Google Ads Campaign: Definition, Types, & Best Practices

Jun 20, 2024 04:30 PM - 7 months ago 166430

What Is a Google Ads Campaign?

A Google Ads run is simply a measurement to advertise your business connected Google's advertizing web to execute your trading goals.

For each campaign, you'll prime a run type, adhd keywords (if applicable), create advertisement copy, target locations, schedule ads, and more.

Google Ads offers a assortment of run types to thief marketers efficaciously scope their target audience (people who are apt to bargain their products aliases services). 

Search campaigns target users who hunt for circumstantial keywords related to your business.

For example, a bridal shop could usage a hunt run to look successful hunt motor results pages (SERPs) erstwhile personification searches for “bridal shop adjacent me.” 

search for bridal shop adjacent maine shows a sponsored hunt advertisement for a section bridal shop


Display campaigns usage ocular ads crossed Google's web of websites. And are effective for visually driven brands. 

For example, a jewelry marque could usage show ads to showcase its latest postulation connected celebrated applicable blogs and websites.

Cartier has a show advertisement adjacent nan apical of a marie claire mag webpage


Video campaigns successful Google Ads activity by placing advertisements before, during, and aft a peculiar video connected YouTube.

This type of run is effective for marque and merchandise storytelling. 

For example, a tech institution could motorboat a video advertisement run to showcase its products’ features and benefits.

a seo connected wix advertisement plays earlier an seo for beginners video connected youtube

This attack allows you to explicate analyzable products successful an accessible way. Potentially expanding customer liking and sales.


Shopping campaigns let e-commerce businesses to showcase their products straight successful Google's hunt results.

For instance, an online shop could usage shopping ads to beforehand its products to group searching for related categories.

shopping ads for smartphone look astatine nan apical of nan serp showing different models from different retailers


Discovery campaigns thief brands scope imaginable customers arsenic they research interests crossed various Google properties. This includes:

  • Gmail
  • YouTube
  • Google Discover feed

For example, a recreation institution could usage find campaigns to showcase enticing picnic destinations to users who person antecedently shown liking successful travel-related content. 

google observe advertisement shows a retargeting advertisement aft searching for iceland travel details

This type of run uses Google’s machine-learning algorithms to optimize advertisement placement and performance. 


App campaigns beforehand mobile apps crossed various Google platforms. Including Search, Google Play, YouTube, and nan Google Display Network.

For instance, a gaming institution could usage an app run to boost downloads of its latest game.

sponsored app conception shows 3 telephone games suggested for you


Smart campaigns are designed specifically for mini businesses pinch constricted clip and advertizing experience.

For instance, a caller cafe mightiness usage smart campaigns to boost ft traffic. With small setup required, nan cafe tin pull section customers. Even without heavy advertizing expertise.

Smart campaigns usage instrumentality learning exertion to automatically:

  • Optimize your ads crossed Google's full web (Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, Maps)
  • Target applicable audiences apt to convert
  • Create different advertisement versions and find apical performers
  • Adjust bids and budgets successful existent time

Performance Max

Performance max uses Google’s machine-learning capabilities to optimize advertisement capacity crossed each Google networks.

This run is designed for businesses of each shapes and sizes. And it helps them execute their circumstantial advertizing goals, specified arsenic online sales, shop visits, aliases lead generation. By automatically adjusting bids and budgets successful existent time.

For instance, an e-commerce business could usage capacity max campaigns to maximize their online income by reaching imaginable customers crossed each Google networks.

The run would automatically optimize advertisement placements and bidding strategies to scope users who are astir apt to make a purchase.

Why Should You Use a Google Ads Campaign?

Google advertizing campaigns connection respective benefits that tin importantly heighten your online trading efforts.

  • Increased visibility: With Google’s immense network, you tin scope a wide assemblage that is willing successful your products and services. Which intends much engagement and imaginable sales. 
  • Immediate traffic: Unlike integrated SEO strategies, which tin return months to thrust traffic, Google Ads starts directing applicable visitors to your website immediately. 
  • Targeted advertising: Target ads based connected geographic location, clip of day, device, interests, erstwhile website visits, and different factors. So you scope nan correct assemblage astatine nan correct time. And optimizes your advertizing fund and conversion rates. 
  • Measurable ROI: Track a assortment of metrics, specified arsenic impressions (how galore times your advertisement was shown), clicks (how galore times group clicked connected it), and conversions (how galore desired actions are completed). So you tin understand your campaign’s return connected finance (ROI). 

How to Set Up a Google Ads Campaign

Below, we’ll screen really to group up a Google Ads run measurement by step. So you tin study really to advertise connected Google.

