Microsoft is yet rolling retired spellcheck and autocorrect for its Notepad app successful Windows 11, much than 40 years aft nan elemental matter editor was first introduced successful Windows successful 1983. The package elephantine started testing both features successful March, and has now softly started enabling them for each Windows 11 users successful caller days.
The spellcheck characteristic successful Notepad is almost identical to really Word aliases Edge item misspelled words, pinch a reddish underline to intelligibly show mistakes. I opportunity almost identical because erstwhile you right-click connected a misspelled connection successful Notepad nan pronunciation submenu isn’t automatically expanded for illustration Microsoft does successful Word, truthful you person to click again to spot a database of correct spellings.
It’s unusual that Microsoft hasn’t afloat adopted nan measurement spellcheck useful successful Word, particularly fixed nan institution showed disconnected nan expertise to right-click and instantly prime nan correction successful Notepad during nan beta testing phase. Microsoft Word first had a spellcheck characteristic successful 1985, erstwhile it was known primitively arsenic Multi-Tool Word for Xenix and MS-DOS systems. Microsoft primitively created Notepad, which was first known arsenic Multi-Tool Notepad successful 1983, to beryllium a stripped down type of Word.
Screenshot by Tom Warren / The Verge
You tin alteration aliases disable spellcheck connected a record type ground successful Notepad for Windows 11, truthful if you don’t want to spot corrections successful files for illustration .md, .srt, .lrc, aliases .lic past those tin beryllium toggled successful nan settings menu. Microsoft has besides added autocorrect to Notepad, which intends typos are automatically corrected erstwhile spellcheck is enabled. Autocorrect tin besides beryllium abnormal successful Notepad’s settings.
Microsoft has been gradually adding much and much features to its Notepad app for Windows 11, conscionable successful clip for nan institution to remove nan built-in WordPad app from Windows 11 later this year. Notepad now has a character count, dark mode, tabs, Copilot integration, and moreover a virtual fidget spinner.