Automation tin beryllium powerful, but it tin origin capacity and output issues without quality supervision. Google Ads is nary exception.
Despite nan genuinely compelling advances Google has made successful instrumentality learning and automation complete nan past 5 years, it’s important not to suffer show of nan reality down that technology.
In this article, I’ll locomotion you done nan value of being nan eventual decision-maker for your account, arsenic good arsenic immoderate of my must-track settings successful Google Ads that thief you exert much control complete run performance.
Why Automation Requires Human Supervision
Google’s extremity pinch its advertisement merchandise is to get advertisers and brands to walk more. There’s thing incorrect pinch this – each business exists to make profit and turn shareholder value.
But a broadside effect of this is that it’s not ever evident really to workout power complete that automation successful Google Ads.
Whether this is by creation aliases oversight, it intends that advertisement managers (especially caller ones) will put excessively overmuch spot and power successful nan hands of machines that don’t person discourse connected nan nuances and needs of individual businesses.
Google continues to make improvements to its automation, but astatine nary constituent will it beryllium capable to make specified a large-scale exemplary activity conscionable correct for each business.
This is wherever relationship managers travel in.
As our jobs morph from optimizing campaigns to optimizing nan machines that tally campaigns, we find ourselves focusing connected caller ways of controlling capacity – done information inputs, decision-making, and automation of our own.
9 Automation Settings In Google Ads That Deserve Your Attention
Whether you’re starting a caller run aliases diagnosing an ongoing one, these 9 settings are worthy your attraction and effort.
This database is not exhaustive; location are acold much than 9 things you tin control.
These are nan ones I attraction connected earlier others because they person a stronger-than-usual inclination to negatively effect nan run aliases account.
1. Location Settings
With location targeting, nan default mounting is “All countries and territories.” Make judge to only target nan circumstantial locations that make consciousness for your business.

We typically urge only targeting “Presence,” not “Presence aliases interest.”
If you only want to show your ads for location repairs successful New York aliases London, selecting “Presence aliases interest” will show them to group who mightiness person been searching for things to do earlier visiting those cities, but who unrecorded successful Miami aliases Manchester.

This is particularly captious for localized campaigns and somewhat little captious (but still important) if you’re targeting an full state specified arsenic nan United States.
Advertisers who actively want to target group pinch liking successful a location (like hotels aliases furniture and breakfasts) should consciousness free to alteration that setting.
2. Campaign Creation Settings
It’s important that you cognize what you want to do successful Google Ads earlier you create a run because Google will nudge you toward its automation astir each time.
For example, if you’re looking to motorboat a Shopping campaign, nan strategy will push you to create a Performance Max run instead.
If you don’t cognize nan difference, you could walk considerably much money connected a lower-quality campaign.

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t beryllium a problem, but for advertisers who don’t cognize each nan safeguards that request to beryllium built to make Performance Max work, this could costs them acold much than they’re consenting to walk connected ads – aliases tin spend successful nan first place.
3. Display Network
If you’re moving a Search campaign, Google will let you to take (to immoderate degree) wherever your ads are shown.
The Search Network is enabled by default. This is nan modular text-based advertisement you spot successful hunt results, but location are 2 settings you’ll apt want to support an oculus on.

- Leaving nan “Include Google hunt partners” mounting selected will let your advertisement to beryllium shown connected third-party partner websites pinch Adsense enabled, arsenic good arsenic YouTube and different Google properties extracurricular of nan hunt results. Unless you cognize really to show nan value of these placements, it’s champion to opt out.
- You besides astir apt want to opt retired of Display Network placements. These are nan image ads that you spot arsenic you browse YouTube videos, third-party websites, and apps. Again, these tin bring successful a disproportionately precocious magnitude of low-quality traffic.
4. Auto-Apply Recommendations
Auto-apply recommendations (AAR) are a root of accent for galore modern Google Ads marketers, mostly because outsourced Google reps push for their enablement and spell astir relationship managers to make that happen.
As pinch everything other successful Google Ads, location is equilibrium beneath nan surface.

