How This Couple Transformed a Gas Station Kitchen Into a Legendary BBQ Destination

Jun 04, 2024 09:00 PM - 8 months ago 168363

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Joe's KC Bar-B-Que was made celebrated by serving 'que from a vicinity state station.

But it's their dedication to nan trade that has made them legends.

Joy Stehney, co-founder of Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que, exemplifies nan existent tone of entrepreneurial grit and passion. Alongside her hubby Jeff, a BBQ Hall of Famer, they transformed a humble state position room into a legendary barbecue destination that now stands arsenic a beacon of excellence successful Kansas City's storied culinary landscape.

The Stehneys embarked connected their barbecue travel arsenic competitors successful nan renowned Kansas City Barbecue scene.

Their occurrence successful BBQ competitions built a fanbase that encouraged them to statesman a catering business. This led them to lease a room abstraction successful a section state position and partner pinch Joe Don Davidson (Oklahoma Joe's Smoker Company).

Their task began pinch a edifice successful Stillwater, Oklahoma, followed by their iconic Kansas City location successful 1996. Despite early challenges and a consequent sanction alteration from Oklahoma Joe's Bar-B-Que to Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que, they successfully established themselves successful nan barbecue community.

"My hubby had nan crazy thought to discontinue his occupation and we're going to spell into nan edifice business," Joy Stehney shared pinch big Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media. "We opened our 2nd edifice successful Kansas City successful nan state position successful 1996. And we've been going ever since."

Maintaining precocious nutrient value has been paramount for nan brand, particularly successful its catering business.

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Despite her individual aversion to takeout, Stehney and nan squad person perfected nan creation of delivering exceptional nutrient and work to their customers. Through rigorous testing and knowledgeable staff, they guarantee that their barbecue reaches guests successful cleanable condition, maintaining nan precocious standards that support group coming back.

"Good nutrient and bully service. It's truthful important erstwhile nan nutrient is going to time off nan building," she explained. "We person awesome value power astatine our restaurants and nan nutrient value is nan astir important thing."

Joe's KC Barbecue has go a beloved staple successful Kansas City, attracting fans from each walks of life, including Kansas City Chiefs superstar and Super Bowl Champion Travis Kelce. Stehney is fresh to widen her hospitality to Kelce and his superstar woman Taylor Swift, should they determine to necktie nan knot.

Related: How Do You Start a Successful Restaurant? Obsess Over nan Tiniest Details, Says This Entrepreneurial Chef.

"I do want to opportunity this. Travis and Taylor, I'll cater nan wedding. I'll cater nan rehearsal dinner. Whatever you want. Okay? Call me," Joy enthusiastically offered.

From humble beginnings successful a state position to becoming barbecue icons, Joy Stehney's dedication to value and hospitality has solidified Joe's KC Bar-B-Que arsenic an exemplary family business and guidelines retired successful nan industry.

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