Hospital Management System using Python Django and MySQL

Jul 20, 2024 12:39 AM - 5 months ago 137459

Hospital Management System Project utilizing Python Django and MySQL is web based application.The task Hospital Management strategy includes registration of patients, storing their specifications into the system. The package has the installation to springiness a unsocial id for each diligent and stores the specifications of each patient.

Project Requirements
Project Name Language Used Framework Used Database User Interface Design Web Browser IDE
Hospital Management System Project successful Python Django
Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Project Modules

Hospital Management System Project utilizing Python is web exertion for infirmary which manages doctors and patients. In this project, we usage Python pinch Django model and MySQL database.

The full task chiefly consists of 3 modules, which are

  • Admin module
  • User module (patient)
  • Doctor module

Admin module:

  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin tin position the Total Registered Doctors and Total Specializations.
  2. Doctors List: In this section, admin tin position doctor’s profile, their appointments and negociate their diligent list.
  3. Reg Users: In this section, admin tin position users item (who return online appointment) and besides person correct to delete irrelevant user.
  4.  Patients: In this section, admin tin position patient’s details.
  5. Appointment History: In this section, admin tin position assignment history.
  6. Search Doctor: In this section, admin tin hunt expert specifications by their sanction and mobile number.
  7. Doctor Reg Reports: In this section, admin tin position reports of expert successful peculiar periods.
  8. Webpage Page: In this section, admin tin update the website page details.
  9. Patient Search: In this section, admin tin hunt diligent pinch the thief of diligent sanction and mobile number.

Admin tin besides alteration his/her ain password and profile.

User module (patient):

  1. Dashboard: This is invited page of user.
  2. Book Appointment: In this section, Patient tin book his/her appointment.
  3. Appointment History: In this section, Patients tin spot his/her ain assignment history.

User tin update his/her profile, alteration the password and retrieve the password

Doctor module:

  1. Dashboard:  In this section, expert tin position full appointment, caller appointment, approved appointment, cancelled assignment and full diligent added by them.
  2. Appointment: In this section, Doctor tin spot patient’s assignment status.
  3. Patients: In this section, expert tin negociate patients (Add/Update).
  4. Search: Search has beneath sections:
  5. Search Patient: In this section, expert tin hunt diligent pinch the thief of diligent sanction and mobile number.
  6. Search Appointment: In this section, expert tin hunt User(patient) pinch the thief of sanction and mobile number.
  7. Report: Report has beneath sections:
  8. Appointment Report: In this section, expert tin make betwixt dates study of assignment which is return by registered users (patients).
  9. Patient Report: In this section, expert tin make betwixt dates reports of patients which doctors add.

Doctor tin besides update his profile, alteration the password and retrieve the password.

Some of the Project Screens

Home Page

HMS Django Home Page

User/Patient Sign up

HMS Django Patient Reg

Patient Appointment Form

HMS Django Appointment Form

Doctor Dashboard

HMS Django Doctor Dashboard

Patient List

HMS Django Pateint List

Doctors List

HMS Django Reg Doctors List

How to tally the Hospital Management strategy Django Python

1. Download the zip file

2. Extract the file, copy hms folder, and paste it connected the desktop

3. Open MySQL Create a database hmspythondb then import the SQL File disposable successful the SQL File Folder (For MySQL we used XAMPP server)

4. Open PyCharm and click connected the terminal

5. Navigate the task files utilizing the cd command

cd project_path

For ex: cd C:\Users\ANUJ\OneDrive\Desktop\hms\

6. Now Navigate to the hospital folder

cd hospital

7. Run the Project utilizing the pursuing command

python runserver

Now click the URL and the Project will Run

Login Details


Username:  [email protected]

Password: Test@123


Username:  [email protected]

Password: Test@123 OR Register caller doctor


Username:  [email protected]

Password: Test@123 OR Register caller user/patient

Project Demo

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Size: 33.7 MB
Version: V 1.0

Project Report

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