Intro to AI Engineering – OpenAI JavaScript Tutorial

Trending 3 weeks ago

This clang people will get you up-to-speed connected really build AI-powered web apps utilizing nan GPT-4 and DALL·E APIs. You'll build and deploy an app you tin adhd to your portfolio to impressment your early employer. Interactive people type here: The people was created by Scrimba instructors Tom Chant, Per Borgen and Guil Hernandez. Follow Scrimba connected YouTube here: ⭐️ Code ⭐️ Download nan codification via nan lessons connected Scrimba: ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ 0:00:00 AI Engineering basics 0:03:52 The codification truthful far 0:06:48 Polygon API sign-up & key 0:08:12 Get an OpenAI API Key 0:10:22 Overview of really nan API works 0:13:42 An API call: OpenAI dependency 0:16:45 An API call: Instance and model 0:18:58 An API call: The messages array 0:25:12 A speedy connection astir models 0:30:45 Prompt Engineering and a challenge 0:35:20 Adding AI to nan App 0:40:27 Tokens 0:46:11 Playground 0:48:08 Temperature 0:52:23 The "Few Shot" Approach 0:56:52 Adding Examples 1:00:33 Stop Sequence 1:03:39 Frequency and Presence Penalties 1:06:49 Fine-tuning 1:16:49 Creating Images pinch nan DALL·E 3 API 1:27:46 Intro to AI Safety 1:33:18 Safety Best Practices 1:36:44 You made it! Deploying AI Apps pinch Cloudflare 1:39:02 Learn unafraid & robust deployment strategies 1:41:16 Create a Cloudflare worker 1:45:42 Connect your worker to OpenAI 1:50:14 Update customer broadside information fetching 1:54:28 Handle CORS and preflight requests 1:58:59 OpenAI API requests & responses 2:01:57 Create an AI Gateway 2:06:53 Error handling 2:11:44 Create & deploy nan Polygon API worker 2:16:26 Fetch nan banal data 2:20:39 Download files and push to GitHub 2:22:07 Deploy your tract pinch Cloudflare Pages 2:26:34 Custom domains pinch Cloudflare 2:28:52 Recap & adjacent steps 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 davthecoder 👾 jedi-or-sith 👾 南宮千影 👾 Agustín Kussrow 👾 Nattira Maneerat 👾 Heather Wcislo 👾 Serhiy Kalinets 👾 Justin Hual 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 Oscar Rahnama -- Learn to codification for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles connected programming: