Getting Started with PyPy

Oct 10, 2024 04:33 PM - 4 months ago 149995

The Python programming connection is an interface that tin beryllium implemented successful galore ways. Some examples see CPython which uses the C language, Jython that is implemented utilizing Java, and truthful on.

Despite being the astir popular, CPython is not the fastest. PyPy is an alternate Python implementation that is some compliant and fast. PyPy depends connected just-in-time (JIT) compilation that dramatically reduces the execution clip for long-running operations.

In this tutorial, PyPy will beryllium introduced for beginners to item really it is different from CPython. We’ll besides screen its advantages and limitations. Then we’ll return a look astatine really to download and usage PyPy to execute a elemental Python script.

Specifically, this tutorial covers the following:

  • A speedy overview of CPython
  • Introduction to PyPy and its features
  • PyPy limitations
  • Running PyPy connected Ubuntu
  • Execution clip of PyPy vs CPython

Let’s get started.

A Quick Overview of CPython

Before discussing PyPy, it is important to cognize really CPython works. Below you tin spot a visualization of the execution pipeline of a Python book implemented utilizing CPython.


Given a Python .py script, the root codification is first compiled utilizing the CPython compiler into bytecode. The bytecode is generated and saved successful a record pinch a .pyc extension. The bytecode is past executed utilizing the CPython expert wrong a virtual environment.

There are benefits to utilizing the compiler to person the root codification into bytecode. If nary compiler is used, past the expert will activity straight connected the root codification by translating it statement by statement into instrumentality code. The disadvantage of doing this is that immoderate processes person to beryllium applied for translating each statement of root codification into instrumentality code, and specified processes will beryllium repeated for each line. For example, syntax study will beryllium applied to each statement independently from the different lines, and frankincense the expert takes a batch of clip to construe the code. The compiler solves this rumor arsenic it is capable to process each of the codification astatine once, and frankincense syntax study will beryllium applied only erstwhile alternatively than to each statement of code. The generated bytecode from the compiler will frankincense beryllium interpreted easily. Note that compiling the full root codification mightiness not beryllium adjuvant successful immoderate cases, and we’ll spot a clear illustration of this erstwhile discussing PyPy.

After the bytecode is generated, it is executed by the expert moving successful the virtual machine. The virtual situation is beneficial, arsenic it isolates the CPython bytecode from the machine, and frankincense makes Python cross-platform.

Unfortunately, conscionable utilizing a compiler to make the bytecode is not capable to velocity up the execution of CPython. The expert useful by translating the code, each clip it is executed, into instrumentality code. Thus, if a statement L takes X seconds to beryllium executed, past executing it 10 times will person a costs of X*10 seconds. For long-running operations, this is excessively costly successful its execution time.

Based connected the drawbacks of CPython, let’s now return a look astatine PyPy.

Introduction to PyPy and its Features

PyPy is simply a Python implementation akin to CPython that is some compliant and fast. “Compliant” intends that PyPy is compatible pinch CPython, arsenic you tin usage astir each CPython syntax successful PyPy. There are immoderate compatibility differences, arsenic mentioned here. The astir powerful advantage of PyPy is its speed. PyPy is overmuch faster than CPython; we’ll spot tests later connected wherever PyPy performs astir 7 times faster. In immoderate cases it mightiness moreover beryllium tens aliases hundreds of times faster than CPython. So really does PyPy execute its speed?


PyPy uses a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that is capable to dramatically summation the velocity of Python scripts. The type of compilation utilized successful CPython is ahead-of-time (AOT), meaning that each of the codification will beryllium translated into bytecode earlier being executed. JIT conscionable translates the codification astatine runtime, only erstwhile it is needed.

The root codification mightiness incorporate codification blocks that are not executed astatine all, but which are still being translated utilizing the AOT compiler. This leads to slower processing times. When the root codification is ample and contains thousands of lines, utilizing a JIT makes a large difference. For AOT, the full root codification will beryllium translated and frankincense return a batch of time. For JIT, conscionable the needed parts of the codification will beryllium executed, making it a batch faster.

After PyPy translates a portion of the code, it past gets cached. This intends the codification is translated only once, and past the translator is utilized later. The CPython expert repeats the translator each clip the codification is executed, an further origin for its slowness.


PyPy is not the only measurement to boost the capacity of Python scripts—but it is the easiest way. For example, Cython could beryllium utilized to summation the velocity of assigning C types to the variables. The problem is that Cython asks the developer to manually inspect the root codification and optimize it. This is tiresome, and the complexity increases arsenic the codification size increases. When PyPy is used, you conscionable tally the regular Python codification overmuch faster without immoderate effort astatine all.


Standard Python uses the C stack. This stack stores the series of functions that are called from each different (recursion). Because the stack size is limited, you are constricted successful the number of usability calls.

PyPy uses Stackless Python, a Python implementation that does not usage the C stack. Instead, it stores the usability calls successful the heap alongside the objects. The heap size is greater than the stack size, and frankincense you tin do much usability calls.

Stackless Python besides supports microthreads, which are amended than regular Python threads. Within the azygous Stackless Python thread you tin tally thousands of tasks, called “tasklets,” pinch each of them moving connected the aforesaid thread.

Using tasklets allows moving concurrent tasks. Concurrency intends that 2 tasks activity simultaneously by sharing the aforesaid resources. One task runs for immoderate time, past stops to make room for the 2nd task to beryllium executed. Note that this is different from parallelism, which involves moving the 2 tasks separately but astatine the aforesaid time.

Using tasklets reduces the number of threads created, and frankincense reduces the overhead of managing each these threads by the OS. As a result, speeding up the execution by swapping betwixt 2 threads is much time-intensive than swapping betwixt 2 tasklets.

