Instagram’s Threads: all the updates on the new Twitter competitor

Feb 05, 2025 02:02 AM - 4 days ago 5290

As Twitter continues to flail astir nether Elon Musk, each eyes are connected the newly launched Instagram Threads arsenic a imaginable replacement. Meta launched Threads connected iOS, Android, and the web connected July 5th — a small spot up of schedule.

Two days in, Mark Zuckerberg said Threads has registered complete 70 cardinal accounts, and it’s still growing.

In an question and reply astir Threads pinch The Verge, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri explains why the level wants to return connected Twitter. “Obviously, Twitter pioneered the space,” Mosseri says. “And location are a batch of bully offerings retired location for nationalist conversations. But conscionable fixed everything that was going on, we thought location was an opportunity to build thing that was unfastened and thing that was bully for the organization that was already utilizing Instagram.”

Rumors astir the caller Meta-owned level were swirling for months, pinch a March study from Platformer revealing the institution was “exploring a standalone decentralized societal web for sharing matter updates.” In June, Alex Heath leaked the specifications of a companywide gathering wherever the app was shown disconnected and shared the first glimpse astatine Threads.

Threads is “Instagram’s text-based speech app” wherever “communities travel together to talk everything from the topics you attraction astir coming to what’ll beryllium trending tomorrow.” The app is intimately tied to Instagram, meaning you’ll get to usage the aforesaid username crossed some apps arsenic good arsenic quickly travel each of the accounts you’ve been pursuing connected Instagram.

  • Emma Roth

    Threads is offically getting ads

    Illustration: The Verge

    Your Threads provender will soon person ads. On Friday, Meta announced that it’s rolling retired a “limited, early trial of ads successful Threads,” and the trial will hap pinch a “handful of brands successful the US and Japan,” according to Instagram leader Adam Mosseri.

    Ads connected Threads will look arsenic images betwixt posts successful your location feed. “As we study from this test, we will show to spot really it’s going earlier filling retired much broadly,” Meta says.

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  • Emma Roth

    Threads now lets you schedule posts

    Image: The Verge

    Following last month’s test, Threads will now fto everyone schedule posts, Instagram caput Adam Mosseri announced connected Thursday. You tin usage the characteristic by creating a caller post, selecting the three-dot paper successful the top-left corner, and selecting “Schedule.”

    Once you get your station timed up, you tin view, delete, aliases edit it from your drafts folder. Threads will fto you schedule your posts up to 75 days successful advance, but it won’t let you to schedule replies.

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  • Barbara Krasnoff

    How to reshare Threads posts without quote posting

    Vector collage showing various aspects of utilizing Threads.

    Vector collage showing various aspects of utilizing Threads.

    Image: The Verge

  • Emma Roth

    Threads will fto you reshare pictures without the original post

    Image: The Verge

    Threads is rolling retired a caller characteristic that lets you stock someone’s photos and videos without including the original post. You’ll beryllium capable to adhd your ain matter alongside the reshared media, which will see a in installments to the creator, according to Instagram caput Adam Mosseri.

    “This is simply a quick, easy measurement to adhd your imaginative takes to trending images and clips without quote posting,” Mosseri says. The original poster’s username will look successful the apical near area of the photograph aliases video, pinch a repost antagonistic successful the little left. Threads spokesperson Alec Booker tells The Verge that tapping connected the username will show a database of posts utilizing the media, pinch the original station appearing astatine the top.

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  • Chris Welch

    Threads starts testing scheduled posts

    An image showing the Threads logo

    An image showing the Threads logo

    Image: The Verge

    Threads is astir to statesman testing the expertise to schedule posts, according to Instagram’s Adam Mosseri. “Replies cannot beryllium scheduled,” he added, explaining that “we want to equilibrium giving group much power to scheme their Threads posts while still encouraging real-time conversation.”

    Mosseri besides makes judge to statement that Instagram has been moving connected this characteristic “for months.” I’m choosing to return arsenic a motion that the Instagram main is fed up pinch the conception that Bluesky is the motivating facet down each caller betterment that comes to Threads. Last week, Threads introduced curated collections of group to follow, which drew comparisons to Bluesky’s starter packs.

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  • Wes Davis

    Instagram’s caput says societal media needs much discourse because of AI

    Meta logo connected a reddish inheritance pinch repeating achromatic icons, giving a squiggly effect.

    Meta logo connected a reddish inheritance pinch repeating achromatic icons, giving a squiggly effect.

    Illustration by Nick Barclay / The Verge

    In a series of Threads posts this afternoon, Instagram caput Adam Mosseri says users shouldn’t spot images they spot online because AI is “clearly producing” contented that’s easy mistaken for reality. Because of that, he says users should see the source, and societal platforms should thief pinch that.

    “Our domiciled arsenic net platforms is to explanation contented generated arsenic AI arsenic champion we can,” Mosseri writes, but he admits “some content” will beryllium missed by those labels. Because of that, platforms “must besides supply discourse astir who is sharing” truthful users tin determine really overmuch to spot their content.