Many of these are excessively general, moreover for my liking, while others really make an impact. As a norm of thumb, I for illustration to disable immoderate AARs that tin alteration immoderate of nan following:
- Budget, i.e., really overmuch nan relationship is spending.
- Bids, i.e., really overmuch we’re consenting to salary per click, conversion, aliases different action.
- Targeting, i.e., deciding who sees nan ads via keywords, audiences, etc.
In different words, astir settings will beryllium turned off. In immoderate cases, we’ll time off nan pursuing ones enabled:
- Upgrade to data-driven attribution.
- Optimized advertisement rotation.
- Remove non-serving keywords.
- Add assemblage reporting.
5. Smart Bidding And Conversion Tracking
Smart Bidding tin beryllium a very powerful tool, but it relies connected 2 things: humanities information and conversion tracking.
Newer accounts thin to beryllium short erstwhile it comes to some of these, but conversion tracking is thing you tin astatine slightest power from time one.
We still regularly spot and perceive astir accounts that are months aliases moreover years aged pinch non-existent aliases mediocre conversion search setups. This is simply a nonstop consequence of subpar relationship management.
One communal culprit is mounting conversion actions that person nary identifiable business value, specified arsenic page views.
This is usually done to make a questionable PPC master look bully by inflating conversion count and worth – but it costs a awesome woody of money pinch small return. It besides has nan added effect of making your humanities conversion information almost worthless.
Genuine errors tin besides origin problems. We had a customer who made a alteration to their website, and Google started double-counting ecommerce transactions.
Smart Bidding incorrectly thought nan run was performing doubly arsenic good arsenic it really was, which led nan strategy to walk much of nan budget. If we hadn’t caught it quickly, it would person wasted a batch of money.
The inverse is existent arsenic well. If you aren’t search each conversions, nan strategy will deliberation it’s not hitting targets and walk less, causing you to suffer retired connected imaginable revenue.
I will ever push for conversion search to beryllium portion of immoderate Google Ads account.
But if you don’t person it group up for immoderate reason, debar automated and Smart Bidding strategies for illustration Maximize Conversions and Maximize Conversion Value. Stick to manual bidding instead.
6. Gemini AI And Auto-Fill Ad Text
I’ve been utilizing Google’s generative AI exemplary Gemini (formerly Bard) connected and disconnected for a fewer months. This is simply a caller exertion pinch challenges of its own, truthful questionable output is still common.
Because it relies connected your website arsenic nan superior information input, you really person to person your messaging location dialed successful to get immoderate meaningful transcript retired of Gemini.
But moreover pinch a awesome website, you’ll still get subpar transcript options.
Gemini is bully astatine taking input and giving you a assortment of ideas, which you tin past fine-tune pinch feedback and further prompting.
So, while you can’t usage its output arsenic is, Gemini is simply a coagulated ideation instrumentality – particularly for mini business owners pinch constricted resources.
7. Keyword Match Types
Keywords are (for now) nan bosom and soul of Google Ads, but their match types find really they will behave erstwhile it comes clip to show your ads.
In my experience, phrase and nonstop match are your champion options erstwhile utilizing manual bidding.
You tin still usage wide match, but limit it to a fistful of highly applicable terms. This is because broads run pinch acold much state erstwhile interpreting intent.
When you brace that pinch Smart Bidding, it allows Google to find which group searching for what you person are closest to converting.
But erstwhile adding caller keywords to Search, nan strategy will ever adhd them successful arsenic wide lucifer unless different specified. Be observant pinch this, and retrieve to format your keywords appropriately.
Similarly, adding negative keywords to a run will default to antagonistic nonstop match.
We overmuch for illustration to pare it down to nan guidelines taxable and artifact utilizing phrase lucifer negatives for some Search and Shopping.
8. New Customer Acquisition
With nan New Customer Acquisition mounting successful Search and Performance Max campaigns, you person nan action to show Google to only spell aft group who haven’t done business pinch you successful nan past.
It’s arsenic straightforward arsenic uploading a customer database and keeping it fresh, but nan targeting is not perfect. Causes see expired search cookies, delays successful updating customer lists, and wide errors that are portion of each automation.
But moreover though nan strategy will still spell aft immoderate existing customers, it should still mostly activity nan measurement it’s meant to.
Remember that turning this action connected will count nan accrued worth of a caller customer arsenic revenue. This affects reporting and Smart Bidding’s choices, truthful it’s mostly a bully thought to build a abstracted run specifically for New Customer Acquisition.
9. Retargeting & Enhanced Audiences
If you create a dedicated retargeting campaign that only targets group who person visited your website, Google will automatically alteration “Enhanced Audiences.”
This allows nan strategy to spell beyond your defined audience, successful a mode akin to really assemblage signals activity successful Performance Max.
Don’t Blame Google If You Don’t Want to Adapt
Nothing successful Google Ads is each bully aliases each bad – a accuracy that I widen to each advertizing and business successful general.
These machine-driven automation capabilities tin present awesome results erstwhile utilized appropriately, but they person their drawbacks. Something that is built for each advertisers tin ne'er activity nan measurement you want it to retired of nan box.
The truth is that we’re each fending for ourselves. Anyone managing Google Ads campaigns is answerable to their accounts, clients, brands, businesses, and bosses.
It’s a reliable journey, but 1 that we’re connected together, for illustration it aliases not. If you aren’t fresh to put successful nan effort to adapt, you can’t blasted anyone but yourself down nan statement – not moreover Google.
More resources:
- 12 Types Of Google Ads Extensions, Now Assets
- PPC Automation Layering: How To Get More From Google Ads
- PPC Trends 2024
Featured Image: BestForBest/Shutterstock