There’s a caller app for Macs called NotchNook that transforms nan notch connected your MacBook Air aliases MacBook Pro into, basically, nan iPhone’s Dynamic Island. And aft utilizing it for a day, I’m not judge I tin do without it.
Just for illustration nan Dynamic Island, NotchNook expands retired from nan notch, revealing a “Nook” pinch basal media controls (sort of for illustration Live Activities successful iOS) and different customizable widgets. Then there’s a “Tray” tab that you tin driblet files aliases apps into; it’s akin to nan macOS dock, isolated from that nan tray empties erstwhile you discontinue NotchNook.
GIF: NotchNook
You entree this by clicking connected a tab that blends successful pinch nan notch, aliases by swiping downward connected your trackpad erstwhile your rodent cursor is complete it. Or you tin group it to driblet down automatically erstwhile you bring your rodent complete it.
NotchNook useful connected Macs pinch and without notches; for those without, you tin customize it truthful it either looks for illustration a afloat notch aliases simply appears arsenic a mini achromatic sliver astatine nan apical halfway of your screen. The app lists different “coming soon” features, for illustration nan expertise to zip aliases unzip files by dragging them into nan app (which sounds nosy and unnecessary, but that’s nan vibe this app gives maine anyway).
The app could still usage immoderate ironing retired — I couldn’t fig retired really to region files from nan Tray tab, which becomes nan default tab erstwhile you put thing successful it. Also, swiping near aliases correct is expected to beryllium for illustration pressing nan adjacent aliases erstwhile opus button, but that didn’t activity for me. And it only seems to support definite media apps, for illustration Apple Music, arsenic controls didn’t show up for different apps I tried. I besides couldn’t find a privateness argumentation from, and nan developer didn’t respond to my questions by property time.
But those issues aside, NotchNook feels for illustration a very earthy hold of macOS. I don’t consciousness for illustration it does thing that I can’t already do without it, which is good because it’s conscionable nosy to use.