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They opportunity nan reflector ne'er lies, but I would adhd a qualifier — group tin dishonesty to themselves astir what they spot successful their reflection. I usage this affinity because, aft a setback aliases failure, nan first task of business leaders is to look nan facts.
Steve Jobs did it erstwhile he rejoined Apple aft losing a boardroom conflict and exiting nan company. Elon Musk did it erstwhile 1 of his SpaceX launches failed. Mary Barra did it conscionable days aft taking complete arsenic General Motors CEO erstwhile she faced nan afloat standard of an ignition-switch malfunction that had caused 124 deaths.
I telephone it intelligence toughness.
Harvard Business Review launched nan CEO Genome Project to show that nan qualities of a successful main executive don't needfully correspond to nan popular image of nan faultless leader. What these group do person successful communal is nan expertise to beryllium very matter-of-fact astir setbacks. As a CEO myself, that's why I opportunity existent intelligence toughness is nan determination to look challenges objectively and persist successful uncovering solutions.
Related: Why Every Leader Needs Mental Toughness
Denial is not an option
If nan entity successful beforehand of nan reflector represents reality, nan image successful nan reflector represents nan subjective lens done which we comprehend reality. So, intelligence toughness is nan capacity, first of all, to abstracted facts from nan influences distorting what we see, specified arsenic unconscious biases, emotions and negative self-talk.
Sometimes, nonaccomplishment itself is subjective, and 1 person's setback tin beryllium another's disaster. But if we look squarely successful that mirror, we will find immoderate commonly accepted examples of nonaccomplishment — specified arsenic not making your business plan, losing a cardinal customer aliases missing your income target aft a merchandise launch. Barra faced a nationalist relations nightmare erstwhile she walked into nan occupation and was instantly forced to commencement recalling vehicles backmost successful 2014.
She knew denial was not an option. After launching an investigation headed by a erstwhile U.S. attorney, it was recovered that labor had been excessively acrophobic to sound their information concerns, and Barra began dismantling GM's toxic civilization of bureaucracy. This acquisition shows that each bully leader is apt to look nonaccomplishment astatine immoderate constituent successful their career. But it is really you woody pinch nonaccomplishment that defines your leadership, not "failure" itself.
Assess what went wrong
Jobs famously returned to Apple contempt nan indignity of being ousted from his ain company. In between, he founded nan machine and package institution NeXT, using $12 cardinal of his ain money, but it ne'er really took disconnected successful nan market. Failure? He ended up trading NeXT to Apple for $429 cardinal and rejoining arsenic CEO.
Jobs ne'er allowed his emotions to find what would hap next. There are 3 basal steps leaders tin return to guarantee "failure" is not nan last word:
Firstly, activity retired what happened. What was missed? What didn't you achieve? Then, judge nan reality of nan failure, setback aliases misstep.
Understand why it happened. What are nan missing pieces of nan puzzle that caused nan failure?
This 1 is easy to opportunity and difficult to do — now hole nan problem.
None of this is imaginable if nan leader does not abstracted nan facts from emotions, because fixing immoderate led to nan nonaccomplishment is not astir really group feel about what happened. It's astir taking banal and taking action.
Related: How Steve Jobs Turned Setbacks Into Success
Be unfastened to different views
Sometimes, nan action to reside a nonaccomplishment has to beryllium fast, patient and deliberate. Barra wasted nary clip transforming GM and moreover installed a hotline for labor to definitive contiguous conveyance information concerns. Other times, an innovative attack that challenges normal whitethorn beryllium required.
It each comes backmost to nan grade of relationship betwixt nan entity and nan image (how good 1 grasps reality) — but here's wherever it tin get tricky. An creator whitethorn look to person a little relationship because they are looking done nan lens of their rich | soul world. How we worth that position depends connected what we are prioritizing — accuracy aliases vision? Convention aliases reasoning extracurricular nan box?
The 2 do not person to beryllium mutually exclusive. Harvard Business Review recovered that nan CEOs who equated setbacks pinch nonaccomplishment had 50% little chance of thriving. These are group who spot nan facts but framework challenges arsenic a chance to alteration their approach. Innovators and visionaries, too, are capable to spot beyond what is presented.
For instance, Jobs' penchant for minimalistic, user-friendly interfaces and a smaller features footprint drew retired nan skeptics astatine first, but it came to specify Apple's iconic products. In different words, staying existent to yourself while maintaining nan expertise to look facts objectively is nan benignant of intelligence toughness that sets leaders apart.
Mirror, mirror: Who's nan brightest of them all?
Musk's Falcon 9 rocket exploded connected nan motorboat pad and took pinch it nan payload, a adjacent $200 cardinal communications satellite. He saw nan problem, fixed nan engineering flaws and kept going. In fact, nan "failure" allowed SpaceX to return more risks successful nan improvement process and prevention money complete nan agelong run. A bully leader ne'er turns from nan truth. Some clasp it.
The aforesaid twelvemonth that GM recalled complete 30 cardinal vehicles, nan institution group grounds sales, and its image was transformed internally and externally. As Barra said of nan callback crisis: "I ne'er want to put this down us. I want to put this achy acquisition permanently successful our corporate memories." Now, that is mental toughness.
The reflector itself is conscionable an optical strategy (an imperfect 1 astatine that) that helps america study astir really we construe reality. The mentally reliable leader accepts nan facts but past does immoderate it takes to create a caller reality successful favour of their company.
Related: Talent Is Overrated: Top 10 Habits Of Mentally Tough People