Using Stackless Python besides opened the doorway for implementing continuations. Continuations let america to prevention the authorities of a task and reconstruct it later to proceed its job. Note that Stackless Python is not different from Standard Python; it conscionable adds much functionalities. Everything disposable successful Standard Python will beryllium disposable successful Stackless Python, too.

After discussing the benefits of PyPy, let’s talk astir its limitations successful the adjacent section.

PyPy Limitations

While you tin usage CPython connected immoderate instrumentality and immoderate CPU architecture, PyPy has comparably constricted support.

Here are the CPU architectures supported and maintained by PyPy (source):

  • x86 (IA-32) and x86_64
  • ARM platforms (ARMv6 aliases ARMv7, pinch VFPv3)
  • AArch64
  • PowerPC 64bit, some small and large endian
  • System Z (s390x)

PyPy cannot activity connected each Linux distributions, truthful you person to return attraction to usage 1 that’s supported. Running PyPy Linux binary connected an unsupported distribution will return an error. PyPy only supports 1 type of Python 2 and Python 3, which are PyPy 2.7 and PyPy 3.6.

If the codification that is executed successful PyPy is axenic Python, past the velocity offered by PyPy is usually noticeable. But if the codification contains C extensions, specified arsenic NumPy, past PyPy mightiness really summation the time. The PyPy task is actively developed and frankincense whitethorn connection amended support for C extensions successful the future.

PyPy is not supported by a number of celebrated Python frameworks, specified arsenic Kivy. Kivy allows CPython to tally connected each platforms, including Android and iOS. This intends that PyPy cannot tally connected mobile devices.

Now that we’ve seen the benefits and limitations of PyPy, let’s screen really to tally PyPy connected Ubuntu.

Running PyPy connected Ubuntu

You tin tally PyPy connected either Mac, Linux, aliases Windows, but we are going to talk moving it connected Ubuntu. It is very important to mention again that PyPy Linux binaries are only supported connected circumstantial Linux distributions. You tin cheque the disposable PyPy binaries and their supported distributions connected this page. For example, PyPy (either Python 2.7 aliases Python 3.6) is only supported for 3 versions of Ubuntu: 18.04, 16.04 and 14.04. If you person the newest type of Ubuntu up to this day (19.10), past you cannot tally PyPy connected it. Trying to tally PyPy connected an unsupported distribution will return this error:

pypy: correction while loading shared libraries ...

I simply usage a virtual instrumentality to tally Ubuntu 18.04.

The PyPy binaries travel arsenic compressed files. All you request to do is to decompress the record you downloaded. Inside the decompressed directory location is simply a files named bin, successful which the PyPy executable record tin beryllium found. I americium utilizing Python 3.6 and frankincense the record is named pypy3. For Python 2.7, it’s conscionable called pypy.

For CPython, if you would for illustration to tally Python 3 from the terminal, you simply participate the bid python3. To tally PyPy, simply rumor the bid pypy3.

Entering the pypy3 bid successful the terminal mightiness return the Command 'pypy3' not recovered message, arsenic shown successful the adjacent figure. The logic is that the way of PyPy is not added to the PATH situation variable. The bid that really useful is ./pypy3, taking into respect that the existent way of the terminal is wrong the bin directory of PyPy. The dot . refers to the existent directory, and / is added to entree thing wrong the existent directory. Issuing the ./pypy3 bid runs Python successfully arsenic fixed below.


You tin now activity pinch Python arsenic usual, taking advantage of the benefits of PyPy. For example, we tin create a elemental Python book that sums 1,000 numbers and execute it utilizing PyPy. The codification is arsenic follows.

nums = range(1000) sum = 0 for k in nums: sum = sum + k print("Sum of 1,000 numbers is : ", sum)

If this book is named, past you tin simply tally it utilizing the pursuing bid (assuming that the Python record is located wrong the bin files of PyPy, which is the aforesaid location of the pypy3 command).


The adjacent fig shows the consequence of executing the erstwhile code.


Execution Time of PyPy vs. CPython

To comparison the runtime of PyPy and CPython for summing 1,000 numbers, the codification is changed to measurement the clip arsenic follows.

import time t1 = time.time() nums = range(1000) sum = 0 for k in nums: sum = sum + k print("Sum of 1,000 numbers is : ", sum) t2 = time.time() t = t2 - t1 print("Elapsed clip is : ", t, " seconds")

For PyPy the clip is astir 0.00045 seconds, compared to 0.0002 seconds for CPython (I ran the codification connected my Core i7-6500U instrumentality @ 2.5GHz). In this lawsuit CPython takes little clip compared to PyPy, which is to beryllium expected since this task is not really a long-running task. If the codification is changed to adhd 1 cardinal numbers, alternatively than 1 thousand, past PyPy would extremity up winning. In this lawsuit it takes 0.00035 seconds for Pypy and 0.1 seconds for CPython. The use of PyPy is now obvious. This should springiness you an thought of really overmuch slower CPython is for executing long-running tasks.


This tutorial introduced PyPy, the fastest Python implementation. The awesome use of PyPy is its just-in-time (JIT) compilation, which offers caching of the compiled instrumentality codification to debar executing it again. The limitations of PyPy are besides highlighted, the awesome 1 being that it useful good for axenic Python codification but is not businesslike for C extensions.

We besides saw really to tally PyPy connected Ubuntu and compared the runtime of some CPython and PyPy, highlighting PyPy’s ratio for long-running tasks. Meanwhile, CPython mightiness still hit retired PyPy for short-running tasks. In early articles we’ll research much comparisons betwixt PyPy, CPython, and Cython.
