How to lock any app with Face ID on an iPhone using iOS 18

Oct 11, 2024 09:26 PM - 4 months ago 148809

Having to manus your iPhone complete to personification tin beryllium a reasonably communal occurrence. Maybe your small nephew wants to play a crippled aliases your friend wants to cheque retired the photos from your last vacation. Whatever the reason, nary matter really overmuch you spot that person, location are astir apt parts of your telephone that you’d alternatively they didn’t spot (even accidentally).

That’s wherever the caller Face ID fastener successful iOS 18 comes in: you tin now get your iPhone to inquire for biometric authentication whenever a peculiar app is launched. (While we mention to Face ID passim this article, if you’re connected an older telephone pinch Touch ID, you tin usage that instead.) This intends your friend aliases family personnel can’t dive consecutive into your backstage chat conversations aliases your existent making love app of choice.

If you’re thinking, “I’m judge I could fastener apps pinch Face ID earlier iOS 18,” you’re correct — up to a point. The exertion was available, but it was up to app developers to instrumentality it. And for the astir part, extracurricular of banking and financial apps, we haven’t seen galore developers adhd Face ID logins. (With immoderate exceptions, specified arsenic Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.)

Lock apps successful iOS 18

What’s caller aft the rollout of iOS 18 is that immoderate app tin beryllium locked utilizing Face ID, whether aliases not the developer has built successful support for the feature. Games, chat apps, societal media — thing tin now beryllium protected pinch a Face ID login.

This comes pinch different feature: the action to hide apps. This is disposable for immoderate third-party app but not apps installed pinch iOS 18. Hidden apps aren’t shown connected the homescreens and person their ain Hidden files successful the App Library. You besides won’t get immoderate notifications from hidden apps, truthful support that successful mind.

You tin fastener and unlock apps from the homescreen aliases from the App Library:

Pop-up paper connected iPhone aft long-pressing connected icon.Pop-up asking really you want to adhd Face ID to an app.iPhone informing that if you hide an app, you’ll conscionable find it successful the App Library and won’t person notifications.App Library pinch a Hidden files successful the bottommost correct corner.Icon against a blurred inheritance pinch a pop-up menu.


Long-press connected an app icon to bring up the app menu.

Screenshot: Apple

  • Long-press connected an app icon to bring up the app menu.
  • Tap Require Face ID to fastener the app pinch Face ID. 
  • The pursuing pop-up paper will inquire you to corroborate by again tapping Require Face ID.
  • Alternatively, connected the 2nd menu, you tin pat Hide and Require Face ID to fastener the app pinch Face ID and hide it from your homescreens.
  • If you prime to hide the app, you will beryllium reminded that the app will only beryllium disposable successful the App Library and that you will nary longer person “notifications, calls, aliases captious alerts” from the app.

Whenever immoderate app locked successful this measurement is launched, Face ID support will beryllium required to really unfastened in, which intends nary 1 but you will beryllium capable to get in.

To region the Face ID restriction, conscionable repetition the agelong property connected the app to get to its menu. If you chose to hide the app, you’ll request to unfastened the Hidden files successful the App Library to get to the options again. In addition, you’ll person to switch the icon connected your homescreen — it won’t automatically reappear connected the aforesaid page it was connected before.

Stay successful a azygous app pinch Guided Access

Guided Access page pinch the characteristic active.

Lock your iPhone to a circumstantial app pinch Guided Access.

Screenshot: Apple

The app Bear pinch pop-up paper below.

Once you unfastened the app, you tin now activate Guided Access.

Screenshot: Apple

There is 1 much instrumentality you tin usage if you’re lending personification your phone: group up the iOS accessibility characteristic Guided Access truthful the different personification is only capable to usage 1 app aliases crippled connected the device.

The characteristic tin beryllium enabled from iOS Settings:

  • Tap Accessibility and Guided Access.
  • Turn connected the Guided Access toggle switch.
  • Tap Passcode Settings to group a civilization passcode aliases to alteration Face ID.

Head to the app your friend aliases family personnel wants to usage and motorboat Guided Access by triple-pressing connected the powerfulness fastener and choosing Guided Access and past Start.

The navigation barroom disappears, and there’s nary measurement to move to the homescreens aliases immoderate different app. The only measurement retired of Guided Access is to triple-press connected the powerfulness fastener again — astatine which constituent Face ID authentication (or your civilization passcode) is required.

Through Face ID fastener aliases Guided Access — aliases a operation of some — you should beryllium capable to lend retired your iPhone without worrying what different group are up to connected it.
