How to find the reading mode built into your browser

Jul 27, 2024 09:00 PM - 4 months ago 94290

I’ve sewage a stack of bookmarked, favorited, and saved-for-later web articles that I’m going to get astir to reference 1 day… but haven’t. I deliberation that portion of what puts maine disconnected moving done that database is that reference connected nan internet, particularly longer pieces, tin beryllium a slog. On astir sites, too nan matter and pictures that matter, you’ve sewage a changeless flurry of ads, pop-ups, panels, and media to woody with.

You tin debar this problem by utilizing a bookmarking app specified arsenic Pocket, which offers an easier measurement to some prevention and publication longer content, aliases you tin bargain a abstracted reference instrumentality specified arsenic a Kindle. However, if you don’t want to woody pinch different app aliases device, there’s different way. Most celebrated browsers now travel pinch immoderate benignant of reference mode built in. The thought is to get thing person to nan Kindle aliases Kobo experience: easy connected nan eye, free from distractions, and focused connected what you’re really willing successful reading.

Here’s really to entree desktop reference modes successful Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. I’ve besides included reference modes for iPhones and Android phones.

Google Chrome for nan desktop

Chrome browser showing The Verge tract connected nan near and reference mode connected nan right.

Chrome’s reference mode is much of a reference sheet than a abstracted interface.

Screenshot: Google

Chrome mightiness beryllium the astir popular browser connected nan desktop by immoderate distance, but it still lags down its competitors successful immoderate respects. To return 1 example: it doesn’t person a reference mode that’s rather arsenic user-friendly aliases well-designed arsenic nan different browsers we’ve included connected this list. The reference mode is only disposable successful a broadside sheet squashed up against nan separator of nan browsing window, though you tin widen it to a reasonable size.

To motorboat Chrome’s reference mode:

  • Click nan 3 dots (top correct successful immoderate browser tab).
  • Open nan More Tools menu.
  • Select Reading mode.
  • Use nan toolbar to alteration nan look of nan text.
  • Click and resistance connected nan left-hand separator of nan broadside sheet to make it larger.

The reference mode itself useful good enough, pinch a action of fonts and colors to prime from, but it does consciousness a small tacked on. 

Reading mode for Android

Mobile browser showing The Verge pinch mini bluish fastener astatine right.

You tin motorboat Reading mode from a floating button.

Screenshot: Google

Plain mobile surface pinch achromatic people connected achromatic inheritance and icons astatine bottom.

Adjust Reading mode utilizing nan icons astatine bottom.

Screenshot: Google

Android besides supports a reference mode. The bully portion is that it useful each crossed Android, not conscionable Chrome, truthful you tin usage it wherever you like. The bad portion is that you person to instal a abstracted app to alteration it (Reading mode from Google), truthful nan process is much convoluted than it should be. 

  • Launch nan app and travel nan instructions to group it up.
  • During setup, you tin take really to motorboat reference mode: from a tile successful Quick Settings, from a floating button, aliases by pressing some measurement keys together.
  • With a page unfastened successful Chrome, usage your chosen shortcut to motorboat reference mode. At nan bottommost of nan screen, you tin set nan colour aliases matter size aliases alteration sound reading.
  • Once it’s installed, you tin move Reading mode connected aliases disconnected by going to Settings > Accessibility > Reading mode.

One much thing: only definite kinds of screens tin beryllium simplified, mostly straightforward articles pinch matter and images. But it does make it overmuch easier to publication contented connected your phone.

Apple Safari for nan desktop

Plain matter connected achromatic inheritance connected Safari browser.

Safari’s reference mode tin beryllium easy toggled connected and off.

Screenshot: Apple

Safari puts nan icon for its reference mode (also called reference view) correct connected nan toolbar. The look of Safari’s reference mode is peculiarly sparse, and while location are immoderate choices for fonts and colors, you don’t get excessively many.

To alteration reference position successful Apple Safari:

  • Click nan reference position page icon to nan near of nan reside bar.
  • Select nan Aa icon to nan correct of nan reside barroom to alteration fonts and colors.

There’s not rather nan aforesaid level of functionality arsenic you get pinch Edge, Firefox, aliases moreover Chrome — separately, Safari tin publication retired webpages (Edit > Speech) and person them saved for later (Bookmarks > Add to Reading List), but that functionality is not built into this scholar mode.

Apple Safari for nan iPhone

Web page for The Verge pinch pop-up allowing you to move connected highlights aliases Reader.

Use a pop-up to alteration Safari’s Show Reader button.

Screenshot: Apple

Article successful plain matter pinch circles showing different colors astatine bottom.

You tin set nan Reader’s colors and matter sizes.

Screenshot: Apple

If you’re looking to get nan aforesaid clutter-free acquisition connected your iPhone, Safari for iOS has nan aforesaid features arsenic Safari for macOS, though it’s not rather successful nan aforesaid place.

  • Tap nan AA fastener (or nan archive icon) to nan near of nan reside bar.
  • Choose Show Reader.
  • Tap nan AA fastener (or nan archive icon) again to alteration nan font and colors aliases person nan page publication retired loud.

You tin besides take to person nan reference mode utilized automatically connected pages that support it. From iOS Settings, pat Apps > Safari > Reader and alteration All Websites.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge browser pinch plain people connected off-white background.

You’ve sewage a fewer different options for nan look of nan reference mode successful Edge.

Screenshot: Microsoft

Edge is built connected nan aforesaid Chromium codification arsenic Chrome, but it has a amended reference mode, which is really called Immersive Reader. It takes complete nan full screen, it’s easy to toggle connected and off, and nan fastener to alteration it is ever disposable connected nan browser interface (rather than being hidden distant successful a menu). There are besides a number of ways to personalize it.

To motorboat nan reference mode successful Edge:

  • Click nan book icon to nan correct of nan URL reside bar.
  • Choose Read Aloud to person nan page publication out.
  • Open Text Preferences to alteration nan look of nan text. The Text Preferences pop-up paper lets you return afloat power complete really nan reference mode looks: you tin alteration nan statement spacing, nan colour strategy of nan page, nan default font used, and nan width of nan page column.
  • Click Reading Preferences to entree translator options and to item individual lines of matter arsenic you publication them.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox browser pinch plain-text article and container pinch icons connected left.

The Firefox reference mode comes pinch Pocket integration.

Screenshot: Mozilla

Over connected Firefox, nan reference mode intimately matches nan 1 successful Microsoft Edge, successful nan measurement it’s enabled pinch a click of an icon connected nan reside barroom (the icon that looks for illustration a page of text). Again, it takes complete nan full screen, replacing nan article you’re reading.

To alteration reference mode successful Mozilla Firefox:

  • Click nan reference mode page icon connected nan reside bar.
  • Select nan Aa icon to alteration nan creation of nan text.
  • Click nan headphones icon to person nan page publication aloud.
  • Choose nan Pocket (bookmark) icon to prevention nan page to nan Pocket read-it-later work built into Firefox.

There aren’t arsenic galore choices present arsenic location are successful Edge for font style and color, but nan options that are disposable look fine. 

If you’re not happy pinch immoderate of these, location are a number of third-party add-ons disposable to do nan aforesaid job. Both Firefox and Chrome person Tranquility Reader, which lets you prevention pages for offline reference and adds much elasticity pinch fonts and colors. An awesome third-party action for Chrome is Reader View, which has an e-reader consciousness and lets you set colors, fonts, and spacing. 
