How to Create Franchise Videos That Inspire — And Convert Interest Into Action

Oct 09, 2024 10:00 PM - 4 months ago 151294

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Franchise marketing is much than conscionable showcasing a business exemplary — it's astir capturing real, quality stories that animate others to subordinate your brand. The champion franchise videos don't conscionable inform, they link emotionally. To seizure those stories, you request to do much than conscionable scripted interviews and staged agency shots.

Let's dive into really you tin create franchise video contented that leaves a lasting belief and genuinely converts liking into action.

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Scheduling is key

Creating a compelling franchise video doesn't commencement erstwhile the camera rolls — it starts pinch observant planning. Authentic moments don't hap erstwhile you're rushed. To seizure meaningful footage, you request to representation retired the day. Start by scheduling sit-down interviews for the greeting and time off the day for b-roll — those candid shots of the franchisee successful their element, astatine activity aliases pinch their family.

I've recovered that erstwhile we return our time, we seizure thing real. One of the astir powerful stories I've filmed was for Glory Days Grill. The franchisee had been bum but now owns 5 locations. We allowed her to show her communicative astatine her ain pace, and the earthy emotion came through. She cried on-site and I'll admit — I teared up too. It was an incredibly moving experience. That benignant of genuine emotion can't beryllium rushed aliases scripted.

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Capture their life

Too galore franchise videos are stuck successful a boardroom aliases agency setting. That's good for a firm feel, but it's not really you show the existent life of a franchisee. If you want to animate people, you request to show imaginable franchisees what moving the business is really like.

Take them retired of the agency and movie them wherever they're astir comfortable — interacting pinch customers, moving hands-on, aliases spending clip pinch their family. That's wherever you'll find the bosom of the story. I retrieve filming for Handyman Connection — the franchisee, a combat veteran, shared really being portion of the franchise allowed him to walk much clip pinch his family. He's now the number 1 franchisee for the brand, and he teared up arsenic he talked astir really overmuch happier he is now. That infinitesimal wouldn't person been astir arsenic powerful if we'd stayed confined to an office.

When you seizure those authentic, everyday interactions, you show not only the business but the manner — and that's what sells a franchise.

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Skip the script

People tin consciousness erstwhile thing is scripted, and that's the past point you want successful a franchise video. You want authenticity — the franchisee's existent words, their existent emotions. I've learned that erstwhile you fto group speak for themselves, the stories that travel retired are overmuch much powerful.

For example, erstwhile we changeable a video for Batteries Plus, the franchisee had conscionable mislaid his begetter and was now moving the business successful his honor. The room was silent for agelong stretches arsenic he reflected connected what his begetter meant to him. That soundlessness allowed for a profoundly affectional infinitesimal — location wasn't a barren oculus successful the room. That's the benignant of genuine relationship you can't get from a script.

Instead of feeding franchisees lines, inquire open-ended questions that induce them to stock their journey. Ask things like, "What made you take this franchise?" aliases "How has it changed your life?" Give them the abstraction to unfastened up. That's wherever the existent magic happens.

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Spend a full time filming

You can't unreserved a awesome story. If you want to create a genuinely compelling franchise video, group speech an full time to film. Trying to compression everything into a fewer hours intends you're apt to miss the moments that matter.

Start pinch sit-down interviews successful the morning, giving the franchisee plentifulness of clip to stock their story. These conversations shape the affectional backbone of your video. In the afternoon, seizure the b-roll — the franchisee interacting pinch customers, moving pinch their team, aliases spending clip pinch their family.

These candid moments adhd layers to the communicative and show imaginable franchisees what a time successful the life looks like. When I walk a afloat time filming, I ever find unexpected, unscripted moments that make the video consciousness real. It's successful those unscripted moments wherever the communicative comes live — and spending the clip to seizure those is ever worthy it.

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Create aggregate short videos

One of the champion things astir a afloat time of filming is that you locomotion distant pinch much than capable contented for conscionable 1 video. You tin easy create astatine slightest 5 60-90 2nd videos from that azygous time of footage. These short videos are cleanable for societal media, your website, aliases email campaigns.

Each video tin show a different portion of the story. One mightiness attraction connected why the franchisee chose the brand, different connected the equilibrium they've achieved betwixt activity and family. This keeps your trading caller and engaging without having to repetition the aforesaid communicative complete and over.

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The powerfulness of authenticity

At the extremity of the day, creating franchise videos that animate and person is astir capturing real, unscripted moments that uncover the existent bosom of the franchise. By readying carefully, stepping extracurricular the office, letting group speak successful their ain words, and dedicating capable clip to the process, you'll extremity up pinch powerful stories that link pinch imaginable franchisees.

The stories I've captured — for illustration the Glory Days Grill franchisee who went from bum to owning 5 locations, aliases the Handyman Connection seasoned who recovered much clip pinch his family — are existent and raw. That's what makes them powerful. It's not astir fancy lighting aliases a cleanable book — it's astir telling the stories that make group want to beryllium a portion of thing bigger. When you seizure that, you're not conscionable trading a franchise, you're offering a life-changing opportunity.

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