1. Create a Google Ads Account

This relationship will location each of your Google campaigns and data. And it's easy to group up.

Log successful to your Google relationship successful your browser. Then spell to and click "Start now."

google ads landing page

In nan pop-up window, click “Create your first campaign.” 

create your first run popup

2. Add Business Information

Fill retired your business name, website URL, telephone number, and app listing page (if applicable).

Then, click “Next.”

tell america astir your business page

The adjacent surface offers nan action to nexus different accounts: YouTube channel, Google Business Profile, etc.

Click “Next” to proceed nan Google Ads configuration process.

linked accounts page

3. Select Your Campaign Goals

Some of nan main extremity options include:

  • Phone telephone leads: Best for businesses offering services aliases consultations
  • Purchases: For driving nonstop income done your website—an perfect action for e-commerce stores
  • Submit lead form: Great for generating qualified leads for your income squad to travel up on
  • Page views: Ideal for driving much postulation and eyeballs to your website content
  • Brand awareness: A broad, top-of-funnel extremity to summation visibility and vulnerability for your brand's merchandise aliases service

In this example, we’ll prime “Brand awareness” arsenic our extremity and click “Next.”

google ads run options

4. Select Your Campaign Type

The adjacent measurement is to prime nan run type. Depending connected your goal, Google will propose 1 for you automatically:

google ads run type options

Go pinch nan suggested action aliases prime a different run type based connected your circumstantial advertizing needs and objectives.

The run type determines really and wherever your ads will beryllium shown. 

If you prime “Video,” your ads will tally connected YouTube. If you prime “Display,” your ads will tally crossed partner websites. For “Search,” your ads will look successful Google hunt results.

For this example, we’ll prime “Search” and click “Next.”

5. Adjust Your Campaign Settings

On nan adjacent screen, you’ll request to set a fewer settings to determine your campaign’s targeting.

First, participate each nan applicable keywords for which you want your ads to show.

enter keywords that will show your ads

Fill retired nan remaining options, including:

  • Location: Select nan geographic areas you want to target for illustration countries, states/regions, cities, aliases radius astir a location
  • Languages: Choose which languages your ads should beryllium displayed successful based connected your target audience
  • Audiences: Optionally, specify circumstantial assemblage targeting parameters beyond conscionable keywords and locations. This allows you to further refine who sees your ads based connected demographics, interests, acquisition level, etc.
  • Networks: Choose whether you want your ads to show crossed nan full Google network, including Google Display Network, aliases conscionable Google Search and Search Partners

After finalizing your run settings, click “Next.”

more settings conception of nan setup process

For hunt campaigns, you'll create matter ads. These are comprised of 3 main elements:

  • Headlines: These are nan first lines group spot successful your ad. You person 30 characters for each headline. Make them catchy and applicable to nan keywords you’re targeting.
  • Descriptions: Your descriptions are constricted to 90 characters each. Use this abstraction to item nan unsocial trading points of your merchandise aliases service, and to see a call to action. 
  • Final URL: This is nan landing page wherever you’ll nonstop group who click connected your ad

As you edit your advertisement copy, you'll spot a preview of really nan last advertisement will look connected Google’s hunt results.

Once you’re satisfied pinch nan last version, click “Next.”

create an advertisement page

7. Set a Bidding Strategy

Your bidding strategy determines really your advertizing fund will beryllium spent.

Google Ads provides respective automated bidding options that utilize instrumentality learning to optimize your bids successful existent clip based connected your goals: 

  • Clicks: Google's systems will prioritize getting you arsenic galore clicks to your website arsenic imaginable from applicable audiences wrong your group budget
  • Impression share: This action allows you to group a target for really often you'd for illustration your ads to beryllium displayed from nan full number of disposable impressions. Google will set your bids to support your desired level of advertisement visibility.
  • Conversions: This strategy intends to get arsenic galore conversions (like income aliases shape submissions) arsenic imaginable wrong your budget
  • Conversion value: This strategy focuses connected maximizing nan full conversion worth of your run wrong your specified budget. It’s perfect erstwhile nan worth of your conversions varies and you want to maximize nan full worth alternatively than nan number of conversions.

Select your desired bidding strategy and click "Next."

set a bid strategy page

Next, determine really overmuch money you want to walk connected your run per day.

Google will urge an mean regular fund based connected your run settings, but you tin besides group up a civilization budget.

