions += (predicted == labels).sum().item() accuracy = 100 * correct_predictions / total_samples print(f"Accuracy connected the caller task aliases domain: {accuracy:.2f}%")

The exemplary we trained sewage 83% accuracy connected the caller task utilizing the MNIST dataset. That sounds beautiful good, but you still person to deliberation astir what precisely you want the exemplary to perform. 83% bully capable for the app ? If it’s for thing really important, past 83% mightiness not beryllium enough, and you will request to amended it.

This is simply a basal implementation of MAML. In an existent scenario, you would usage a overmuch much analyzable model, and you would person to fine-tune the hyperparameters for optimal performance. The number of epochs, the learning rate, the batch size, and the architecture of the exemplary itself are each hyperparameters that tin beryllium tweaked to summation performance. For this tutorial, I made the determination to usage a elemental exemplary and basal hyperparameters for simplicity and readability.

Some variants of MAML

Different variants of MAML and related algorithms supply alternate approaches to meta-learning and few-shot learning. They tackle various weaknesses and challenges of the original MAML method, offering caller solutions for businesslike and effective meta-learning.

  • Reptile: Reptile is for illustration FOMAML, utilizing per-task gradient descent to accommodate the exemplary to caller tasks.
  • iMAML: iMAML avoids computing second-order derivatives, reducing complexity done implicit differentiation for gradients.
  • Meta-SGD: Meta-SGD is simply a meta-learning algorithm that learns to optimize the learning complaint of the guidelines learner. It uses a meta-learner to study the optimal learning complaint for each task.
  • anil: anil uses conscionable a azygous soul loop update, decreasing MAML’s computation by skipping aggregate updates.
  • Proto-MAML: Proto-MAML takes a prototype-based approach, learning a prototype per people to categorize caller examples.


MAML being model-agnostic tin beryllium utilized pinch different models that tin beryllium trained via gradient descent for illustration convolutional and recurrent networks. It has an soul furniture that operates done some upward and downward directions, wherever gradients descend connected the circumstantial task ground for swift task-driven adaptation. Its outer furniture seeks due initialization which let it to study caller tasks efficiently.

One bully illustration of specified an effectiveness of MAML was demonstrated successful few-shot image classification. Traditional instrumentality learning algorithms whitethorn autumn short successful scenarios wherever only a fewer annotated images are available. MAML achieves superiority by quickly changing its exemplary based connected the peculiar tasks during the meta-training step.

The soul level of meta-learning involves initialization, task-specific training utilizing constricted data, gradient calculation done backpropagation, and parameter updates. In addition, location are besides initialization parameters for the outer level that controls meta-learning process including initializing exemplary parameters, performing a meta-training loop complete a task distribution, calculating meta-updates from losses associated pinch peculiar tasks and adjusting initialization parameters truthful arsenic to heighten adaptability.

The mathematical formulation of MAML involves uncovering a group of parameters that tin beryllium swiftly adapted to caller tasks. In this case, the soul loop modifies the exemplary for each individual task while the outer loop updates and improves first parameters depending connected really good it performs aggregate tasks.

A real-world implementation of MAML utilizing PyTorch and the MNIST dataset is provided. The step-by-step process includes importing libraries, defining the exemplary architecture, initializing the model, mounting up soul and outer optimization loops, and training the model.

The past measurement should impact testing the trained exemplary connected a caller task aliases domain. The accuracy connected the caller task is wished by creating a caller DataLoader, mounting the exemplary to information mode, iterating done the caller information and calculating accuracy. Several variants of MAML, specified arsenic Reptile, iMAML, Meta-SGD, anil, and Proto-MAML, connection replacement approaches to reside different challenges and weaknesses successful meta-learning.