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  • Alex Heath

    Threads is asking group if it moderates excessively much.

    I was conscionable asked to complete a study astatine the apical of my provender that asked if I thought the app is excessively fierce astir taking down stuff. This tracks pinch Meta’s argumentation main precocious saying that the institution wants to rotation backmost its fierce contented policing.

    A screenshot of a Meta study connected Threads.

  • Wes Davis

    Threads’ adjacent update is simply a hunt characteristic that finds the station you’re looking for

    Three screenshots illustrating the caller hunt tools, from revealing the caller filters to viewing the hunt results.

    Three screenshots illustrating the caller hunt tools, from revealing the caller filters to viewing the hunt results.

    Threads is rolling retired a hunt update globally complete the adjacent fewer weeks that will fto users select searches to a circumstantial floor plan and wrong day ranges. The existing hunt built into Threads has been a basal keyword hunt to find trending topics, posts, aliases accounts, pinch “Top” and “Recent” sorting options.

    The updated type adds a settings icon to the hunt barroom that, erstwhile tapped, brings up “After date,” “Before date,” and “From profile” options.

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  • Wes Davis

    Threads says 35 cardinal users signed up successful November

    An image showing the Threads logo

    An image showing the Threads logo

    Image: The Verge

    Meta’s Threads has accrued complete 35 cardinal signups truthful acold successful November and is “going connected 3 months pinch much than a cardinal signups a day,” Meta spokesperson Alec Booker told The Verge in an email today.

    20 cardinal of those signups person travel since November 14th, as Axios notes. That’s connected top of the 15 million that Instagram caput Adam Mosseri said it had gathered successful the 2 weeks prior.

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  • Chris Welch

    Threads is testing the action to take your ain default feed

    Illustration: The Verge

    Threads will now fto users determine what provender they want arsenic their default erstwhile opening the app. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the news successful a post, saying that you’ll beryllium capable to take betwixt For You, Following, aliases immoderate custom feed that you’ve group up. Zuckerberg’s station notes that Threads is “testing” this action and will besides different feeds “more visible” successful the app.

    It took complete a twelvemonth to get here, but Threads is yet doing the evident point and allowing group to usage the app nevertheless they prefer. Hopefully this trial expands to each users earlier long.

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  • Wes Davis shows thing now.

    Meta seemed to person bought the domain earlier this year, sometime aft it bought the institution that owned it anterior to the debut of, wherever Meta’s Twitter competitor lives.

    Previously, visiting the URL didn’t show anything, but today, it shows... well, an correction message. With a “Meta © 2024” and a Facebook logo.

    A screenshot showing a connection reading, “Sorry, thing went wrong. We’re moving connected getting this fixed arsenic soon arsenic we can,” pinch a Facebook logo supra it and matter attributing copyright to Meta.

  • Jay Peters

    Threads has scenery video now.

    Saw this news on 9to5Mac. I honestly didn’t cognize scenery video wasn’t antecedently possible.

    A screenshot of posts confirming that Threads has videos and photos successful scenery mode now.

  • Mia Sato

    Threads is overhauling its hunt and trending features

    Image: The Verge

    Meta is promising “long-overdue improvements” to its X competitor, Threads, including much precise hunt features and expanded trending topics.

    First, users will beryllium capable to hunt for posts wrong a circumstantial day scope aliases from a azygous relationship — akin to what X’s hunt allows. Threads is besides testing a caller trending page successful the US that includes further topics to travel arsenic good arsenic AI-generated summaries of what different users are talking about.

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  • Jay Peters

    Threads will now show you replies erstwhile you’re moving connected a reply.

    This seems very useful!

    A screenshot from the Threads relationship showing a constitute model complete different replies.

  • Jay Peters

    Threads’ algorithm will attraction much connected the group you follow

    Illustration of the Threads app logo

    Illustration of the Threads app logo

    Illustration: The Verge

  • Jay Peters

    Threads’ civilization feeds are already rolling out

    Illustration: The Verge

    Just 5 days aft Meta started testing civilization feeds successful Threads, the institution is already rolling them retired to everyone. With civilization feeds, you tin way topics and accounts successful 1 feed, making it easier to support an oculus connected circumstantial things that matter to you.

    To make a civilization feed, hunt for a topic, past click connected the 3 dots paper adjacent to the hunt bar, and past click connected the “Create caller feed” option. Custom feeds tin besides incorporate accusation astir aggregate topics — conscionable adhd a caller 1 from a hunt or, connected desktop, from the 3 dots paper adjacent to a feed. You tin adhd individual accounts to civilization feeds, too, giving you a batch of elasticity connected what’s contained successful that feed.

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  • Emma Roth

    Threads is testing civilization feeds for your favourite topics

    An image showing the Threads logo

    An image showing the Threads logo

    Image: The Verge

    Threads is testing a measurement to create civilization feeds for definite profiles aliases topics, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced connected Friday. The upcoming characteristic should make it easier to support tabs connected different interests, specified arsenic your favourite sports squad aliases moreover technology-related news.

