Lisp Programming Language – Full Course for Beginners
In this Lisp for beginners course, @TheLisper will thatch you why this elegant programming connection has influenced machine subject for complete 60 years. Lisp's elegant attack to handling codification arsenic data, mixed pinch its powerful macro strategy and functional programming paradigms, offers developers unsocial insights into programme architecture that stay applicable and influential crossed modern languages for illustration Python, JavaScript, and Rust. ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ - 0:00:00 Common Lisp #1 - Installation - 0:06:45 Common Lisp #2 - Playing pinch the REPL - 0:13:04 Common Lisp #3 - Local variables and branching - 0:28:42 Common Lisp #4 - Looping pinch dotimes and do - 0:39:17 Common Lisp #5 - What are lists? - 0:48:47 Common Lisp: 4 ways to build lists - 0:56:28 Common Lisp: Introduction to macros (for beginners) - 1:08:10 Common lisp: macro vs functions (for beginners) - 1:18:00 Common LISP: Destructuring and more! - 1:24:23 Getting started pinch packages successful Common LISP - 1:32:00 Prevent Macro Name Conflict pinch (gensym) - 1:36:32 Mastering Inheritance and Polymorphism pinch CLOS: An Introduction - 1:42:12 Mastering Inheritance and Polymorphism pinch CLOS: Multi-methods - 1:47:21 Common Lisp Debugging: Essential Tips and Techniques - 1:54:51 Exploring the Condition System of Common Lisp - 2:04:53 Mastering Built-in Types successful Common Lisp (or really I sewage 3x faster execution pinch the aforesaid algorithm) - 2:13:13 Improve Common Lisp Code Clarity With Better Dictionary Literal - 2:21:30 Manual Memory Management successful Common Lisp pinch CFFI - 2:28:29 Closures successful Common Lisp, erstwhile CLOS Is Too Much - 2:36:08 Tail Recursion With Common Lisp, Do aliases Don't? - 2:41:08 Common Lisp: defvar vs defparameter - 2:46:45 Series: A Functional Approach To Common Lisp - 2:52:40 Haskell-Like Type System In Common Lisp With Coalton - 2:59:14 The Loop Macro successful Common Lisp: Not Lispy but Convenient - 3:06:58 Circular database pinch Common Lisp 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 Drake Milly 👾 Ulises Moralez 👾 Goddard Tan 👾 David MG 👾 Matthew Springman 👾 Claudio 👾 Oscar R. 👾 jedi-or-sith 👾 Nattira Maneerat 👾 Justin Hual -- Learn to codification for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles connected programming: