Google is launching a caller advertizing network that serves targeted ads to Google TV-powered streaming boxes and smart TVs. The ads service, known arsenic nan Google TV network, lets advertisers spot unskippable in-stream advertisement spots crossed much than 125 unrecorded channels — galore that are FAST, aliases free ad-supported streaming TV channels that Google’s been hell-bent connected getting users to notice.
Google says location are 20 cardinal monthly progressive Google TV and Android TV OS devices, a important fig for advertisers to consider. The scope tin spell moreover further erstwhile including YouTube, which reaches complete 150 cardinal monthly progressive viewers successful nan surviving room. Google Ads and Google Display & Video 360 users tin grow their campaigns to see nan Google TV web by checking a caller container nether YouTube & Google. Google Ads tin dispersed crossed networks connected Google TV, and see Google-owned advertisement inventory successful third-party apps.
According to Google, viewers of Google TV’s free channels watch connected mean 75 minutes per day. FAST channels are growing fast since it’s nan closest point to paid cablegram work without nan bill, and while nan contented is mostly reruns, sometimes group conscionable want that old-school inheritance sound — a cleanable spot for ads.