Frontier Communications has revealed that accusation for complete 750,000 customers — including afloat names and Social Security numbers — was exposed successful a information breach pursuing a cyberattack connected April 14th. Hackers declare to person moreover much and will merchandise it unless Frontier pays a ransom.
The onslaught enabled hackers to entree 751,895 customers’ individual information connected Frontier’s systems according to a sample of nan announcement Frontier submitted to nan Office of nan Maine Attorney General. Frontier has notified impacted customers and provided them pinch 1 twelvemonth of free in installments monitoring and personality theft services, but says it “does not believe” customer financial accusation was exposed successful nan breach.
Bleeping Computer reports that nan RansomHub extortion group claimed work for nan onslaught connected June 4th and is threatening to leak nan 5GB of customer information it allegedly stole unless Frontier responds to their demands by June 14th. The group claims nan stolen dataset contains accusation belonging to 2 cardinal Frontier customers, including their afloat name, beingness address, day of birth, societal information number, email address, in installments score, and telephone number.
Frontier says it’s bolstered its web information pursuing nan onslaught and notified some regulatory authorities and rule enforcement. A securities filing reveals that nan institution was forced to unopen down immoderate of its systems to incorporate nan incident.