At nan opening of a caller photograph locomotion pinch a Nikon representative, I was told it was only a matter of clip earlier I became a “birder”. Because yet each photographer runs retired of things to return photos of and is near pinch only 1 taxable to master: birds. Which, because of advancements successful sensor technology, person go a overmuch easier target.
The Nikon Z6 III has an articulating backmost surface that is emblematic of hybrid photograph / video cameras.
It was connected this aforesaid photograph locomotion that I sewage a fewer hours pinch nan caller $2,500 Nikon Z6 III. And nan large news successful this camera is its 24.5-megapixel partially stacked CMOS sensor. This is nan first camera, ever, to employment this technology. Instead of nan circuit parts and pixel area some stretching nan afloat corner-to-corner dimensions of nan image sensor and sitting connected apical of each other, arsenic successful nan much costly Nikon Z9 aliases Nikon Z8, aliases not being stacked astatine all, arsenic successful nan erstwhile Nikon Z6 II, nan Z6 III’s circuit parts are stacked arsenic bars connected nan apical and bottommost of nan pixel area.
It results successful higher continuous shooting rates, faster autofocus, higher video framework rates, and little rolling shutter effect than nan erstwhile Z6 II, pinch its BSI CMOS sensor successful e-shutter mode. But it besides intends that nan Z6 III is not arsenic speedy arsenic nan much premium Z8 aliases Z9 pinch their afloat stacked sensors. In elemental terms, partially stacking nan sensor allows Nikon to support this camera’s value beneath that of nan Z8 and Z9 while besides overmuch improving nan capacity of it complete nan erstwhile generation.
The different important updates are nan Z6 III’s incredibly agleam physics position finder that tin scope a highest brightness of 4,000 nits and nan cameras expertise to movie 6K RAW video astatine up to 60fps and 4K RAW up to 120fps. Nikon is besides promising Z8 level build quality, which intends nan camera is particulate and moisture sealed and rated for cognition down to 14°F/−10°C. Simply put, Nikon builds very resilient cameras that don’t skimp connected specs. And besides cameras that tin move immoderate photographer into a birder.
The handgrip connected nan Nikon Z6 III is heavy capable for semipermanent comfort.
I chose nan Staten Island Ferry for my photograph locomotion pinch nan Z6 III because of its endless opportunities for group watching and unthinkable views of little Manhattan and nan Statue of Liberty. Match that pinch nan boat’s iconic orangish colour and you are guaranteed astatine slightest a fewer awesome shots. What I had ne'er paid overmuch attraction to earlier were each of nan birds utilizing nan boat’s slipstream to move crossed nan harbor.
While nan Z6 III does not person a dedicated vertebrate attraction mode, Nikon claims that its autofocus is 20% faster than nan Z6 II and has an extended scope down to -10EV, meaning it is much delicate moreover successful lowlight conditions. And while connected nan backmost of nan ferry, it had perfectly nary problem locking onto birds. Within minutes of taking disconnected from Lower Manhattan I was whipping nan Z6 III from near to correct attempting to seizure seagulls. Eventually I smartened up and framed One World Trade Center and waited for a vertebrate to transverse my frame. And arsenic soon arsenic a vertebrate would participate nan camera locked correct nan moving entity that was a seagull. Within minutes I had changeable good complete 100 photos.
Photos taken pinch nan Nikon Z6 III + Nikon NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR Lens
There of people past came nan infinitesimal I thought “what nan hellhole americium I going to do pinch each these photos of birds”. Which is why I would for illustration to convey you each for clicking done nan supra slideshow and giving my caller recovered passion for vertebrate photography a logic to exist.
Much for illustration nan Z8 and Z9, Nikon progressively makes cameras that are truthful responsive and intuitive that you nary longer person to walk arsenic overmuch clip reasoning astir problems specified arsenic focus, manus shake, aliases shutter speed. You tin quickly constituent nan camera successful immoderate guidance and it will seizure thing successful focus.
That being said, location is only truthful overmuch I could trial successful my fewer hours pinch this camera. I didn’t person a debased ray situation to trial nan ISO ranges aliases debased ray autofocus, I didn’t person aggregate subjects to trial tegument reside practice on, and I didn’t person ND filters successful bid to get a due video vulnerability for testing 6K RAW. So while I had a batch of fun, and americium now a certified “birder” location is surely a batch much testing that needs to beryllium done connected this caller partially stacked sensor technology. But successful my short clip pinch it, I tin confidently opportunity that successful nary measurement did it consciousness for illustration a measurement back. The Z6 III will beryllium disposable starting coming for $2,500.