How to use the latest AI video editing tools in Google Photos

Nov 09, 2024 10:00 PM - 1 month ago 37131

Google Photos continues to get caller and improved features connected a regular basis, and 1 of the astir caller Android updates has focused connected video editing. Even if you don’t person the latest Pixel 9 telephone (which is required if you want to effort retired the weird caller Reimagine tool), you tin now velocity up, slow down, and heighten your clips pinch a fewer taps arsenic good arsenic trim them down much easily.

You tin besides expect what Google calls “AI-powered video presets” connected some the Android and iOS versions of Google Photos. After the app algorithm analyzes your clips, you get a prime of effects — trims, zooms, slow-mos — you tin use pinch a tap. The app takes the domiciled of head and chooses wherever and really these tweaks should beryllium applied.

When the changes get connected your phone, you’ll besides announcement the interface is simply a small cleaner, pinch larger icons and bigger matter that make it much evident what you’re doing. The thought is it’s much straightforward than ever to quickly use a fewer edits earlier sharing your clips, without having to unfastened up a abstracted editor connected your telephone aliases computer.

Trim tool

First up, we person what Google describes arsenic “improved controls” for cutting retired extraneous footage astatine the commencement and extremity of your clips — though, to my eyes, there’s not a immense magnitude that’s different present compared to the erstwhile type of the trim tool.

The handles astatine each extremity of the clip are a small bigger and thicker, making them easier to deed pinch a digit press. You besides get a timestamp shown onscreen arsenic you resistance those handles around, truthful overall, the edits are a small easier to apply.

The trim instrumentality shows up automatically arsenic soon arsenic you edit a video, and you tin get backmost to it by tapping the Video button.

  • Drag the left-hand grip to alteration wherever the video starts.
  • Drag the right-hand grip to alteration the video’s extremity point.
  • Drag the achromatic barroom betwixt the 2 handles to move astir the clip.
  • Tap the play fastener astatine immoderate constituent to cheque your caller footage.
  • Choose Save copy to corroborate your changes and prevention a abstracted clip.

Google Photos surface pinch photograph connected apical and trim instrumentality connected bottom.

The trim instrumentality has a caller look.

Screenshot: Google

Google Photos surface pinch photograph connected apical and auto-enhancement icon highlighted connected bottom.

You tin toggle the auto-enhancement changes connected and off.

Screenshot: Google

Auto-enhance tool

Google Photos now has a caller auto-enhance characteristic you tin access, which analyzes your clip and past applies its ain prime of colour enhancements, while stabilizing the video astatine the aforesaid time.

  • Tap Video past Enhance to use the automatic enhancements.
  • Tap the play fastener to spot really the updated footage looks.
  • Tap Enhance again to spot the quality pinch and without the tweaks.
  • Choose Save copy to prevention the enhanced video arsenic a abstracted file.

If you’d alternatively use the video stabilization without the colour enhancements, conscionable pat Stabilize connected the Video sheet of devices instead.

Speed tool

Mobile surface pinch photograph connected apical and different speeds connected bottom.

Speed up aliases slow down your footage.

Screenshot: Google

The caller velocity instrumentality successful Google Photos gives you much power complete the gait of your videos for speeding up and slowing down the action. The effect tin beryllium applied to a circumstantial conception of your clip aliases each of it.

  • Tap Video and past Speed to bring up the editor.
  • Use the bars connected the timeline to bespeak wherever you want the effect to commencement and stop.
  • Choose a playback velocity nether the timeline: from 1/4 velocity to 4x the speed.
  • Tap the play fastener to spot really the video now looks.
  • Choose Done, past Save copy erstwhile you’re happy pinch the results, to prevention a abstracted video file.

It’s not the astir precocious video editing effect you’ll ever see, but considering it only takes a mates of taps connected your telephone screen, you tin get immoderate awesome results from it.

Video presets

GIF showing slow-motion applied to a video.

AI-powered presets make editing easier.

GIF: Google

Unlike the devices above, which are exclusive to Android, the AI-powered video presets are disposable successful Google Photos for some Android and iOS. Or astatine least, they will beryllium yet — though they were announced successful September, arsenic of this writing, I haven’t yet seen the presets successful the Google Photos apps connected either platform.

When they do appear, the Presets fastener will look betwixt Video and Crop successful the options astatine the bottommost of the interface. Select it, and you’ll spot a prime of edits you tin use pinch a tap: Basic cut, Slow-mo, Zoom, and Track. These will beryllium applied arsenic the Google Photos AI sees fresh based connected the video content.

The illustration Google gives is simply a skateboard video, pinch the action trimmed correct down to a cardinal jump, which is besides slowed down. Color enhancements are applied astatine the aforesaid clip for bully measure. As before, you tin preview the changes, past pat Save copy to judge the changes and prevention a caller video file, leaving the original untouched.
