Meta warns that it will fire leakers in leaked memo

Jan 31, 2025 07:01 AM - 1 week ago 11123

Alex Heath

Alex Heath is a lawman editor and writer of the Command Line newsletter. He has been reporting connected the tech manufacture for much than a decade.

Moments aft Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s all-hands comments to labor were wide leaked, a institution executive warned successful an soul memo that leakers will beryllium fired.

“We return leaks earnestly and will return action,” Meta’s main accusation information officer, Guy Rosen, said successful an soul memo I’ve seen. “When accusation is stolen aliases leaked, location are repercussions beyond the contiguous information impact. Our teams go demoralized and we each discarded clip that is amended spent moving connected our products and toward our goals and mission.”

Rosen goes connected to opportunity that Meta “will return due action, including termination” if it identifies leakers and that “we precocious terminated relationships pinch labor who leaked confidential institution accusation inappropriately and exfiltrated delicate documents.”

During today’s all-hands meeting, Zuckerberg told labor he would nary longer beryllium arsenic transparent owed to leaks. “We effort to beryllium really unfastened and past everything I opportunity leaks,” he said. “It sucks.”

In a abstracted station connected Meta’s soul type of Facebook for employees, CTO Andrew Bosworth posted a link to my communicative astir Zuckerberg’s all-hands meeting to an soul group called “Let’s Fix Meta.” He said he “saw each the angry/sad reaccs astir the alteration to the format and I stock a consciousness of nonaccomplishment astir it, but I deliberation this makes it clear it was the correct call.”
