'Largest Fraud Recovery to Date': New Jersey Man Accused of Illegally Trafficking Over 670 SpaceX Starlink Terminals

Trending 1 month ago

SpaceX is making headlines, and this time, nan play isn't astir CEO Elon Musk — aliases Mars.

Kelvin Rodriguez-Moya, 35, was arrested for allegedly illegally trafficking 675 SpaceX Starlink terminals he had purchased pinch stolen in installments paper accusation and hacking existing customers.

Starlink terminals are mostly utilized to bring net entree to distant areas astir nan world done SpaceX's satellites.

Related: Royal Caribbean Starlink Partnership Brings Fast Internet to Sea

The devices, which are worthy an estimated $400,000, were reportedly shipped to a location successful New Jersey earlier he attempted to carrier them via pickup motortruck to Newark.

"Typically, what happens is, nan fishy would usage these devices to resell and summation immoderate type of monetary benefit," Lawrence Township constabulary Chief Chris Longo said. "We received accusation from a resident that location was a ample number of deliveries going to a residence wrong our town."

Rodriguez-Moya was reportedly pulled complete pinch astir 220 devices successful his motortruck while he was en way to Newark.

Rodriguez-Moya does not unrecorded astatine nan reside wherever nan satellites were delivered, and nan existent residents were unaware of what was going on.

Related: Elon Musk's Starlink to Bring Service to Iran, School Buses

SpaceX's Director of Payment Risk and Fraud, Bennet Woo, dubbed nan recovery of nan terminals nan "largest fraud betterment to day by an bid of magnitude."

Rodriguez-Moya was officially charged pinch receiving stolen spot and trafficking stolen spot (both successful nan 2nd degree) and has a detention proceeding group for March 8.
