In nan upcoming months, Display & Video 360 instant reports will beryllium made disposable utilizing nan Bid Manager API. We antecedently announced nan migration of definite study types from Offline Reporting to Instant Reporting.

Once a partner is migrated, they will spot nan pursuing changes:

  • Instant reports will beryllium included successful queries.list responses.
  • Existing Standard, Reach, YouTube, and URA reports will only beryllium disposable nether nan Instant Reporting tab successful nan Display & Video 360 interface nether nan aforesaid query and study IDs.
  • If you usage nan Display & Video 360 interface to build caller reports, you will request to build Standard, Reach, YouTube, and URA reports nether nan Instant Reporting tab.

This migration will hap by partner passim nan pursuing months, pinch each reports nether a partner migrated astatine once.

If you person questions astir this migration successful general, you tin interaction Display & Video 360 merchandise support utilizing this interaction form. If you person questions astir really this migration will effect nan API, please interaction america utilizing our caller Bid Manager API Technical support interaction form.