Navigating Content Marketing Amidst the Rise of AI — Whiteboard Friday

Sep 27, 2024 02:00 PM - 4 months ago 152957

In this section of Whiteboard Friday, Ross talks astir really hunt has changed and really we, arsenic marketers, tin navigate that alteration to nutrient value content. With the accrued usage of AI and LLMs, contented creation whitethorn look much complex, but it’s still based connected the fundamentals we usage each day.

Create contented worthy stealing

Create contented worthy stealing truthful LLMs are apt to scrape your content.

Seed contented wherever contented is being stolen

Seed your contented wherever contented is being scraped and "stolen"

Go wherever your assemblage is

Go wherever your assemblage is and look for niche places to post

Generative Engine Optimization

Generative motor optimization is built connected the principles of E-E-A-T

But Ross, I don't cognize really to spell into Reddit. Reddit hates marketers. You're right, it does. I've been blocked from Reddit astir 8 times successful my career. I support coming backmost though, and it helped maine triumph my imagination shot league. Shout retired to Reddit. Reddit is, without question, 1 of those places that will make marketers break retired into hives. I get it. They will show you wherever to spell and really to get there. But done my 8 times of failure, I person learned that location are a fewer elemental things that you tin do connected Reddit if you want to win. And particularly amidst this world wherever the partnerships pinch Google, the partnerships pinch the LLMs are astatine an all-time high. You request to beryllium reasoning astir these 3 elemental ideas.

Submit links

One, Redditors emotion links, and conjecture what you've created already? A bunch of contented that happens to beryllium created connected a link. So return those links and taxable them into applicable subreddits. I opportunity applicable connected purpose. If you person a blog that is targeting foodies, do not return that contented and taxable it to a subreddit that is dedicated to imagination footballers. It's not gonna extremity well. You're gonna get blocked. So make judge that you are submitting it only to the applicable subreddits. And make judge that you're checking the rules and guidelines that are listed connected the right-hand broadside of immoderate subreddit that show you what you tin and cannot do.

Make awesome comments

The 2nd point that you want to do is spell into the contented that is trending and reply that content, reply the questions, person a speech pinch the group successful these subreddits, and springiness them contented that is valuable. Include successful there, links to the pieces that you've created successful the past. Add that successful the comments, and that will besides let the LLMs to get awesome penetration for it to beryllium fed truthful it tin reply the measurement that you want.

Inspire UGC

Finally, animate UGC (user-generated content). Go into the communities wherever your assemblage are spending clip and inquire questions. If you are dying to rank for the apical stereos, if you're dying to rank for the apical software, if you're dying to rank for the apical spot to get a hotdog successful New York, immoderate it mightiness be, spell inquire the question. Go inquire the mobility successful the subreddit, and if you've already done your job, the organization will answer, you.

But if they don't, I've sewage a pro tip, and this is simply a pro extremity that you will get obscurity else. You're going to let each those comments to travel in, and they're gonna sometimes moreover mention your competitors, and that's okay. Eventually, time's gonna fade. But that portion of content, that mobility that you ask, that is precisely the mobility that group are gonna inquire the AI, is going to make it to the apical of that subreddit. And you're gonna spell in, and you're gonna edit that post. And astatine the apical of your post, you're gonna say, "Thank you truthful overmuch for each the comments. Check retired my website." Kind of sketch, but I deliberation you tin do it. Do a speedy edit, your link's now gonna show up astatine the top, and possibly the LLMs will plug it. I do not cognize if that's gonna get you banned arsenic well. It might, but springiness it a go. 

If you want much playbooks on how to administer your content done these different channels, there's a awesome book called "Create Once, Distribute Forever," disposable everywhere. I promote you to cheque it out. It's by yours truly. 

Create contented worthy reading

But earlier we wrap this up, fto maine show you 1 thing. The only measurement that this useful is if you perpetrate to creating contented that is worthy reading, worthy bookmarking, worthy stealing, and worthy scraping. The cat's retired of the bag, folks. We can't spell backmost to the measurement things utilized to be. It's nary longer arsenic elemental arsenic conscionable build a landing page, get immoderate links, and telephone it a day. It's not. Now things are overmuch much complex.

So if you wanna navigate the adjacent fewer years of this industry, of this space, you request to commencement reasoning not conscionable astir Google, but besides reasoning astir really group are searching successful different channels and successful different formats. From video to audio, to answers successful questions connected TripAdvisor, to Quora, to Stack Overflow, Trustpilot, SlideShare, and truthful overmuch more.

May the unit beryllium pinch you. I americium cheering for you. I americium rooting for you. Thank you truthful overmuch for listening. I'm Ross Simmonds. You tin find maine connected each of your favourite platforms @TheCoolestCool. I will spot you connected the internet.
