AT&T revealed connected Friday that a monolithic information hack, primitively exposed successful April, whitethorn person been worse than antecedently thought.
The telephone and matter logs of "nearly all" of its cellular customers person been exposed successful nan breach.
"In April, AT&T learned that customer information was illegally downloaded from our workspace connected a third-party unreality platform," nan institution said successful a statement. "We launched an investigation and engaged starring cybersecurity experts to understand nan quality and scope of nan criminal activity. We person taken steps to adjacent disconnected nan forbidden entree point."
The compromised information includes files containing AT&T records of calls and texts of "nearly all" of AT&T's cellular customers from May 1, 2022 - October 31, 2022. Per CNN, astatine nan extremity of 2022, AT&T had 110 cardinal wireless subscribers.
The institution said nan information "does not incorporate nan contented of calls aliases texts, individual accusation specified arsenic Social Security numbers, dates of birth, aliases different personally identifiable information."
"At this time, we do not judge that nan information is publically available," AT&T said successful nan statement. "We are moving pinch rule enforcement successful its efforts to apprehension those progressive successful nan incident. We understand that astatine slightest 1 personification has been apprehended."
Customers tin sojourn for much information.
[Original communicative beneath from 4/1/2024]
Current and erstwhile AT&T customers beware.
The mobile and net work supplier confirmed over nan play nan institution suffered from a monolithic information breach that whitethorn person leaked nan individual accusation of an estimated 7.6 cardinal existent AT&T customers and 65.4 cardinal erstwhile customers, totaling 73 cardinal users affected.
AT&T said that, astir 2 weeks ago, nan information group was leaked to nan "dark web." It's unclear if nan leak originated from AT&T aliases a third-party vendor.
Related: 'I Want a Free Month': Thousands of Customers Furious astatine AT&T After Widespread Outages
Compromised information may include societal information numbers, afloat names, telephone numbers, AT&T relationship accusation (numbers and passcodes), and email and mailing addresses.
"Currently, AT&T does not person grounds of unauthorized entree to its systems resulting successful exfiltration of nan information set. The institution is communicating proactively pinch those impacted and will beryllium offering in installments monitoring astatine our disbursal wherever applicable," nan institution said successful a release. "As of today, this incident has not had a worldly effect connected AT&T's operations."
The institution besides clarified that nan information "appears" to beryllium from accounts created successful 2019 aliases earlier.
News of nan leak was primitively posted connected X by tech relationship @vx-underground connected March 17, which claimed that "the stolen information is legitimate" and was leaked onto acheronian web level Breached.
Today 70,000,000+ records from an unspecified section of AT&T were leaked onto Breached. No accusation is disposable to bespeak whether it is simply a 3rd statement compromise, aliases which 'division' this information is from.
Regardless, upon review, we tin corroborate nan stolen information is legitimate.
Earlier this year, successful February, AT&T suffered a mass outage that affected astir 75% of nan company's full customers. CEO John Stankey confirmed that customers who were "most affected" by nan work disruption will person a $5 in installments to their account.
Related: Maine Hacked successful Data Breach, 1.3 Million Residents At Risk
"Moments for illustration these are a trial of resilience," Stankey wrote astatine nan clip successful an soul memo. "This is not our first web outage, and it won't beryllium our past – unfortunately, it's nan reality of our business. What matters astir is really we react, adapt, and amended to present nan work our customers request and expect."
AT&T was down complete 10.5% twelvemonth complete twelvemonth arsenic of Monday morning.