Set your budget, click "Next."

how overmuch do you want to walk per time page shows amounts and recommended mean regular budget

8. Enter Payment Details

Google Ads accepts a assortment of costs methods. Including in installments cards, debit cards, nett banking, and slope transfers.

payments floor plan setup page

Enter your costs method and take your costs settings:

  • Automatic payment: You’re automatically charged aft your ads run
  • Manual payment: Prepay Google Ads and person your payments deducted from nan prepaid amount
  • Monthly invoicing: Google extends a statement of in installments to you for your advertizing costs and you person an invoice each month

Scroll down and prime “Yes” if you want to person telephone calls aliases messages from Google experts. To person personalized recommendations for your campaign. Otherwise, prime “No.”

Click "Submit" to complete nan run setup process.

no action chosen to person personalized guidance from google

You’ve now group up your Google Ads campaign. Your advertisement will commencement moving arsenic soon arsenic Google approves it. 

This process usually takes astir 1 business day, but it tin return longer. Google will notify you via email and nan run level erstwhile your advertisement is approved and live.

Best Practices for an Effective Google Ads Campaign

Below, we’ll screen immoderate champion practices. So you’ll study really to motorboat Google ads successful a measurement that maximizes your run performance.

Target nan Right Keywords

Keywords are nan words aliases phrases that users type into Google. Your ads will beryllium displayed to group searching for those position (if you’re moving a Google paid hunt campaign). 

Choosing nan correct keywords is basal because it determines whether your ads will beryllium shown to nan correct audience—people who are really willing successful your products aliases services.

For example, if you waste car security packages, applicable keywords could beryllium “car insurance,” “car security quotes,” and “best car insurance.”

Use Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool to find your target keywords. 

Input a broad, applicable hunt word into nan instrumentality and click “Search.”

search for car security successful keyword magic tool

The instrumentality will coming a database of applicable keywords on pinch important metrics like:

  • Search volume: The number of times a keyword is searched
  • Keyword difficulty: How difficult it will beryllium to target nan keyword compared pinch competitors
  • Search intent: The information down nan search
  • Cost per click (CPC): Estimated magnitude you’ll salary for each click connected your selected keywords 
keyword database and data

Look for keywords pinch precocious capable hunt measurement to scope a wide audience, debased capable keyword trouble to optimize your spend, nan correct intent to service your business needs, and a CPC that fits wrong your advertizing budget. 

For example, if marque consciousness is your focus, target keywords that person “Transactional (T)” aliases “Commercial Investigation (C)” hunt intent. These signify that a personification is looking to find applicable companies alternatively than conscionable stitchery information. 

for illustration what is simply a canine bony is informational intent, petco canine bones is navigational, champion canine bones is commercial, and bargain canine bones is transactional

Regularly reappraisal and update your keyword database based connected nan capacity of your campaign. Test variations to guarantee you get maximum worth retired of your campaigns.

Your ads should drawback nan attraction of imaginable customers. 

Start pinch your headline—the first point users see. Include beardown calls-to-action (CTAs) for illustration “Buy Now” “Sign Up,” aliases “Get a Free Quote” to promote an contiguous response. 

In nan description, item nan benefits of your merchandise aliases service. Use words that evoke emotion, speak straight to your target buyer, and support it simple. 

The personification should beryllium capable to quickly and easy understand what nan advertisement is astir and what action they should return next.

For example, return a look astatine nan car security advertisement below. It starts pinch nan nonstop header "Get Auto Insurance Quotes," which motivates users to return speedy action. Below nan headline, location is simply a explanation that provides a clear inducement for users to prosecute pinch nan ad.

google hunt advertisement transcript says get car security quotes pinch sitelinks

Test different versions of your advertisement transcript to spot which lead to much clicks and conversions. Focus connected varying 1 constituent astatine a time, specified arsenic nan header aliases description.

Structure Your Campaigns

Group your campaigns based connected your products aliases services. For example, if you waste insurance, create a abstracted run for “car insurance,” “health insurance,” and “travel insurance.”

Within each campaign, group up different advertisement groups for each merchandise aliases work wrong that category.

For instance, nether nan “car insurance” campaign, you could person advertisement groups for “comprehensive car insurance,” “collision sum car insurance,” and “new car replacement coverage.”

Each advertisement group will incorporate a group of intimately related keywords. For example, nan “comprehensive car insurance” advertisement group could see keywords like:

  • Comprehensive car security quotes 
  • Best broad car insurance 
  • Affordable broad car insurance

This advertisement group building allows you to create hyper-relevant advertisement transcript and landing page contented tailored to each product.

This logical run → advertisement group → keywords → advertisement transcript building is cardinal to driving qualified postulation and maximizing ROI from your Google Ads campaigns.

google ads run structure

Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions

Your landing pages (where nan ads thrust users to) are wherever nan conversion action takes place—whether it's a purchase, lead shape submission, aliases different valuable event. 