    It sounds akin to the custom feeds characteristic Bluesky rolled retired past twelvemonth — but Threads’ type seems a lot simpler. To create a civilization feed, conscionable hunt and pat into a topic. From there, prime the three-dot icon beside the hunt word and take “create caller feed.”

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  • Jay Peters

    Stephen King is taking a stand.

  • Jay Peters

    Threads grew by a Bluesky this month

    Illustration: The Verge

    Bluesky mightiness beryllium connected the rise, but Instagram and Threads leader Adam Mosseri wants you to cognize that Threads is still overmuch bigger. In a station connected Thursday, Mosseri said that Threads has gotten “more than 15 cardinal signups successful November alone,” seemingly trying to propulsion immoderate acold h2o complete Bluesky crossing 15 cardinal users full connected Wednesday.

    Mosseri besides reiterated that the level has been getting much than a cardinal signups per time — a stat that CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed during past month’s net call — and noted that the level has been seeing that measurement of signups for “going connected 3 months.”

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  • Emma Roth

    Threads mightiness get ads early adjacent year

    Image: The Verge

    Meta could bring ads to Threads arsenic soon arsenic adjacent year, according to a study from The Information. As portion of its plan, Threads will reportedly let a mini number of advertisers to make and people ads successful January.

    That tracks pinch what my workfellow Alex Heath reported astir the rollout of ads successful July. Instagram caput Adam Mosseri has besides confirmed that Meta is “definitely” readying to bring ads to Threads. “I get why group person concerns, but astatine the extremity of the time we’re a business and Threads needs to make capable money to salary for the group and servers that it takes to tally the work and supply it to group for free,” Mosseri said astatine the time.

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  • Emma Roth

    Threads is investigating an rumor wherever replies look arsenic caller posts.

    Over the weekend, several Threads users noticed seemingly random, out-of-context posts connected their feeds — only to recognize they were replies without the original station attached.

    Fortunately, it looks for illustration a hole whitethorn beryllium connected the way, arsenic Instagram technologist Seth Kinast says the institution is “investigating” the evident bug.

  • Alex Heath

    Threads hits 275 cardinal users.

    Meta’s competitor now has 275 cardinal monthly users, up from 200 cardinal successful August, according to Mark Zuckerberg. On Meta’s Q3 net telephone conscionable now, he says Threads is seeing much than 1 cardinal sign-ups per time and is connected way to becoming “our adjacent awesome societal app.”

    The clip group walk successful Threads “also continues to grow,” and Meta is moving to “make it easier to enactment up to day connected topics,” adds CFO Susan Li.

  • Jay Peters

    Threads tin now show you erstwhile group successful your provender are online

    Illustration: The Verge

    Meta is adding an “activity status” to Threads truthful that you tin spot who’s actively online arsenic you’re scrolling your feed. In a post, Threads leader Adam Mosseri pitches it arsenic a “way to thief you find others to prosecute pinch successful real-time.” The activity position will show up adjacent to your floor plan image successful the provender and connected your profile, based connected screenshots Mosseri shared.

    Fortunately, if you don’t want group to cognize erstwhile you’re online, you don’t person to stock that. “Only group who person activity position turned connected will beryllium capable to spot erstwhile you’re online, and you tin move this disconnected wrong your settings astatine immoderate time,” Mosseri says.

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  • Umar Shakir

    Adam Mosseri acknowledges ‘mistakes’ successful Threads’ surgery moderation

    Illustration: The Verge

    Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri is acknowledging caller mistakes successful Meta’s moderation processes connected Threads and Instagram. For example, Meta unexpectedly deleted my relationship this week because it thought I was underage, the institution locked my colleague’s relationship because she joked astir dying successful a heatwave, and others person seen their posts vanish with nary clear logic why. “Threads Moderation Failures” has been trending this week — putting much unit connected Meta’s moderation processes.

    Now Mosseri admits that Meta is having problems pinch those processes and has publically posted that acknowledgment connected Threads. He explains there’s a “tool” that broke, which apparently did not show quality reviewers “sufficient context” earlier they made posts and accounts disappear. You mightiness deliberation Meta is utilizing AI to make decisions connected what to delete and who to ban, but Mosseri’s suggesting that’s still done by humans and that the algorithm is conscionable flagging posts for imaginable enforcement actions.

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  • Umar Shakir

    Instagram and Threads moderation is retired of control

    An image showing the Threads logo

    An image showing the Threads logo

    Image: The Verge

    On Threads, the taxable of “Threads Moderation Failures” is trending. Some users kick their accounts are being deleted aliases restricted for linking to articles pinch arguable topics. Instagram and Threads leader Adam Mosseri is directly replying to immoderate complaints and said he’s “looking into it.” And I’m one of many people who’s had their relationship deleted for allegedly being a kid — which I americium not.

    Moderation is simply a perennial problem connected societal media, but based connected societal media posts and The Verge staff’s ain experiences, Meta is presently banning and restricting users connected a hairsbreadth trigger. One of my colleagues was locked retired of her relationship briefly this week after joking that she “wanted to die” because of a heatwave.

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