Imgur is going to be less strict about memes with adult humor

Oct 12, 2024 12:38 AM - 4 months ago 150077

Memes connected the image-hosting work Imgur “containing references to big humor” will nary longer beryllium considered mature, the institution announced in a post addressing changes to its contented moderation policies.

Imgur has been an important portion of meme history, pinch its creator making the work in 2009 arsenic a “gift to Reddit.” At that time, astir platforms didn’t big their ain images, truthful you had to upload them alternatively connected third-party platforms. I retrieve seeing Imgur a batch connected the Something Awful forums backmost successful the day, too, though pursuing different argumentation changes past twelvemonth that led to the removal of inactive contented and pornography, users scrambled to prevention aged images.

The changes announced this week could mean that you spot spicier memes connected the level much easily. Under the erstwhile rules, memes that were tagged arsenic mature whitethorn not person been seen arsenic often because users person to opt successful to spot mature contented connected Imgur.

Imgur is making the changes aft it collected feedback astir its contented moderation complete the people of this year, including that its policies, “especially surrounding mature content, consciousness inconsistently applied, excessively subjective, aliases conscionable alternatively confusing arsenic a whole,” according to a post from Imgur merchandise head Martyn O’Neill. Now, mature contented consists “solely of sexualised aliases ‘lewd’” content.

Following the adjustments, O’Neill says that “warnings / station removals” are down astir 35 percent period complete month. Far less posts are being marked arsenic mature arsenic well; that stat has declined by almost 50 percent.