Follow these champion practices to optimize landing pages for maximum conversions:

  • Ensure consistency pinch advertisement copy. Your landing page should bespeak nan connection and offers successful your advertisement copy. So users cognize they’re successful nan correct place. 
  • Simplify nan design. A cluttered page tin distract users from taking your desired action. Use a clean, straightforward creation pinch ample achromatic abstraction to attraction attention connected nan important elements, for illustration nan telephone to action and nan benefits of your merchandise aliases service.
  • Optimize page speed. Slow-loading pages tin lead to precocious bounce rates. Ensure your landing pages load quickly by optimizing images, reducing server consequence times, and minimizing nan usage of dense scripts that tin slow down nan page.
  • Use high-quality visuals. Incorporate applicable images aliases videos that complement your connection and heighten nan visitor's experience. Visuals should beryllium purposeful, helping to exemplify merchandise benefits aliases show really a work works.
  • Include spot signals. Add elements that build trust, specified arsenic testimonials, customer reviews, lawsuit studies, aliases spot badges (like information certifications). These tin reassure visitors and heighten your credibility.
  • Minimize shape fields. If your landing page has a form, support it arsenic short arsenic possible. Request only nan basal accusation you request from visitors to trim clash and summation nan likelihood of completion.

Leverage Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are words aliases phrases you take to forestall your ads from being triggered by queries unrelated to your business.

Saving you money by reducing irrelevant clicks that will ne'er convert. In our car security example, “boat insurance” and “RV insurance” could beryllium perfect antagonistic keywords if you don’t connection those services. 

To adhd antagonistic keywords, motion successful to your Google Ads account.

Then navigate to Campaigns > Insights and reports > Search terms report.

search position study highlighted successful navigation

This will show you each hunt query that triggered your ads, on pinch metrics for illustration impressions, clicks, costs, etc.

google ads hunt word report

Carefully scan nan database of hunt queries to find and seizure irrelevant terms.

Now, spell wrong nan applicable advertisement group and click connected nan “Negative hunt keywords” tab.

Click nan positive fastener and adhd your keywords.

plus fastener highlighted to participate antagonistic keywords

Regularly reappraisal your hunt position study to guarantee your antagonistic keywords database is optimized. To prevention you money. And summation your campaign’s ROI. 

Competitor investigation should beryllium a cardinal portion of your Google Ads run strategy. Because you tin spot what’s moving for them (or not) and usage that info to outpace them. 

Semrush's Advertising Research instrumentality is cleanable for this task. 

Open nan tool, participate your competitor’s website, and click “Search.” entered into advertizing investigation tool

You’ll spot a batch of accusation here. Including number of keywords, target keywords list, full postulation from those paid keywords, and CPC. 

advertising investigation positions report

Analyze nan study to spot if you’re missing immoderate important keywords. And adhd them to your campaign.

Now, spell to nan “Ads Copies” tab to position nan existent ads your competitor is running. 

advertising investigation ads copies report

Review nan messaging and CTAs to place areas for your ads to improve. 

Click connected nan header to position their landing page.

Analyze nan design, layout, and contented for ideas for your landing pages. 

Leverage A/B Testing

A/B testing, besides known arsenic divided testing, involves comparing 2 versions of an constituent (like an ad) to spot which 1 performs better. 

It’s a powerful strategy that tin thief amended nan capacity of your Google PPC campaigns. Here’s really to leverage it for your campaign:

First, place nan circumstantial constituent you want to test. Like nan headline, call-to-action, aliases description. Your extremity is to beryllium a hypothesis, specified arsenic “longer headlines activity amended than shorter headlines for my product.”

Create 2 versions of your ad—one pinch nan original constituent (A) and 1 pinch nan changed constituent (B). Focus connected changing conscionable 1 constituent to either beryllium aliases disprove your hypothesis.

avoid testing excessively galore variables astatine once. trial either swapping nan image aliases nan header but not some astatine nan aforesaid time

Then, tally some versions of your advertisement simultaneously. Google Ads will randomly show 1 of nan 2 ads to your target audience.

Analyze nan results. Look astatine cardinal metrics for illustration click-through complaint (CTR), conversion rate, and costs per conversion.

If type B performs amended than type A, see making B your caller default ad. Or vice versa.

By leveraging A/B testing, you tin make data-driven decisions and continuously amended nan effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign.

Launch Your First Google Ads Campaign Today

You now person capable knowing of really to tally a successful run successful Google ads.

This is your chance to use what you’ve learned. And leverage nan Keyword Magic Tool and Advertising Research instrumentality to thief you prevention money and summation conversions. Start coming for free. 
